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En este estudio es producto de una investigación realizada entre 2010-2012 en el que se analiza el consumo cultural de la trova yucateca en Mérida, a partir de ver los procesos de recepción en tres generaciones de oyentes en las familias... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicCommunicationPopular Music
Publicația conține pe de o parte un studiu de consum cultural în județul Gorj și o analiză de tip focus-grup realizate de INCFC în anul 2017 la solicitarea Școlii Populare de Artă din Târgu Jiu. Studiul a avut la bază un sondaj de opinie... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageCultural Studies of ConsumptionEducation and Cultural Heritage
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      Sociology of CultureCultural SociologyTrustFamily
In 2020 it was impossible to carry out the Cultural Consumption Barometer because the COVID-19-generated social and economic effects. This is why we replaced this very important study for the analysis of the cultural life in Romania with... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageCultural Studies of ConsumptionCultural consumption
Dopo la pandemia Covid-19: ricerca e pratiche per apprendere percorsi di ripresa economica e sociale sana e sostenibile.
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      EducationJusticeWorkplaceCultural consumption
This article discusses how much is known about the appreciation of employees for the art collection of their employer (both profit and non-profit) - and how that can be related to issues of cultural consumption and cultural participation.... more
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      Corporate Art CollectionsCultural consumptionCultural Participation
Huber Ludwig 2002 Consumo, cultura e identidad en el mundo globalizado. Estudios de caso en los Andes. Lima IEP: Colección Mínima. Smith Stephen y Carolina Trivelli 2001 El consumo urbano de los alimentos andinos tradicionales. Lima IEP,... more
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      Cultural StudiesSustainable Production and ConsumptionLatin AmericaCultural consumption
This chapter is a qualitative exploration of consumer experiences into rural tourism initiatives in Japan. Rural tourism initiatives have been on the rise in Japan in recent times due to the need to rejuvenate the local economies, arts... more
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      Cultural experiences and tourismCultural consumption
Female immigrant entrepreneurship: Exploring international entrepreneurship through the status of Indian women entrepreneurs in Japan Soniya Billore Article information:
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      Consumer BehaviorInternational MarketingInnovation and Creativity (Business)Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
Ediția a doua a Studiului Tendințe ale consumului cultural în perioada pandemiei prezintă nivelul consumului cultural în perioada iunie-septembrie 2020 și intenția respondenților de petrecere a timpului liber în spațiul public în perioada... more
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      CultureCultural Studies of ConsumptionCultural consumption
L e riflessioni che sono al centro di questo volume ruotano attorno a due poli principali: il radicamento dei media nella quotidianità odierna e il protagonismo delle giovani generazioni, poste al centro di quel mutamento, simbolico e... more
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      MusicMedia StudiesNew MediaYouth Studies
Cet article interroge la passion des jeunes Français pour la Hallyu, en s’inscrivant dans une analyse de la contribution de la “consommation de la différence” (Schroeder 2015) –c’est-à-dire la consommation de produits des industries... more
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      Cultural StudiesYouth StudiesCultural GlobalizationKorean Wave
În ediţia din anul 2016, la fel ca în ediţiile anterioare ale Barometrului de Consum Cultural, am analizat atât practicile publice (de participare culturală), cât şi cele non-publice, realizate preponderent în spaţiul domestic. În modulul... more
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      Cultural CapitalCultural Studies of ConsumptionSocial and Cultural CapitalCultural Practice
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
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      Cultural Studies of ConsumptionSocial InequalitiesCultural consumptionSports Participation
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyCultural CapitalCultural Globalization
"The Festivalisation of Culture explores the links between various local and global cultures, communities, identities and lifestyle narratives as they are both constructed and experienced in the festival context. Drawing on a wide range... more
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      SociologyMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyFestivals and music
In sociological debates about cultural stratification, a matter of dispute is whether Bourdieu’s model of class-structured lifestyle differences has relevance for understanding contemporary social inequalities. According to Bourdieu’s... more
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      ClassCultural CapitalStatusLifestyle
