Curatorial Studies
Recent papers in Curatorial Studies
Walter Hopps entered the art world during one of the most historic sociopolitical periods in America: President Truman, without the approval of Congress, committed American troops to battle; the Vietnam War was prolonged; Senator Joseph... more
Dalla fine del XX secolo, i tentativi di rileggere le collezioni museali sono stati declinati in alcuni casi attraverso narrazioni non lineari che non rispettano le tradizionali categorie della storia dell'arte. L'articolo intende... more
A barrage of criticism has been levelled against the Venice Biennale’s national pavilion structure in recent decades, chiefly accusing it of anachronism on account of its western biases. Yet the tide has begun to turn, making much of this... more
Un espacio no puede borrar a otro, pero puede arrinconarlo. También los espacios ocupan un lugar, En otra dimensión que es más que espacio. Hay espacios con una sola voz, Espacios con muchas voces Y hasta espacios sin ninguna, Pero todo... more
Two exhibitions concurrently held at Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA), Quilty and Margaret Olley: A Generous Life, encouraged a dialogue, highlighting the mythologised lineage connecting the two artists. Though the intuitive... more
A resenha percorre os argumentos centrais de Histórias das exposições. Casos exemplares, livro organizado por Fabio Cypriano e Mirtes Marins de Oliveira e aponta algumas articulações entre o emergente campo de estudos da História das... more
Installed as an artist’s project for Melbourne Now (National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 23 October 2013 – 23 March 2014), The gallery of air was a room filled with hundreds of things, each of which variously held an idea of air: from... more
Концепция выставки «Застёжка на века: Шнуровка» является результатом коллективной работы студентов в рамках курса "Кураторское дело в области моды". Представленный кейс описывает третий раздел выставки , который призван познакомить... more
This study takes as its object the reception of Robert Mapplethorpe’s work. By examining exhibitions and publications, it retraces the evolution of the critical discourse. The latter is considered for its deficiencies with regards to the... more
„Notes From the Future of Art. Selected Writings of Jerzy Ludwiński“ will be of interest to curators, art students and general readers interested in the development of art since 1960s and the crucial contribution of artists and thinkers... more
Alice Sarmiento asks whether exhibitions and artist-led initiatives can change how we connect space, citizenship, and acts of caregiving
catalogue essay for Off Site, Out of Sight project at the Bakawan Festival, University of the Philippines 2015
"Inquiry into reality – visual worlds today" opened in Kassel in 1972, as the main headline of documenta’s fifth installment (d5). The exhibition proposed a revolutionary change for documenta and in exhibition making as a whole: d5 would... more
Every curator is a storyteller. He or she tells big stories-metanarratives-and small stories-micronarratives. Curating is a metanarrative as it embodies a narrative about narrative dealing with the nature, structure and signification of... more
Flash Art no. 342, Dicembre 2018 – Febbraio 2019
Introduction to the book When Attitudes Become the Norm The Contemporary Curator and Institutional Art Some sentences from the cover by Mary Anne Staniszewski: "Beti Žerovc has not only written an insightful and provocative book, but an... more
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Inchiesta about the exhibition “Street Art – Banksy & Co. L’arte allo stato urbano” in Bologna and the resultant removal by the Italian artist Blu of all his remaining... more
Defining postinternet art and aesthetics.
This paper discusses the processual ontological transitions of the curatorial after Paul O’Neill’s “curatorial turn”. Studying the curatorial from its discursive conception to a new materialist approach, it explores what can change when... more
This paper considers Beneath the Surface: The Archives of Arthur Nestor, a parafictional exhibition that I curated in 2014 with 16 undergraduate students at Western University, Canada. The exhibition depicted the life of Dr. Arthur... more
呂佩怡,計劃主持與主編,《台灣當代藝術策展二十年 Contemporary Art Curating in Taiwan 1992-2012》,台北:典藏,2015. 書評: 二十年終得一磚,《台灣當代藝術策展二十年》──專訪策展人呂佩怡 黃郁捷,評[呂佩怡主編]《臺灣當代藝術策展二十年》,《博物館與文化》 Issue 9(2015.06),頁93-101... more
Obschon "Homosexualität_en" prima facie keine Kunstausstellung im klassischen Sinn war, ist es vor allem der kuratorische Einsatz von Kunstwerken als Störungen, der zu näherer Untersuchung einlädt.
An essay on artist Goshka Macuga's 'Picture Room' at Gasworks in London in 2003, an exhibition of contemporary art that rethought the display space and strategies designed by John Soane for his home-museum in 1824. A contribution to the... more
American Anthropologist (Visual Anthropology section), Vol. 117, No. 3, September 2015.
The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
This paper proposes a reflection about the Artist's Book as a space for curatorial experiments, resulting on an innovative authorial practice. For such, it is intended to raise questions about the Digital Art and the Artist's book... more
Published in the book 'Ebrahim Alkazi: Directing Art | The Making of a Modern Indian Art World' (2016), this essay is part of my ongoing research on exhibition histories of South Asia 'Around Exhibitions: Circles of Engagement'. The... more
A brief excerpt from the recently published book, Heritage and Debt: Art in Globalization
This article focus on the curatorial work involved in the construction of places of memory like a photobiography or an artistic foundation. Despite being iniciatives of different nature and scope, both examples aim to keep alive the... more
Since 2011, the Museum of Everyday Life in Glover, Vermont, has existed as a 'utopian homemade museum' housed in a century-old barn. Guided by its curator, the museum draws from collectors, artists and friends to present exhibitions... more
A brief exploration of Kentucky rifle patch boxes, their development, forms, and styles, and their position as a unique art form in the late Colonial era and the early years of the American Republic.
Most curatorial examinations of weapons are dry and give little detail as to their origins or development. What follows examines the origins and development of the broadsword along with some of the issues which have accompanied this... more
This chapter looks at curating web-based exhibitions on and examine them in the context of translating between online and offline sites of display and distribution. For the whole thesis, please email me. This dissertation... more
¿Es posible saber lo que es arte y lo que no lo es? ¿Si no hay curadores, quién convoca a quién y por qué? ¿Por qué desobedecer las reglas del arte actual?
On contemporary art, curating and exhibition histories
文件大展成立於戰後的1955年,每五年於德國卡塞爾舉辦,是當代國際藝壇極具分量的大型展覽。第七屆文件大展(1982)是台灣第一次有系統性的報導介紹,此後每屆文件大展皆在台灣藝術圈掀起熱潮,藝術媒體多以「藝術界的奧林匹亞」、「當代藝術朝聖地」,或「視覺藝術界的奧斯卡」等形容文件大展。透過專門藝術雜誌之報導,文件大展地位在台灣當代藝術圈屹立不搖。此現象成為本研究的問題意識:專業藝術雜誌呈現甚麼樣貌的文件大展?這些持續被再現的文件大展意味著什麼?對台灣當代策展產生什麼樣可能的影響?... more