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В статье анализируются современные социальные фотопроекты, отличительной чертой которых является специфическое взаимодействие с аудиторией, которое во многом определяется их ак- тивным существованием в интернет-среде. здесь тяжелые, часто... more
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      Cultural TraumaFlash MobsPhysicalitySocial Media & Internet Psychology
African Nova Scotians constitute the largest multigenerational Black Canadian community, with 400 years of presence in Atlantic Canada. Despite the end of de jure school segregation in 1954, African Nova Scotians' social and cultural... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesCanadian StudiesEducationSociology of Education
Often, efforts by schools to standardize marginalized children with histories of domestic violence have alarming effects. More recent efforts of standardization typically find a sustained existence in the discourse of “best” practices... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
Despite the fact that we are living in the times of ‘hypertrophy of memory’ or ‘memory boom’, many legal scholars has so far tried to ignore the numerous ties between law and memory. These ties, however, do exist, and some researchers... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawPhilosophy Of LawHenri Bergson
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      Military HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPsychology
טראומה היא אירוע מכונן בחייו של אדם. פרויד, ובעקבותיו חוקרים מובילים, טוענים כי אפשר להתייחס לטראומה ברמת הקבוצה כמו לטראומה ברמת הפרט. במאמר זה אני מבקר גישה זו בהתייחסי למאפיינים שונים בחוויה הטראומטית. אני מציע כאן מודל של טראומה... more
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      PsychoanalysisTrauma StudiesJacques LacanSigmund Freud
The current paper aims at presenting a close reading of the protagonist’s reminiscences in Mohsen Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist in terms of an eclectic approach toward representation of trauma. Freud and Breuer’s theory of... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma StudiesSigmund FreudTrauma
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
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      Military HistoryPsychologyAbnormal PsychologyClinical Psychology
Reflecting on the role that writing played in the recovery, the author describes the mourning process after loss of her husband during the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007. She analysis how her traumatization was intensified by... more
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      ViolenceTraumatic StressPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma Studies
The concept of social memory has generated a large literature, much of which focuses on the trauma of collective violence. Yet we need to know more about how narratives of violent and traumatic events influence social loyalties and how... more
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      ViolenceCollective MemoryCultural TraumaArkansas History
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial Representations
טראומה היא אירוע מכונן בחייו של אדם. פרויד, ובעקבותיו חוקרים מובילים, טוענים כי אפשר להתייחס לטראומה ברמת הקבוצה כמו לטראומה ברמת הפרט. במאמר זה אני מבקר גישה זו בהתייחסי למאפיינים שונים בחוויה הטראומטית. אני מציע כאן מודל של טראומה... more
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      Trauma StudiesJacques LacanSigmund FreudFreud and Lacan
Freudian discourses assert the nature of one's dreams to be revealing of that which remains unresolved or that which has not been properly addressed. These discourses also designate dreams as avenues of growth-that is, when analyzed and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyPsychoanalysisEnglish Literature
Esse artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a identidade brasileira contemporânea no âmbito dos estudos multidisciplinares de ‘trauma cultural’ (Alexander, 2004), onde o conceito original de trauma psíquico é revisado e ampliado a fim de... more
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      ViolenceLiterature and cinemaIdentity (Culture)Brazilian Cinema
A true life story of facing war time conflict internally and externally to overcome extreme trauma, focusing on post lobotomy coping mechanisms and empowerment through reframing dynamics situations and sculpting the situation into your... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyOrganizational PsychologyPositive Psychology
Out of the Ruins is a practice-led PhD that interrogates the concept of inspirited landscapes in an Australian context. Inspirited refers to the spirit of a site that may be enlivened by invoking the memories and histories that lay... more
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      Installation ArtCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologySpace and Place
This essay examines cultural trauma, memory, gender, and performance in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Drawing on ethnographic eldwork, in-depth interviews, and documentary sources, this feminist analysis of cultural trauma and... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesCultural SociologyPerformance Studies
In this paper it will be suggested that in this era we cannot understand the concept of trauma without first understudying the cultural context. Yet not less important it will be suggested that trauma stands in the very core of our... more
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      Cultural StudiesTrauma StudiesAlbert CamusTrauma
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      Cultural TraumaNanjing MassacreMediated Collective Memory
The Bosnian Case: Art, History and Memory concerns the representation of historic and traumatogenic events in art through the specific case of the war in Bosnia 1992-1995. The research investigates an aftermath articulated through the... more
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      HistoryPsychoanalysisMemory StudiesCultural Memory
By combining key principles from the theories of cultural trauma and developmental trauma and applying them to the collective unconscious from an ecopsychological perspective, America's persistent dysfunctional paralysis in the face of... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial PsychologyNuclear PhysicsClimate Change
In this chapter, I explore the musical representation of war and trauma in the music of Bruce Springsteen. The aim is to discuss, via detailed musical examples, the significance of music as a vehicle for dealing with collective trauma and... more
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      Popular Music StudiesWar StudiesCultural MusicologyVietnam War
Savitski Kanstantsin. The theory of cultural trauma P. Sztompka: assessment in the Polish socio-humanitarian discourse Савицкий, К.В. Теория культурной травмы П. Штомпки: оценка в польском социогуманитарном дискурсе / К.В. Савицкий //... more
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      SociologyHistory of Social SciencesHistory of SociologyCultural Trauma
For a long time, heritage has been associated with positive and productive values: the construction of ideas of community and nation, and even international identities. During the last decade and a half, however, there has been a growing... more
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      Cultural HeritageArchaeology and politicsCultural TraumaDissonant Heritage
African Americans, who are descendants of slaves forcibly brought from Africa to America hundreds of years ago, and contemporary voluntary African migrants to the USA do not form a single “black community”. This statement contradicts the... more
