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Japanese culture is an influential power among many rising global cultural flows. Japanese animation (anime) is a representative of Japanese popular cultural products which are spread over the world. The fictional reality created by anime... more
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      Japanese AnimeEscapismCultural perception
The term community has long been defined by various scholars in their respective works. The aim of the paper is to highlight the indigenous view of native Punjabis on the term community which brings forth the reality that the social setup... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyCommunity PsychologyDevelopment Economics
Product design may be used by companies as a central manifestation of their brand identity (Karjalainen, 2003). Components from the identity domain (culture, heritage, reputation) and the strategic identity (intentional associations) are... more
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      Cultural StudiesJapanese StudiesEast Asian StudiesJapanese Culture
This article explores how Anthony Munday’s Palmerin d’Oliva (1588), Part II, portrays the threat of Muslims in the Near East. Munday’s source is the French L’Histoire de Palmerin d’Olive (1546), which Jean Maugin had translated from the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionNear Eastern StudiesEarly Modern EnglandTranslation History
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGeographyHuman Geography
The communication analysis presented in the article compares the semiotic coding of visual perception in cultural theory and practice. The USA is used as an example of Western Culturology (egocentric, isometric) compared to the PRC as an... more
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      SemioticsIntercultural CommunicationSoutheast Asian StudiesArt Theory
In recent years, bullying problems in public security or defense institutions have been studied. Such problems are associated with high stress situations, a large workload and pressure in hierarchical organisms that base their success on... more
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      DiscriminationBullyingMexico CityCultural perception
Abstract: In recent years, bullying problems in public security or defense institutions have been studied. Such problems are associated with high stress situations, a large workload and pressure in hierarchical organisms that base their... more
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      DiscriminationBullyingMexico CityCultural perception
Abstract: In recent years, bullying problems in public security or defense institutions have been studied. Such problems are associated with high stress situations, a large workload and pressure in hierarchical organisms that base their... more
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      DiscriminationBullyingMexico CityCultural perception
Niemcy-wrogowie czy partnerzy? Przegląd opinii średniowiecznych polskich autorów ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die Meinungen polnischer mittelalterlicher Autoren historiographischer Texte über die Deutschen und ihre Staaten... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistoriographyStereotypesMedieval Germany
Product design may be used by companies as a central manifestation of their brand identity (Karjalainen, 2003). Components from the identity domain (culture, heritage, reputation) and the strategic identity (intentional associations) are... more
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      Cultural StudiesEast Asian StudiesJapanese CultureThai Culture