Cultural consumption
Most downloaded papers in Cultural consumption
Peters, Tomás (2018) “Capital cultural y participación cultural en Chile: apuntes históricos, propuestas emergentes.” En Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio. IV Encuesta Nacional de Participación Cultural. Santiago,... more
In sociological debates about cultural stratification, a matter of dispute is whether Bourdieu’s model of class-structured lifestyle differences has relevance for understanding contemporary social inequalities. According to Bourdieu’s... more
This article explores a concrete development in the detente in the provincial society of Soviet Ukraine, trying to avoid Moscow/Leningrad "conformist" emphasis of the recent research
En este estudio es producto de una investigación realizada entre 2010-2012 en el que se analiza el consumo cultural de la trova yucateca en Mérida, a partir de ver los procesos de recepción en tres generaciones de oyentes en las familias... more
Este artículo ofrece algunas reflexiones en torno a los vínculos entre consumo cultural y ciudad, a partir de los hallazgos preliminares de un estudio que indaga en las experiencias de los públicos de ferias y festivales culturales que... more
Female immigrant entrepreneurship: Exploring international entrepreneurship through the status of Indian women entrepreneurs in Japan Soniya Billore Article information:
Cultural policies are a turning point in a broader frame of the social circulation of symbols and in the exercise of power. Th erefore, instead of being a specific or delimitated space to support the supply and demand of the ‘culture... more
Se trata de una investigación empírica sobre el consumo de cine en la Argentina. El núcleo de la misma está constituido por el análisis de dos encuestas en donde se entrecruzan variables e información contextual a fin de comprender cuáles... more
Elective Affinity between Cultural Consumption and Socio-Cultural Perception: The Case in Chile This article demonstrates the elective affinity between cultural consumption and socio-cultural perception. Based on the data gathered by the... more
The paper examines social features and cultural profile of the audience of Manifesta 10, first global scaled art-event ever hold in St. Petersburg and Russia as well. Based on the empirical study of 400 formalized interviews with biennale... more
This chapter presents the analysis of the cultural literacy and cultural participation of the adult Latvian population, drawing predominantly from the survey of the study. The goal was to find out: • how people evaluate their cultural... more
Resumen Analizamos el estado del arte de los estudios de recepción, audiencias y consumo cultural en Venezuela durante el período 2000-2011. Examinamos enfoques teóricos sobre el campo de la recepción mediática y cultural, desde las... more
Huber Ludwig 2002 Consumo, cultura e identidad en el mundo globalizado. Estudios de caso en los Andes. Lima IEP: Colección Mínima. Smith Stephen y Carolina Trivelli 2001 El consumo urbano de los alimentos andinos tradicionales. Lima IEP,... more
Esta pesquisa analisa, do ponto de vista etnográfico, os visitantes da Pinacoteca do Estado, em São Paulo. Embora seja o museu de arte mais antigo da cidade, a Pinacoteca se encontra, junto a outras instituições culturais da região da... more
This article explores the different ways in which new houses built by migrants from the Mandara Mountains to bigger cities in Cameroon function as an important site for studying their relations within the cities and within their... more
В статье анализируется база данных, покрывающая всех читателей, пользовавшихся абонементом санкт-петербургской городской сети биб-лиотек в 2014 г. База позволяет соотнести параметры читателей (пол, возраст, образование, тип занятости) с... more
The Understanding Everyday Participation – Articulating Cultural Values (UEP) project is grounded in the belief that the current system for the support of culture promotes and privileges certain practices and activities, tastes,... more
How do young people try and how do they appropriate cultural goods? I debate this issue from the meaning given to the youth category, outlined in the survey Youth, Cultural Consumption and Public Policies, directed by the Joaquim Nabuco... more
Tercer informe nacional de Imaginarios y Consumo Cultural de los Uruguayos 2014
Dominzain, S Radakovich, R, Duarte, D, Castelli, L.
Informe realizado en 2002 - 2009 -2014
Dominzain, S Radakovich, R, Duarte, D, Castelli, L.
Informe realizado en 2002 - 2009 -2014
Resumen: El presente trabajo propone (re) pensar las prácticas sociales en el consumo de contenidos, a partir de la irrupción de nuevos dispositivos tecnológicos. Así, los cambios en los patrones de uso cotidiano, la transformación en... more
Что происходит с потреблением высокой культуры во времена, когда система экономического неравенства быстро и драматически меняется, как это произошло в России после 1991 года? Участие в культурной жизни понимается в социологии как элемент... more
This article shows the heuristic value of a film consumption study that combines oral archives and fieldwork with written sources. Oral archives on film consumption provided by a local film market of Longwy, an industrial town of... more
Il default argentino del 2001 e la crisi di quegli anni furono la diretta conseguenza di una cattiva amministrazione delle risorse di un paese altrimenti ricco protrattasi dal secondo dopoguerra fino al default stesso. La recessione... more
This paper sets to explore the symbolic value construction within uruguayan film industry in the two thousands’ (2000-2010), taking the presence of national films in festivals and their international achievement in terms of awards as a... more
Somos rehenes de los modelos arquetípicos de la narratividad. El pensamiento es secuencial. No podemos escapar de ese corset mental." Román Gubern
Key debates of contemporary cultural sociology-the rise of the 'cultural omni-vore', the fate of classical 'highbrow' culture, the popularization, commercializa-tion and globalization of culture-deal with temporal changes. Yet, systematic... more
This article presents a discussion of the exploratory empirical data used to discuss the hybrid cultural consumption, focused on digital media, articulated to contexts of cosmopolitanism. This discussion is part of the research project... more
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
This article adds to the literature on the consequences of cultural capital at the age of cultural globalization by analyzing the ways youth engage in globalized cultural consumption in three cities – Paris, São Paulo, and Seoul. Drawing... more
This chapter is a qualitative exploration of consumer experiences into rural tourism initiatives in Japan. Rural tourism initiatives have been on the rise in Japan in recent times due to the need to rejuvenate the local economies, arts... more
This chapter is a case study that traces the life of a young artist farmer who developed a community-based educational farm. The case study illuminates networked connections between small-scale farming, a revitalized interest in handmade... more
ENG: Since its first publication in 1979, Bourdieu’s prominent work called Distinction has been admired, imitated and discussed. By tracing the original study conducted by Bourdieu to measure the tastes and sticking to the later study in... more
El ensayo describe las cambios que las industrias culturales imponen al ejercicio del juicio crítico, el que se ve conminado a realizar nuevas funciones sociales como orientador de las prácticas de consumo cultural.