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
This chapter focuses on the multidimensional trauma of witnesses to mass ethnic violence. The author analyzes the personal experiences of civilians during World War II in Eastern Galicia (once a multi-ethnic borderland region: before 1939... more
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      Eyewitness memoryPolish HistoryUkrainian StudiesTrauma Studies
Trauma has become a catchword of our time and a central category in contemporary theory and criticism. In this illuminating and accessible volume, Lucy Bond and Stef Craps: - provide an account of the history of the concept of trauma... more
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      Critical TheoryLiterary CriticismHistory and MemoryTrauma Studies
The 1954 Supreme Court ruling against the applicability of the "separate but equal" doctrine in the public school system in Brown v.s. Board of Education of Topeka augured the dawning of the Civil Rights Movement in 20 th century America.... more
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      Sociology of EducationHistory of EducationCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
The following is an extract of a book review by Peter Brandt, Berlin, translated by Norman LaPorte (the full review see: Twentieth Century Communism 3 (2011), p. 226-230). One of the darkest chapters in the history of Soviet-style... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsFrench History
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian StudiesGender Studies
The experience of Partition in South Asia and its dysfunctional geopolitical result, the highly militarised northern borders of the Indian subcontinent, harbours all manner of tensions and contradictions around division and fusion,... more
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      Art HistoryArtBorder StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Although Don Delillo’s Falling Man (2007) has been one of the most influential 9/11 novels written to this day, it did not meet the expectations of reviewers when it was published. It is necessary to bear in mind that 9/11 can be... more
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      Trauma StudiesContemporary American LiteratureLiterature and TraumaDon DeLillo
The current paper aims at presenting a close reading of the protagonist’s reminiscences in Mohsen Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist in terms of an eclectic approach toward representation of trauma. Freud and Breuer’s theory of... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Sigmund FreudTraumaCultural Trauma
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPopular MusicMemory StudiesCultural Memory
American animator Robert Breer’s playfully short, quickly moving animations ‘research’ the perceptual experiences of cinematic reception that are generally ignored and buried by the industrial model of film production. They are rich in... more
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      Media StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Abstract: Could a cultural memory and identity constructed around traumatic events in the historical past interpreted as the result of pollution of the sacred center give a group an evolutionary advantage under the right conditions? The... more
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      ReligionSocial TheorySociology of CultureSociology of Religion
Review of the book "Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity" by Jeffrey C. Alexander, Bernhard Giesen, Neil Smelser, Piotr Sztompka. 2004. Berkeley, the University of California Press, 2004.
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      Cultural HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
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      Early Modern HistoryCultural Trauma
Esta dissertação propõe-se a interpretar e comparar as narrativas construídas em uma amostra de filmes de ficção alemães e britânicos feitos entre 1919 e 1933 que tratam direta ou indiretamente do trauma da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Por... more
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      Gender StudiesCultural SociologyFilm StudiesBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsPolitical AnthropologyHistory and Memory
The narratives provided by carriers in society help individuals to give both events and surroundings meaning. And if an event is deemed a cultural trauma – as it has such profound impact on a society, that its members have to question... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsCultural Trauma
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTheologyNew Testament
The final appearance of Jesus at the Sea of Tiberius when examined through a trauma lens provides begins to offer insight into how the trauma experienced at the foot of the cross became a part of the Christian identity. The characters... more
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      TraumaCultural TraumaTransgenerational TraumaTheology and Trauma
Multiple studies on the topic of intergenerational transmission of trauma (IGTT) have been carried out internationally in various contexts; however little is known about IGTT in the context of the Idi Amin regime in Uganda. The present... more
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      Loss and TraumaTraumaCultural TraumaTransgenerational Trauma
In this essay I will examine the dynamics and nature of social trauma within Natsume Sōseki’s seminal work, Kokoro. In doing so, I will argue that betrayal-induced social trauma results in and lies at the base of the novel’s various... more
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      Japanese StudiesComparative LiteratureJapanese LiteratureLiterature
When Antonin Artaud composed his “poetics of contagion” in “Theatre and the Plague”, he could not have foreseen the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in August 1945 in the aftermath of World War II, not to mention the tuna fish boat Lucky... more
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      DirectingJapanese TheatreCultural TraumaAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Starting from Hirsch and Smith’s concept of a feminist counterhistory and referencing the theoretical framework of cultural trauma, this paper undertakes a (re)reading of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God as construction... more
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      African-American LiteratureGendered ViolenceZora Neale HurstonCultural Trauma
Contemporary British theatre is a crucial avenue for staging trauma as theatre provides both the potential of emotional identification and critical perspective. By making use of the unique possibilities of embodied performance, theatre... more
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      Contemporary British TheatreTrauma StudiesCultural TraumaTrauma Theory
The systematic institutional ambiguities in the Land Use Act has produced diminished opportunities for the Niger Delta people and impeded their socio-economic advancement. These ambiguities of the Land Use Act created by judicial... more
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      Identity politicsCultural TraumaCollective IdentitiesNiger Delta
Per una serie di coincidenze di carattere politico, dalla fine degli anni Quaranta ad oggi, il discorso legato al tema del colonialismo italiano nel Corno d’Africa è stato contrassegnato da una mancata elaborazione nella società italiana... more
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      ColonialismSociology of ArtsSociology of MemoryCollective Memory