The purpose of this study was to investigate evidence of reliability, criterion validity, and grade-level differences of curriculum-based measures of writing (CBM-W) with 612 students in grades 1-3. Four scoring procedures (words written,... more
The focus of this study was to analyze a benchmark formative assessment (4Sight) that pr edicts how students will perform on the annual Pennsylvania, USA exam that is given in grades three through eight inclusive and 11. Correlation... more
1. Reexamined data from JR Bormuth's (1962) classical study of concurrent validity to study the variation in the correlations between cloze scores and reading comprehension test scores. Results suggest that the limited construct... more
Progress monitoring has been adopted as an integral part of multi-tiered support systems. Oral reading fluency (ORF) is the most established assessment for progress-monitoring purposes. To generate valid trend lines or slopes, ORF... more
Recent legislation and initiatives set forth high academic expectations for all high school graduates in the area of reading (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, 2010; Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015). To determine... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai peningkatan keterampilan proses sains dan penguasaan konsepkoloid siswa SMA yang dapat dikembangkan melalui pembelajaran koloid berbasis learning cycle 7E dengan metode... more
The use of data for adaptive, tailor‐made education can be beneficial for students with learning difficulties. While evaluating the effects of a data‐based decision‐making (DBDM) intervention on student outcomes, considerable variation... more
The purpose of this study was to examine technical and instructional features of a kindergarten curriculum-based measurement (CBM) tool designed to track students' mathematics progress in terms of computational concepts, procedures, and... more
Curriculum-based measurement encompasses an assessment methodology that can be used to develop goals, benchmarks, or short-term objectives for individualized educational programs for students with disabilities. Teachers also use... more
This study titled “Exploring Continuous Assessment in Private Schools of Kathmandu Valley: A Teachers’ Perspectives” explores the implementation of continuous assessment systems aiming to shed light on the context, problems, and rationale... more
This study aims to analyze problems in the mathematics textbook of the 2013 curriculum and the independent curriculum in algebra material. This is used to find out what students should do to answer questions on problems in math textbooks.... more
This study analyzed the relationship between benchmark scores from the newly published Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Math (i.e., Acadience™) math probes and student performance on math and reading sections of a... more
This study analyzed the relationship between benchmark scores from two curriculum‐based measurement probes in mathematics (M‐CBM) and student performance on a state‐mandated high‐stakes test. Participants were 298 students enrolled in... more
A randomised-controlled trial was used to evaluate the impact of a frequency-building curriculum to increase the fluency of component mathematics skills in a sample of 28 males aged 9-11 years. Assessments of mathematical ability were... more
Internet technology has offered opportunities to develop ongoing assessment systems for classroom-based evaluation-on a daily basis. In this study, the researcher developed a webbased, curriculum-based measurement system with dynamic... more
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi kvalitet integriranosti deskriptivnokorišteno je anketiranje u ispitivanju stavova nastavnika. Korišten je Upitnik kvaliteta integriranosti predmetnog u integralni školski vjerena je... more
This study extended the work on curriculum-based measurement to examine the criterion-related validity of curriculum-based measures in written expression for middle school students, the differences in validity coefficients for various... more
This study sought to answer how basic level English teachers define ‘curriculum’ and use it to investigate teachers’ perspectives on the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to investigate the beliefs and methods used by basic level... more
Two hundred and two (n = 202) sixth‐grade students in social studies were administered a weekly vocabulary‐matching curriculum‐based measure (CBM) for 35 weeks. Students were also administered the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI), along... more
Studies report that speech-to-text applications (STT) may support students with writing difficulties in text production. However, existing research is sparse, shows mixed results, and lacks information on STT interventions and their... more
Background: Egypt's undergraduate medical students have been following a standard curriculum known as the 6+1 curriculum or the traditional curriculum for many years. However, ve years ago, Egyptian universities adopted a new... more
This technical brief describes the easyCBM® Spanish language Vocabulary assessments added to the easyCBM® system in the fall of 2018 and provides the initial norms for the fall and winter assessments. These norms should be interpreted... more
The term severe disabilities refers to any student who is eligible for special education services in the United States under the category of moderate to severe cognitive impairment. The term takes into consideration a combination of... more
