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In sociological debates about cultural stratification, a matter of dispute is whether Bourdieu’s model of class-structured lifestyle differences has relevance for understanding contemporary social inequalities. According to Bourdieu’s... more
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      ClassCultural CapitalStatusLifestyle
Veszprém és a Balaton régió 2018 decemberében nyerte el az Európa Kulturális Fővárosa 2023 (EKF) címet, amely nemcsak kulturális és gazdasági, de társadalmi katalizátorként is hat a térségre. A Pannon Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karán... more
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      Emotional intelligenceCultural IntelligenceKultúraCultural consumption
This article studies the socioeconomics of government public expenditure for the arts and the normative foundations of state intervention in the arts. I pose two interrelated research questions: (a) what is the relationship between the... more
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      Cultural PolicyArts PolicyArts Policy & AdministrationArt Consumption
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
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      Cultural Studies of ConsumptionSocial InequalitiesCultural consumptionSports Participation
This research offers a unique opportunity to revisit the omnivore hypothesis under a unified method of cross-national analysis. To accomplish this, we interpret omnivourism as a special case of cultural eclecticism (Ollivier, 2008;... more
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      MusicCultural SociologyPopular MusicPopular Culture
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBuilt Heritage (Heritage Studies)Indore IndiaConsumer Engagement
This article explores the different ways in which new houses built by migrants from the Mandara Mountains to bigger cities in Cameroon function as an important site for studying their relations within the cities and within their... more
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      Rural-to-urban MigrationMaterial Culture StudiesIdentity (Culture)Rural Development
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      National IdentityModernityChinaYunnan
From its foundation in 1918 by the Uruguayan writer Constancio C. Vigil, Atla´ntida magazine kept a well-defined interest in images. The covers, a clear example in that sense, displayed colourful works on full pages while the content... more
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      HumorFine ArtsCultural consumptionArgentinian Art
Key debates of contemporary cultural sociology-the rise of the 'cultural omni-vore', the fate of classical 'highbrow' culture, the popularization, commercializa-tion and globalization of culture-deal with temporal changes. Yet, systematic... more
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    • Cultural consumption
La terciarización, o transición hacia economías de servicios con un creciente protagonismo de las ocupaciones no manuales, ha sido destacada como un fenómeno central de las sociedades contemporáneas. En este trabajo se reconstruye... more
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      Cultural CapitalSociology of the Middle ClassesCultural consumption
Aunque las categorías “industrias culturales” y “consumo cultural” resultan útiles en valiosas publicaciones, no están exentas de problemas. Este texto muestra cómo su uso obstruye algunas posibilidades de investigación y cómo dejar de... more
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      Critical TheoryCritiqueTeoría CríticaCultural Industry
Elective Affinity between Cultural Consumption and Socio-Cultural Perception: The Case in Chile This article demonstrates the elective affinity between cultural consumption and socio-cultural perception. Based on the data gathered by the... more
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    • Cultural consumption
This chapter is a qualitative exploration of consumer experiences into rural tourism initiatives in Japan. Rural tourism initiatives have been on the rise in Japan in recent times due to the need to rejuvenate the local economies, arts... more
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      Cultural experiences and tourismCultural consumption
Cilj ovog članka jest ustanoviti postoji li povezanost između kulturne potrošnje, društvene nejednakosti i regionalnih razlika u Hrvatskoj na osnovi podataka prikuplje-nih istraživanjem Eurobarometra iz 2013. godine. U uvodnom dijelu rada... more
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      Social InequalitiesRegional differencesCultural consumption
Cet article interroge la passion des jeunes Français pour la Hallyu, en s’inscrivant dans une analyse de la contribution de la “consommation de la différence” (Schroeder 2015) –c’est-à-dire la consommation de produits des industries... more
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      Cultural StudiesYouth StudiesCultural GlobalizationKorean Wave
Based on qualitative research in Shanghai in summer 2009, this work focuses on governmentality used to produce a new and distinct identity in urban China after three decades of reform towards a socialist market economy. In a society that... more
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      China studiesSociology of consumptionsociology of consumption, consumer culture, social tranformation of ChinaCultural consumption
Este artículo ofrece algunas reflexiones en torno a los vínculos entre consumo cultural y ciudad, a partir de los hallazgos preliminares de un estudio que indaga en las experiencias de los públicos de ferias y festivales culturales que... more
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      Public SpaceFestivalesEspacio PublicoConsumo Cultural
L e riflessioni che sono al centro di questo volume ruotano attorno a due poli principali: il radicamento dei media nella quotidianità odierna e il protagonismo delle giovani generazioni, poste al centro di quel mutamento, simbolico e... more
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      MusicMedia StudiesNew MediaYouth Studies
The Cultural Consumption Barometer is one of the most important studies carried out by the research team of the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training, starting with 2005. The Cultural Consumption Barometer is a... more
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      CommunicationSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCultural Studies of ConsumptionCultural consumption and identity
Cultural policies are a turning point in a broader frame of the social circulation of symbols and in the exercise of power. Th erefore, instead of being a specific or delimitated space to support the supply and demand of the ‘culture... more
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    • Cultural consumption
U radu se analiziraju i interpretiraju rezultati istraživanja kulturne potrošnje mla-dih u Zadru. U prvome dijelu rada izlažu se najvažniji teorijski pristupi kulturnoj potrošnji te se iznosi pregled prethodnih istraživanja kulturne... more
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      Sociology of CultureCultural consumption
Resumen Analizamos el estado del arte de los estudios de recepción, audiencias y consumo cultural en Venezuela durante el período 2000-2011. Examinamos enfoques teóricos sobre el campo de la recepción mediática y cultural, desde las... more
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Dopo la pandemia Covid-19: ricerca e pratiche per apprendere percorsi di ripresa economica e sociale sana e sostenibile.
