Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor
Recent papers in Cultural and Spatial Representations of the Urban Poor
Some of the leading researchers in the field of helping the poor, are of the opinion that the path to take is to research about giving a selected group of poor people enough resources to raise the kids in this group to the level of... more
In this article, we explore the wraparound approach of service delivery as a model for transnational social work. The wraparound model, used primarily within community-based children's mental health services and child protection... more
Background: Society, as a whole, regards rag pickers as antisocial elements, an embarrassment to the community, and unfits to live. However, their useful contribution to society and ecology is little understood and generally ignored. The... more
Las trampas de la cultura… aborda la renovación y rejerarquización del barrio del Abasto iniciada en los noventa y la forma en que este proceso de recualificación cultural afecta a los habitantes de casas tomadas Esta investigación se... more
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The Old Synagogue facilitated some of the most pivotal events in apartheid history, namely, the Treason Trial of former president Nelson Mandela, and the Steve Biko Inquest. For decades restoration proposals have not been fruitful, due... more
Chapter 8 from The City of Reason vol 5 The Economic Concept of the City by Dr Peter Critchley This paper analyses the emergence of the Informational City as the Dual City entrenched in social polarisation. This development has a... more
Considering ‘Cities Beyond the Plan’ helps us substantiate territory beyond being just a passive setting contingent to meta-forces. To do so, requires us look at logics and conceptual frame drawing from legal pluralism, that of space and... more
"Le Premier Homme" n'est ni uniquement un roman autobiographique, ni uniquement le support d'une critique sociale et politique. Il est tout ça à la fois et bien plus : il dresse le portrait d'une ville, d'une époque, d'une société, et... more
La obesidad, a partir de la década de 1980, ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una de las enfermedades que causan mayor preocupación a nivel mundial. Su incremento constante en las sociedades occidentales afecta principalmente a las... more
En 1968, el Papa Pablo VI viajó por primera vez a América Latina, visitó Bogotá e inauguró la II Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano que se celebró en Medellín. El gobierno quería mostrar la cara positiva y moderna de... more
Nowadays revitalization is often defined as a comprehensive effort including revalorization, restoration, reconstruction, modernization and actions aimed at the revival of a building, a district or a town devastated in different aspects,... more
Kad›nlar bana bakard›./ O zaman Beyaz Ruslar vard›/Ve korkunç çalg›lar vard› meyhanelerde/Örücü Nikola'n›n evi vard›, kendi yapt›¤› votkalar›/Vard› Nikola'n›n. Paskalya'da/Çörekler al›rd› bize Nikola… Nikola, bir de Nikola'n›n arkadafl›... more
Roti (Food) | Kapada (Clothing) | Makaan (Shelter) These three are the basic rights of every citizen. The discrimination and exclusions in satisfying these basic necessities of life results in poverty. Design of interventions is complex... more
In this article I examine grassroots responses to state-directed urban renewal in two poor neighborhoods in Istanbul. Through detailed analysis of resident perspectives and urban association tactics, I explore various factors that shape... more
What is street art? This paper offers a definition of street art as an art kind or art form based on its essential value: its subversiveness. It argues that street art is essentially subversive partly in virtue of using public space as a... more
India has largest concentration of tribal communities in the world except that in Africa. The tribal groups of India are known to be the autochthonous people of the land. This paper examines the development of the primitive tribes in... more
Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier.
The term globalisation suggests ideas that resemble a process of homogenisation in a global scale. However, empirical evidence suggests that in numerous places a revitalisation of the local has taken place. Free Cities are spaces of... more
“A la luz de la relación de la disciplina histórica con nuestra llamada sociedad civil, el mérito más destacado de Calvo lsaza radica en su capacidad para abordar con humor e inteligencia no exentos de ironía el tema de los cementerios y... more
Cities used to compete to be monumental - now they compete to be eventful. Processes of globalisation, economic restructuring and urban redevelopment have placed events at the centre of strategies for change in cities. Events offer the... more
A comparative study on spatial planning and regional development, and territorial restructuring in developing countries shows few general trends mixed in different patterns. Amongst them those on territorial dynamics constitute the focus... more
PROPOSAL MAKAN SANTRI RAMADHAN 1436H- AYO TINGKATKAN NILAI IBADAH KITA "Barangsiapa memberi makan kepada orang yang berpuasa maka baginya seperti pahala orang yang berpuasa itu tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun dari pahalanya. " (HR. Ahmad dan... more
The analysis of spoken discourse of selected urban poor women is an ethnographic study that I conducted in Manila, Philippines. The main objective of the research is to analyze the informal talk of urban poor women in the natural setting... more
Despite the recent electoral defeat of the Hindu nationalist party, the BJP, Hindu nationalist organizations led by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) remain a dominant force in several parts of India particularly as most of them... more
Lombrosians and the people. Social sciences and lower classes in Italy between 19th and 20th centuries The article analyzes the representation of the "subaltern" in studies carried out between the late 19th and the early 20th centuries by... more
In the new era of competition among cities – globally – Istanbul has become once again the focus of Turkey's economic development effort. The dissolution of the Soviet Bloc and the growth of economic and cultural linkages between the... more
En este artículo me he propuesto analizar algunas aristas de la representación del Campeonato Mundial de Futbol México 86 producida desde la perspectiva de quienes colaboraron con la revista Proceso entre 1982 y 1986.
Europe, in this paper I examine what people within Pentecostal faith communities do with pharmaceuticals. As shown by research on 'the social life of medicines,' medical objects such as pills and capsules can be used in a number of ways.... more
Senaquerib trasladó la capital del Imperio asirio de Dur Sharrukin llamado ekallu sa sanina la Isu o "palacio sin rival".
This dissertation inquires into the forms of social reproduction of the urban poor under a process of accumulation in which real estate and finance capital have a preeminent role. My main hypothesis is that the forms of reciprocity and... more
Küresel kapitalizmin dünya çapında hızlı yükselişi ve küreselleşme ile kentler bir dönüşüm ve yeniden yapılanma sürecine girmiştir. Artan nüfus artışı, ekonomik ve teknolojik gelişmeler kentlerin zaman içinde geçirdiği değişimlerin ana... more
Czasopismo "Studia Bliskowschodnie" zostało wydane dzięki wsparciu finansowemu Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. The academic magazine "Studia Bliskowschodnie" has been released thanks to the financial support of the... more
Geçtiğimiz yüzyılda dünya üzerinde egemen olmaya başlayan ve günümüzde giderek keskinleşen "eşitsiz gelişme" 1 ve bu kapsamda öne çıkan "kentsel yoksulluk" sorununun, engelleyici ve düzenleyici politikalar üretilemediği taktirde, içine... more
INFOLIO ignazio vinci lorenzo canale fabio cutaia carmelo Galati tardanico angela saccomanno mohamed ali Khalil barbara lino francesca lotta simona rubino maria laura scaduto simone tulumello fabio cernigliaro rita failla annalisa contato... more
City spaces have always captivated filmmakers to capture the miniscule details of what lies within their complicated fabric. Cinema is capable of constructing mental images that reflect individuals’ thoughts, emotions, and experiences.... more
Space truly becomes a place not merely because of the built and the unbuilt that design it, but also because of the way its users use it, behave around it, interact with it, and interact with each other in it. Space that surrounds every... more
The article discusses Turkey's property-led residential redevelopment model. This entails the demolition of an existing settlement, replacing it with blocks of apartments (usually constructed on the exact same site and at a higher... more