Cultural Research on Multilingualism
Recent papers in Cultural Research on Multilingualism
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
Kültürlerarası uyum ve işbirliği çok kültürlü ülkelerde gitgide önem kazanmaktadır. Alt kültürün sosyal uyum seviyesi arttıkça, kültürel varlığını ve gelişimini sürdürmek daha kolay hale gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Yunanistan"da... more
Tous droits de traduction, de reproduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays. Toute reproduction ou représentation intégrale ou partielle, par quelque procédé que ce soit (électronique, mécanique, photocopie, enregistrement, quelque... more
Hakkas from Meizhou who migrated to Calcutta established successful businesses, and then, in the 1970s to the 1990s, moved on to settle in Vienna (and Toronto). Practicing a closed-group life both in Vienna and across continents, the... more
This article draws attention to language choice and language use of Austrian bi-and multilingual school children. We explore some implications of their linguistic practices with regard to social inclusion in an Austrian educational school... more
Der folgende Beitrag hat die besondere Bedeutung des Übersetzens im mehrsprachigen Europa zum Gegenstand: Nach einer Darstellung der Merkmale der juristischen Fachsprache und Rechtskommunikation sowie der besonderen Probleme der... more
At the crossroad between linguistics and cross-cultural communication, multilingualism is frequently presented through its most positive perspective. However, if the long-term benefits outrun the disadvantages, frustration is often the... more
Cette contribution cherchera à comprendre l'impact qu'exerce le plurilinguisme d'un écrivain sur sa production littéraire. Pour étudier ce phénomène, les manuscrits des écrivains constituent une voie privilégiée car ils gardent les traces... more
The paper deals with affective variables of motivation, orientations and attitudes toward the learning of German and English as foreign languages among teacher education students at the Faculty of Teacher Education (University of Zagreb).... more
This article draws attention to language choice and language use of Austrian bi-and multilingual school children. We explore some implications of their linguistic practices with regard to social inclusion in an Austrian educational school... more
The merits of cultural and linguistic diversity are often praised across the world. This setting is very present in Africa in general and Cameroon in particular, a country with 285 local languages, two official languages, English and... more
This article draws attention to language choice and language use of Austrian bi-and multilingual school children. We explore some implications of their linguistic practices with regard to social inclusion in an Austrian educational school... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the translation process of three government institutions in Korea, to identify linguistic and generic characteristics found in the translation products of the institutions, and to analyse frequent... more
At the crossroad between linguistics and cross-cultural communication, multilingualism is frequently presented through its most positive perspective. However, if the long-term benefits outrun the disadvantages, frustration is often the... more
... Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Yildiz, Yasemin. Beyond the mother tongue : the postmonolingual condition / Yasemin Yildiz. — 1st ed. p.... more
Both social-existential and literary forms of multilingualism pose meaningful challenges to monolingual national literatures, but the reverse is also true. Claudio Guillén’s typology of responses to the “latent” multilingualism of many... more