Cultural Trauma
Recent papers in Cultural Trauma
This paper reviews the circumstances of German reunification in 1989–90 and its implications for contemporary Germany. Politics, economy, intersocietal relations are among the areas where Germany has both succeeded in building unity and... more
Csehszlovákia összeomlása esetében." 46 A jelenlévők erre nevetni kezdtek, majd megkérdezték, hogy milyen sorsdöntő elhatározásokra gondol. Farkaš erre kifejtette, ha Csehszlovákia szétesne, akkor szeretnének függetlenné válni és ehhez... more
- by Janek István
Ośrodek KARTA wraz z Domem Spotkań z Historią od 2006 roku wspólnie realizowały projekt KARTA z Polakami na Wschodzie, którego celem było dokumentowanie losów Polaków mieszkających za wschodnią granicą Polski. W trakcie zorganizowanych... more
This roundtable aims to explore the changing economic and political ties between Japan and the European Union. It considers not only formal negotiations between the EU and Japan, but also a number of key sectoral and structural concerns,... more
Ovaj rad istražuje antropologiju društvenog sjećanja kroz prizmu priče o Srđanu Aleksiću, mladiću iz Trebinja koji je 1993. godine izgubio život braneći svog sugrađanina Alena Glavovića. Priča o Aleksiću postala je simbol humanosti i... more
This article examines how the music in the film Pan’s Labyrinth (El laberinto del fauno) conceptually generates opposing phantasms. Reflecting the trauma of early Francoism, specifically the Spanish Civil War, the soundtrack oscillates... more
The relation established in Shīʿite Islam between suffering, cosmic order, and the position attributed to the Shīʿite community in this cosmic order, is very important in terms of understanding Shīʿite-Islam identity. This article's... more
This article examines the interconnected histories and memories of two Palestinian points in time: the historical Jesus event and the Nakba. It critiques colonial-imperial narratives that have historically disconnected the Jesus event... more
No description, no picture can restore their true dimension [of the reality of the concentration camps]: endless, uninterrupted fear … Of this brick dormitory, of these threatened sleepers, we can only show you the shell, the shadow.... more
The article critically examines the concept of "national indifference," challenging its utility as an analytical framework in historical research. The study argues that the concept lacks precision and explanatory power. The author... more
《战争》中的哪些“血泪交织的证言” 被带到英语世界和中文世界的读者面前?它们如何转变为“日本人记忆中的太平洋战争” 或者“日本人记忆中的二战”?除语言和文化层面的因素之外, 中日美三国各自的战争记忆体制如何形塑了这批投书的旅程?本文借助跨文化记忆和记忆旅行的概念, 对《朝日新闻》战争投书的跨文化转译做详尽个案分析,从跨文化角度把握东亚有关“艰难过往”的记忆,增进对记忆旅行机制的理解。
Este artículo analiza el caso del archivo digital de Humanizando la deportación como espacio tecnopolítico a partir de la producción de documentales participativos. Analizamos la manera en que las experiencias de personas deportadas... more
In the Words, In the Bones Curated by Magdalena Moskalewicz Artists: Marina Leybishkis, Nyugen E. Smith, Zsuzsanna Varga-Szegedi Stories of origin cannot exist without a language to tell them in, without a tongue to carry the words. This... more
Considering the importance of trauma to human psychology, reading literary trauma and analyzing the traumatic experience can contribute to the field. Seamus Heaney, known for the portrayal of troubles of Ireland and cultural trauma in his... more
John 13: 34 reads, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." The commandment is unique to the Fourth Gospel and the placement of the commandment in the... more
В статье дано уточнение понятий, задающих теоретическую рамку memory studies.
