Curriculum-based Measurement

478 papers
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Curriculum-based Measurement (CBM) is a systematic method for assessing student performance and progress in academic areas by using brief, standardized tests that are directly linked to the curriculum. It is primarily used to inform instructional decisions and monitor student learning over time.
In this article, the authors describe the use of curriculumbased measurement as a research-validated practice for monitoring student academic achievement and ultimately for improving students' educational outcomes. The authors describe... more
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a b s t r a c t Sex differences have been previously found in cognitive and affective predictors of math achievement, including spatial skills and math attitudes. It is important to determine whether there are sex differences not only in... more
Lernfortschritte systematisch zu erfassen ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung für einen am individuellen Förderbedarf orientierten Unterricht. Die bisher überwiegenden Formen der Lernfortschrittsdiagnostik mit Hilfe informeller Beobachtungen... more
Cohesion in writing is achieved through the use of linguistic devices that tie ideas together across a text, and is an important element in the development of coherent writing. Research shows that interand intra-developmental differences... more
This article presents initial findings from a study examining First Sound Fluency (FSF), which is a brief measure of early phonemic awareness (PA) skills. Students in prekindergarten and kindergarten (preK and K) were assessed three times... more
A great deal of research over the past decade has examined the appropriateness of curriculum-based measurement of oral reading (R-CBM) in universal screening. Multiple researchers have meta-analyzed available correlational evidence,... more
The purpose of this study was to develop short-duration assessment measures hypothesized to be valid samples of early mathematical behavior. The Early Numeracy Skill Indicators were designed using a curriculum-based assessment approach.... more
Recent research on curriculum-based measurement of oral reading fluency has revealed important issues in current passage development procedures, highlighting how dissimilar passages are problematic for monitoring student progress. The... more
American Sign Language (ASL) has become the third most widely used language in America preceded only by English and Spanish; however, the methods used to assess ASL performance are problematic, resulting in a system that is... more
Fifty-nine first-graders from an ethnically diverse (70% Native American, 18% Hispanic, and 12% European American) rural elementary school participated in this study. First-grade students' growth in oral reading fluency (ORF) was... more
DOI: 10.1177/0741932507309694 2008; 29; 46 Remedial and Special Education Ben Clarke, Scott Baker, Keith Smolkowski and David J. Chard Student Outcomes ... An Analysis of Early Numeracy Curriculum-Based Measurement: Examining the Role of... more
This study examined patterns of growth across benchmark assessments for curriculum-based measures (CBM) over 2 academic years, with the twofold purpose of replicating earlier findings of growth patterns on R-CBM and conducting a... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the alternate-form reliability, criterion validity, and sensitivity of progress-monitoring measures in reading for secondary-level English Learners (ELs). Twenty-five ELs in an urban high school... more
The purpose of the two studies reported in this article was to examine technical features of curriculum-based measures for beginning writers. In Study 1, 50 first graders responded to word copying, sentence copying, and story prompts. In... more
Curriculum-based measurement encompasses an assessment methodology that can be used to develop goals benchmarks or short-term objectives for individualized educational programs for students with disabilities. Teachers also use... more
Three important features to examine for measures used to systematically monitor progress over time are (a) technical features of static scores, (b) technical features of slope, and (c) instructional utility. The purpose of this study was... more
by Manuel Barrera and 
1 more
The assessment for accurate identification and appropriate instruction of English language learners (ELLs) with learning-related disabilities has remained a chronic source of concern. One source of concern that has gone relatively... more
Curriculum-based measurement encompasses an assessment methodology that can be used to develop goals, benchmarks, or short-term objectives for individualized educational programs for students with disabilities. Teachers also use... more
This study evaluated the effects of a fluency-based reading program with 15 second and third grade students and 15 matched controls. Gains in oral reading fluency on untrained CBM probes were evaluated using a matched-pairs... more
General outcome measures (GOMs) provide educators with a means to evaluate student progress toward curricular objectives. Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is one type of GOM that has a long history in the research literature with strong... more
In this article, the authors review the research on curriculum-based measurement (CBM) in reading published since the time of Marston's 1989 review. They focus on the technical adequacy of CBM related to measures, materials, and... more
The purpose of this extended commentary article is to frame the set of studies in the first of two issues and recommend areas of inquiry for future research. This special series issue features studies examining the technical qualities of... more
by Stan Scarpati and 
1 more
The use of Curriculum-Based Measurement for evaluating treatment efficacy is described and discussed. The basic methods and applications of Curriculum-Based Measurement are described, followed by examples of its application in two... more
This study examined the effects of controlling the level of difficulty on the sensitivity of repeated curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Participants included 99 students in Grades 2 through 5 who were administered CBM reading passage... more
This study examined the type of growth model that best fit within-year growth in oral reading fluency and between-student differences in growth. Participants were 2,465 students in grades 3-5. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analyses... more
In the present chapter we report a United States study that addressed the value of curriculum-based reading assessments in identifying young Second-Language Learners (SLLs) who would benefit from accommodated reading instruction. The... more
Brief experimental analysis (BEA) can be used to specify intervention characteristics that produce positive learning gains for individual students. A key challenge to the use of BEA for intervention planning is the identification of... more
The issue of properly identifying and assessing the instructional needs of new-or second-language learners of English suspected of having a learning disability continues to plague educational practitioners. This article discusses the... more
Individualized service is a cornerstone of early childhood special education. A primary mechanism used to individualize services is the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Unfortunately, many studies report that IEP goals and objectives... more
This study examined the composition of vocabulary and preschoolers' vocabulary learning in an early literacy program. Fifty-six children with typical achievement, with special needs, and at risk for disabilities participated.... more
This article examines the efficacy of current definitional perspectives on learning disabilities (LD) and related assessment models to support appropriate instructional and support services for learners of English with learning-related... more
This study examined the composition of vocabulary and preschoolers' vocabulary learning in an early literacy program. Fifty-six children with typical achievement, special needs, and at risk for disabilities participated. Curriculum-based... more
This study investigated slope bias on student background variables for both Curriculum Based Measurement of Oral Reading (CBM-R) and Curriculum Based Measurement Maze Reading (Maze). Benchmark scores from 1,738 students in Grades 3... more
The purpose of this study was to examine technical and instructional features of a kindergarten curriculum-based measurement (CBM) tool designed to track students' mathematics progress in terms of computational concepts, procedures, and... more
The purpose of this study was to determine if event-related potential (ERP) data collected during three reading-related tasks (Letter Sound Matching, Nonword Rhyming, and Nonword Reading) could be used to predict short-term reading growth... more