Purpose – This paper explains how K-pop was consumed locally (in Korea) and in Mexico in 2013 and 2014, what are the convergences and divergences of this cultural consumption by youngsters in both societies. Design/methodology/approach –... more
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      Korean StudiesMexicoMéxicoKorean popular culture
На примере анализа содержания фильмов-лидеров кассовых сборов кинопроката раскрывается ценностная динамика символов успеха как объективно проистекающий в кинокоммуникации социокультурный процесс. Культурное производство и потребление... more
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      Cultural StudiesValuesFilm DistributionCultural Studies of Consumption
This international conference aims to shed light on the phenomenon of the diffusion of Asian culture in the European context, in particular on four axes of interrogation: the production of cultural goods; the political competition in the... more
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      Asian StudiesMedia StudiesIntercultural CommunicationReception Studies
Peters, Tomás (2018) “Capital cultural y participación cultural en Chile: apuntes históricos, propuestas emergentes.” En Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio. IV Encuesta Nacional de Participación Cultural. Santiago,... more
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      Consumo CulturalCultural consumption
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      Film Festival StudiesCinema StudiesFilm FestivalsConsumos culturales
This article adds to the literature on the consequences of cultural capital at the age of cultural globalization by analyzing the ways youth engage in globalized cultural consumption in three cities – Paris, São Paulo, and Seoul. Drawing... more
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      Youth StudiesCosmopolitanismCross-Cultural StudiesConsumer Culture
This chapter presents the analysis of the cultural literacy and cultural participation of the adult Latvian population, drawing predominantly from the survey of the study. The goal was to find out: • how people evaluate their cultural... more
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      Cultural SociologyHuman DevelopmentCultural LiteracyLatvia
The thesis researches a nature of cultural consumption and how economic, social and cultural factors are related to its patterns. A case study of Lithuanian visual arts market shows that existence of the essential economic environment... more
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      Social CapitalSocial StratificationCultural EconomicsCultural Capital
CAM524 Globalization and Culture, Istanbul Bilgi University, Master of Arts, Cultural Management Midterm Paper on The Effects of Digitisation on Cultural Production and Cultural Consumption
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesGlobalizationCultural management
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBuilt Heritage (Heritage Studies)Indore IndiaConsumer Engagement
Este artículo ofrece algunas reflexiones en torno a los vínculos entre consumo cultural y ciudad, a partir de los hallazgos preliminares de un estudio que indaga en las experiencias de los públicos de ferias y festivales culturales que... more
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      Public SpaceFestivalesEspacio PublicoConsumo Cultural
В статье анализируется база данных, покрывающая всех читателей, пользовавшихся абонементом санкт-петербургской городской сети биб-лиотек в 2014 г. База позволяет соотнести параметры читателей (пол, возраст, образование, тип занятости) с... more
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      Russian LiteratureCultural CapitalCultural consumption
Esta pesquisa analisa, do ponto de vista etnográfico, os visitantes da Pinacoteca do Estado, em São Paulo. Embora seja o museu de arte mais antigo da cidade, a Pinacoteca se encontra, junto a outras instituições culturais da região da... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesUrban Anthropology
Что происходит с потреблением высокой культуры во времена, когда система экономического неравенства быстро и драматически меняется, как это произошло в России после 1991 года? Участие в культурной жизни понимается в социологии как элемент... more
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      Russian StudiesArts ParticipationCultural CapitalRussian culture
U radu se analiziraju i interpretiraju rezultati istraživanja kulturne potrošnje mla-dih u Zadru. U prvome dijelu rada izlažu se najvažniji teorijski pristupi kulturnoj potrošnji te se iznosi pregled prethodnih istraživanja kulturne... more
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      Sociology of CultureCultural consumption
Se trata de una investigación empírica sobre el consumo de cine en la Argentina. El núcleo de la misma está constituido por el análisis de dos encuestas en donde se entrecruzan variables e información contextual a fin de comprender cuáles... more
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      Cultural IndustriesCultural Studies of ConsumptionConsumos culturalesIndustrias Culturales
Physical environments are designed to provide experiences. There is an attempt to boost cities and regions in development strategies’ investment in cultural events and institutions while multinational firms construct dazzling brandscapes... more