Comparative Analysis Of Psychological And Childhood Trauma In The Almond Tree And In The Kite Runner: A Study Of Cultural Trauma And Collective Identity
African American experience is often associated with a sense of collective dislocation that can be traced back to the history of transatlantic slave trade. As Paul Gilroy points out, "in the history of the black Atlantic…movement,... more
There is the wreckage of a broken Dam in Val di Scalve, a remote valley in the Italian Alps. At 7:15 am on December 1, 1923, the Gleno Dam collapsed and the flood wave swept over the villages below, all the way to Lake Iseo and the plain,... more
r i v i s t a i t a l i a n a d i s o c i o l o g i a
The article is devoted to the trauma history of Ukrainians from Western Boykivshchyna, part of the Boykivshchyna ethnographical region situated in modern Ukraine. Operation Vistula (1947-1950) was the forced resettlement of more than... more
The territory of Slovakia, during the period when it was part of Hungary, was considered a food storehouse, which was in charge of procuring the majority of food supplies for the country. Nothing about this changed even during the... more
This article deals with the motif of homeland in the correspondence of post-WWII Belarusian emigrants to France. The correspondence was addressed to Liavon Rydleuski, a Belarusian emigrant activist. The letters in question are located in... more
Mahatma Gandhi left behind a very rich legacy and a dynamic discourse which has acquired multifaceted dimensions over these years partly because Gandhi has been appropriated in diverse ways and sometimes his views are applied to ideas and... more
This article deals with a case study of the process of building a collective memory of communism and examines the role that a museum can play in promoting a representation of Romanian communism as an illegitimate and criminal regime. It... more
Jeffrey Alexander’s social theory about trauma provides a theoretical framework to explore Matthew’s Gospel’s two first chapters as a trauma narrative that wrestles in a creative way with at least two significant issues for its original... more
Politiques de mémoire des fosses communes et commémorations des « événements » du 3 avril à Cheju en Corée Kim Seong Nae Notice bio-biblio manquante en français et en anglais This article enquires into questions of state violence,... more
The paper analyzes the continuous use of martyrological discourse in texts of the Vandal-era through the lens of cultural trauma and cultural memory theories. It argues that intertextual allusions to earlier martyrological texts... more
In September 1943, in the mountainous region of Viannos in southeastern Crete, dozens of German soldiers were killed in an ambush by Greek partisans who had earlier destroyed a German outpost, killing its two guards. In retaliation, the... more
This research project is an attempt to trace the cause of conflict and underdevelopment in the Niger Delta Region, despite it being enriched with natural resource which is booming the nation's economy. Also, it beings into light the role... more
Η τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο το 1974 ερμηνεόθηκε διαφορετικά από τις δύο κοινότητες του νησιού. Σε αντίθεση με τους Τουρκοκυπρίους, στην ελληνοκυπριακή κοινότητα η εισβολή χαρακτηρίστηκε πολιτισμικό τραύμα και άφησε βαθιά αχνάρια στη... more
O presente artigo demonstra como nos escritos cinematograficos de Siegfried Kracauer as criticas aos filmes A Rua (1923) e O ultimo homem (1924), publicadas no Frankfurter Zeitung, apresentam conceitos fundamentais para a consolidacao de... more
The aim of this dissertation is to examine how female storytellers’ contemporary versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” (LRRH) represent the Kristevan feminine in girl or woman through their young-adult (or adult) heroine and transform the... more
Tragiczne losy naszych rodaków na bezkresnych terenach Syberii doczekały się wielu opracowań naukowych. Wbrew potocznym mniemaniom Syberia nie była jednak tylko miejscem zesłania. Mniej znanym związkom naszych rodaków z tą częścią Azji... more
T he BUDDHISM of the Choson period (1392-1910) has long been neglected by researchers, who assumed that its importance steeply declined due to the government's policy of "honoring Confucianism and suppressing Buddhism" (sungyu okpul... more
Archaeological documentation of contemporary conflicts is bringing to light sites of 20th century state violence. Based on research carried out in Rosario (Argentina) at a former site of state terrorism (1976-1983), one of the so-called... more
This study examines the horrors of war and its impact on the major characters in Sorayya Khan's Noor by applying Freud's concept of traumatic neuroses, in which she states that in traumatic war neuroses, the ego defends itself against... more
Przedział czasowy dwóch miesięcy, który je oddzielał, był niezbędny na dotarcie wcześniejszych transportów do miejsc swego przeznaczenia i ich powrót po nową partię zesłańców. Ostatnia deportacja miała miejsce pomiędzy 20 a 22 czerwca... more
This article analyzes how, at a very early stage, Mexican cultural sociologists explained meaningmaking processes using a set of factors external to the cultural sphere and how, more recently, they have emphasized that such meaning-making... more