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      EducationJusticeWorkplaceCultural consumption
(CAT) En el context canviant dels consensos bàsics que constitueixen la cultura legítima i les definicions de creativitat, la sociologia de la cultura hi juga un paper important. Nombrosos estudis en ciències socials i cognitives ho... more
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      PragmaticsEthnomethodologyPierre BourdieuSociology of Literature
In this study, we address the impact of COVID-19 on classical music concerts. New forms of cultural consumption and their convenience have raised the question as to whether concert halls will still be needed in the future, and whether the... more
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      MusicListening (Music)Concert hallsCultural consumption
El último tercio del siglo xx supuso el inicio de un proceso de convergencia en la formulación y en la implementación de las políticas culturales de los países del sur de Europa con respecto al norte. Sin embargo, la crisis global ha... more
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      European StudiesCultural PolicyCultural consumptionArtistic education
This article discusses the authors’ use of a specially designed card game as part of the survey ‘Youth Cosmopolitanisms in Brazil’, a constituent part of the international project ‘Cultures Juveniles à l’ère de la globalisation’,... more
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      Game studiesCultural consumption
This paper investigates the impact of Facebook on cultural audiences, putting the accent on the transmission of cultural capital in elitist circles. Our purpose is to provide new evidences concerning the digital opportunities and... more
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      Social NetworksConsumer BehaviorFacebookCultural consumption
This article shows the heuristic value of a film consumption study that combines oral archives and fieldwork with written sources. Oral archives on film consumption provided by a local film market of Longwy, an industrial town of... more
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      Cinema StudiesCinema and HistoryCultural consumption
This article discusses how much is known about the appreciation of employees for the art collection of their employer (both profit and non-profit) - and how that can be related to issues of cultural consumption and cultural participation.... more
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      Corporate Art CollectionsCultural consumptionCultural Participation
Muitas análises entendem os museus como par-te de uma cultura de consumo e veem seus frequentadores apenas como consumidores. O presente artigo busca um afastamento de tais estudos ao tentar compreender o comportamento dos visitantes da... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesUrban Anthropology
Este trabalho objetiva discutir de que modo o projeto de extensão " Produção de Eventos Artísticos " se engaja dialogicamente com a sociedade em suas ações partindo das normativas nacionais e institucionais onde o projeto acontece. A... more
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      SociologyMusicPrincipal Component AnalysisSociology of Arts
Nosso objetivo é discutir a constituição do gosto e a apropriação dos bens culturais por jovens entre 15 e 29 anos, a partir da pesquisa: Juventudes, consumo cultural e políticas públicas, desenvolvida entre 2010 e 2013, em Pernambuco... more
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      YouthTasteCultural consumption
Sažetak Cilj ovog rada je na primjeru srednjoškolaca završnih godina u Zadru i Zadarskoj županiji utvrditi povezanost sociokulturnih, socioekonomskih i demografskih odrednica i slušanja turbofolk glazbe. U radu se prikazuju i... more
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      Sociology of CultureCultural consumption
Somos rehenes de los modelos arquetípicos de la narratividad. El pensamiento es secuencial. No podemos escapar de ese corset mental." Román Gubern
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCultural consumptionFilm and Television Reception
This article explores a concrete development in the detente in the provincial society of Soviet Ukraine, trying to avoid Moscow/Leningrad "conformist" emphasis of the recent research
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      Popular CultureIdentity (Culture)Youth CultureSoviet Union (History)
The paper examines social features and cultural profile of the audience of Manifesta 10, first global scaled art-event ever hold in St. Petersburg and Russia as well. Based on the empirical study of 400 formalized interviews with biennale... more
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      Russian StudiesMuseum StudiesContemporary ArtBiennales
Esta pesquisa analisa, do ponto de vista etnográfico, os visitantes da Pinacoteca do Estado, em São Paulo. Embora seja o museu de arte mais antigo da cidade, a Pinacoteca se encontra, junto a outras instituições culturais da região da... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesUrban Anthropology
Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um menningarneyslu og söludreifingu á tónlist og á hvaða hátt söludreifing í netverslunum er frábrugðin því sem gengur og gerist í hefðbundnum verslunum. Skoðaðar eru hefðbundnar kenningar um neyslu, menningu... more
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      Long TailCultural consumption
The manner in which contemporary societies are symbolically stratified through cultural consumption has been intensely investigated and has emerged from different traditions, arguing a clear association between lifestyles and personal,... more
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      SociologyMusicSocial SciencesMultivariate Statistics