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      ArchitectureEthnographySpace and PlaceExperience Design
This chapter is a case study that traces the life of a young artist farmer who developed a community-based educational farm. The case study illuminates networked connections between small-scale farming, a revitalized interest in handmade... more
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      Participatory CultureCivic EngagementArt and ActivismCraftivism
How do young people try and how do they appropriate cultural goods? I debate this issue from the meaning given to the youth category, outlined in the survey Youth, Cultural Consumption and Public Policies, directed by the Joaquim Nabuco... more
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      Youth StudiesSocial and Cultural CapitalCultural consumption
Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um menningarneyslu og söludreifingu á tónlist og á hvaða hátt söludreifing í netverslunum er frábrugðin því sem gengur og gerist í hefðbundnum verslunum. Skoðaðar eru hefðbundnar kenningar um neyslu, menningu... more
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      Long TailCultural consumption
The purpose of this journal issue has to do with pointing out the role of musical practices, understood in a very broad sense, to deepen global transformations, or creating global communities. The issue will thus welcome papers, focused... more
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      Sociology of CultureMusicYouth StudiesCosmopolitanism
Raport prezentujący wyniki badań nad praktykami kulturalnymi Polaków. Badania zrealizowano w latach 2013-2014 w ramach Programu Obserwatorium Kultury MKIDN, zaś ich autorami byli Rafał Drozdowski, Barbara Fatyga, Mirosław Filiciak, Marek... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureCultural consumption
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      National IdentityModernityChinaYunnan
La storia ormai più che trentennale delle ITC a scuola ha avuto fra i suoi orizzonti più suggestivi quello di favorire un diverso “fare insieme” fra alunni e insegnanti. Questa aspirazione è stata espressa attraverso l’uso di formule come... more
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      Teacher EducationDigital LiteracyComputer Supported Collaborative LearningCommunity-School Relationships
This article explores a concrete development in the detente in the provincial society of Soviet Ukraine, trying to avoid Moscow/Leningrad "conformist" emphasis of the recent research
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      Popular CultureIdentity (Culture)Youth CultureSoviet Union (History)
This study focuses on how through consumers, the market reproduces a discourse that aligns with the political and the cultural spheres. By drawing on fields of production and consumption, we turn to how both Turkey as a nation-brand and... more
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      Critical GeopoliticsPolitics and LiteratureTurkeyNation Branding
La terciarización, o transición hacia economías de servicios con un creciente protagonismo de las ocupaciones no manuales, ha sido destacada como un fenómeno central de las sociedades contemporáneas. En este trabajo se reconstruye... more
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      Cultural CapitalSociology of the Middle ClassesCultural consumption
Para verificar a reprodução do estilo de vida cosmopolita, nas experiências que formam o cosmoscape, definimos, no escopo de uma pesquisa internacional sobre cosmopolitismo cultural cotidiano, o estudo do consumo de marcas globais em... more
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      CosmopolitanismCultural consumptionMarcas
This article studies the socioeconomics of government public expenditure for the arts and the normative foundations of state intervention in the arts. I pose two interrelated research questions: (a) what is the relationship between the... more
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      Cultural PolicyArts PolicyArts Policy & AdministrationArt Consumption
Resumen Analizamos el estado del arte de los estudios de recepción, audiencias y consumo cultural en Venezuela durante el período 2000-2011. Examinamos enfoques teóricos sobre el campo de la recepción mediática y cultural, desde las... more
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El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar de qué modo el encuentro de los niños con un artefacto tecnológico como las tablets traza desafíos importantes en los roles sociales de instituciones como la familia y la escuela que van más allá... more
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      Media ConsumptionChildhood studiesInfanciaAntropología de la infancia
The Cultural Consumption Barometer is one of the most important studies carried out by the research team of the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training, starting with 2005. The Cultural Consumption Barometer is a... more
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      CommunicationSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCultural Studies of ConsumptionCultural consumption and identity