The term severe disabilities refers to any student who is eligible for special education services in the United States under the category of moderate to severe cognitive impairment. The term takes into consideration a combination of... more
Curriculum 2013 was the developing of the previous curriculum however it was emphasized to the enhancement and balance between soft skill and hard skill involving the aspects of attitude competence, skill, and knowledge. The... more
Special education classrooms often become convenient places for teachers to send struggling students they don't want in their classrooms.-US News and World Report, quoted from Shapiro, Loeb, & Bowermaster, 1992, p. 49 John Ogbu, noted... more
Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) is a system for monitoring the progress of and evaluating instructional program effectiveness for students with learning difficulties. Although a large amount of research has been conducted on CBM,... more
Results are presented from a pilot study and a larger scale study aligning a curriculum-based passage reading test, the Wheldall Assessment of Reading Passages (WARP), with the literacy components of the New South Wales Basic Skills Test... more
This study investigates the effectiveness of linear equating and equi-percentile Classical Test Theory (CTT) equating methods in maintaining fairness and comparability across different test forms of the WAEC Mathematics examinations... more
His critical analysis and suggestions ensured that each idea was carefully evaluated and focused. I would like to thank Dr. Sherry Bell. Her extensive knowledge of education and psychology helped me bridge ideas across disciplines. I... more
This article describes the development of the Early Elementary Writing Rubric (EEWR), an analytic assessment designed to measure kindergarten and first-grade writing and inform educators’ instruction. Crocker and Algina’s (1986) approach... more
The aim of this study is to evaluate Primary Institutions Science Curriculum implemented in 2004-2005 and revised in 2013 education year. The dimensions of the curriculum, which are needs assessment, aim, content, learningteaching process... more
Alternate assessments have been used for the last 10 years to evaluate schools' efforts to teach children with significant cognitive disabilities. However, few studies have examined the reading skills of children who participate in... more
This study examined the diagnostic accuracy associated with decision making as is typically conducted with curriculum-based measurement (CBM) approaches to progress monitoring. Using previously published estimates of the standard errors... more
The present research expanded validity findings for a structured formative assessment measure of content learning that was administered online and known as critical content monitoring. The study also evaluated the potential for additional... more
© Ali son M adela in e a n d K ev in Wh el dall , 2 0 05 MUS EC Br ie fin gs ar e o ffer e d in goo d fa ith as a s er vi ce to t he c ommu nit y by Mac qu ari e Un i vers ity S pe ci al E duc atio n Ce ntre This MUSEC Briefing may be... more
Results are presented from a pilot study and a larger scale study aligning a curriculum-based passage reading test, the Wheldall Assessment of Reading Passages (WARP), with the literacy components of the New South Wales Basic Skills Test... more
With continuing advances in the digital world, a variety of technologies are becoming easily accessible in the classroom. Although teachers may be using some of these technologies in their daily lives, they may not know how to incorporate... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether technically adequate curriculum-based measures of writing could be identified for use with high school students. The participants included 10th-grade general and special education... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether technically adequate curriculum-based measures of writing could be identified for use with high school students. The participants included 10th-grade general and special education... more
Data from 403 third graders were analyzed to determine relative and combined efficacy of group-administered Curriculum-Based Measures (CBMs) and Teacher Rankings of student reading and math performance taken early in the school year to... more
Fluency Assessment for Benchmarking in Literacy education (FABLe) is the first curriculum-based measurement (CBM) application being developed for the Indian context. It is designed for use in elementary grades, but has presently been... more
The present study examined the utility of two progress monitoring assessment schedules (bimonthly and monthly) as alternatives to monitoring once weekly with curriculum-based measurement in reading (CBM-R). General education students (N =... more
ABSTRACTThis study examines the stability of the SAT® scale from 1994 to 2001. A 1994 form and a 2001 form were readministered in a 2005 SAT administration, and the 1994 form was equated to the 2001 form. The new conversion was compared... more
La mejora del sentido de número en niños de preescolar con bajo rendimiento en matemáticas. Resumen: El presente estudio evaluó la eficacia del programa de intervención educativa denominado Jugando con los números-2 en el aprendizaje... more
Achievement growth in math is often framed in the context of monitoring student progress within a Response to Intervention (RTI) approach to teaching and learning. In this research brief we report on a study that examined initial status... more