Cultural Transmission (Evolutionary Biology)
Recent papers in Cultural Transmission (Evolutionary Biology)
Resumen. Desde la apertura comercial las importaciones de frijol en México se han incremen-tado y la producción disminuido. En este artículo se presenta el efecto de las políticas públicas de libre mercado, de precios y de extensionismo... more
We explore contemporary evolutionary perspectives on children’s psychological development, questioning the view that high-fidelity, inter-individual transmission of information explains the cumulative character of human cultures, and... more
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
Stefano Zenni Conservatorio di Bologna e New York University Conferenza con ascolti musicali Lunedì 12 marzo, ore 14:30 Auditorium (U12), via Vizzola 5 Abstract Il jazz è una musica nata ed evolutasi per effetto dalle migrazioni:... more
Cubic dice were brought by the Romans to the Low Countries, and are found in small numbers at many archaeological sites dating to the last 2000 years. We report on a systematic analysis of 110 well-dated dice from the Netherlands, showing... more
A mechanism of evolution that ensures adaptive changes without the obligatory role of natural selection is described. According to this mechanism, the first event is a plastic adaptive change (change of phenotype), followed by stochastic... more
Using cultural transmission (CT) models, I predicted a shift towards more restricted household learning in a wide range of technologies, not simply the prestige items typically associated with the emergence of peer-elite exchange networks... more
The people of Kiribati play a broad assortment of card and board games. The game rules show several innovations that were made outside the purview of the games’ manufacturers. The presence and regional development of proprietary board... more
Kamares Ware is one of the most famous pottery styles in archaeology. Its shapes and creative decorations have been differentially studied in the past, mainly from a stylistic perspective. However, its complexity and the fragmented state... more
We’re losing our culture… our heritage… our traditions… everything is being swept away. Such sentiments get echoed around the world, from aging Trump supporters in West Virginia to young villagers in West Africa. But what is triggering... more
For much of recent human history, the "traditional" family has consisted of a mother, father, and their biological offspring. However, this definition does not encompass the extensive biocultural evolutionary development of the human... more
Abstract: Kamikazes and Cultural Evolution Is cultural evolution needed to explain altruistic self-sacrifice? Some contend that cultural traits (e.g. beliefs, behaviors, and for some “memes”) replicate according to selection processes... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .doc] Our instincts—for food, sex, or territorial protection— evolved for life on the savannah 10,000 years ago, not in today’s world of densely populated... more
Abstract: Parent–offspring conflict theory hypothesizes that interests of offspring and parents are asymmetrical in key contexts including the offspring’s mating strategies and mate preferences. Evidence supports this hypothesis and... more
Erratum: la référence à Aarne et Thompson 1981 doit naturellement être remplacée par: Thompson, Stith. 1955–1958. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folk-Tales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediæval... more
This study applies phylogenetic software to motifs connected with the Pleiades as identified in Yuri Berezkin’s database, The Analytical Catalogue of World Mythology and Folklore. The aim of analysis is to determine which, if any, of the... more
Previous research on helicopter history consists primarily of (auto)biographies and collections of helicopter patents. The first with its focus on individual achievements mostly denies contact between pioneers while the second largely... more
"Where, O death, is your victory?" Statistical reconstruction of earliest human beliefs related to death. It is not clear if modern man believed in an afterlife before the Out of Africa. This paper will show that a careful statistical... more
The image of a figure holding two wild animals, often called the "Mistress/Master of Animals", has appeared across many ancient periods and regions, on artifacts from proto-literate Mesopotamia in the Near East to the Aegean Iron Age.... more
A Memética é, então, a ciência que estuda como memes se propagam. O que a genética faz com os genes, a Memética faz com os memes. Ou, mais precisamente, o que a genética de populações e a epidemiologia fazem com as informações genéticas,... more
I’m currently working on a long article in which I review two recent critiques of computational criticism (one by Nan Z. Da and the other by Franco Moretti and Oleg Sobchuk). Moretti and Sobchuk introduce cultural evolution into their... more
Abstract : In the Maghreb and the Sahara, a sunny rain is called ‘‘the jackal’s wedding’’. Using statistical and ethnological arguments, I will show that this expression probably finds its origin in the Neolithic period, in North Africa... more
A runaway model of agricultural evolution was developed to account for patterns of development and sustainability among the Pre-Pottery Neolithic societies of the southern Levant, and to provide insights into contemporary patterns of... more
The terms Lower Palaeolithic and Middle Palaeolithic represent research constructs within which cultural evolution and prehistoric hominin behaviours can be studied, with the transition usually understood as marking a watershed in our... more
Two decades ago, the collective effort of numerous scientists laid the foundation of a new synthesis of physical anthropology, paleoneurobiology, ethology, biocultural evolution, systematic musicology, semiotics, historical linguistics,... more
The aim of this paper is to retrace the existence of prehistoric Saharan myths telling the story of an image that arouses an erotic disorder, comes to life, or so it seems, and may get married to a human being. For this purpose we apply... more
There is substantial debate over the extent to which the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition and the dispersal of anatomically modern humans from Africa into Eurasia at the end of the Pleistocene were the result of the same process,... more
In two great caves decorated in the Paleolithic : Montespan and Le Tuc d' Audoubert (out of which a river flows) there were found headless snake skeletons. One of them was a Colubrid, a particularly long snake. The fact that the skeletons... more
As a phenomena, migrations cause to no little transformations of a community in its way forward. Migration for the purpose of education in Malabar was a process which led to many far-reaching socio-cultural developments and also some kind... more
Over the last 150 years, the Paleolithic era was divided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Paleolithic. This scheme is an arbitrary research construct that confounds chronological, behavioral, and evolutionary meanings. Transitions between... more
Chapter 1 (To know in order to survive) and 2 (A critique of evolved reason) are about the evolution of knowledge and why it matters as a justification and critique of knowledge. Chapter 3 (Why consciousness evolved) is about the nature... more