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The European Capital of Culture (ECoC) is one of the most successful cultural programmes of the European Union, having numerous profound impacts upon economic and social development of a city. Certain cities have used their titles to... more
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      Cultural MarketingEuropean Capital of Culture
Overview Market segmentation is foundational to marketing: as scholars and managers contend, its concept "is built into the fabric of marketing" (Gibson 2001, 21). Segmentation is the process through which a company's actual and prospect... more
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      Consumer Culture TheorySegmentation (Marketing)Marketing ManagementStrategic Marketing
This chapter is part of a broader research project on popular culture tourism (PCT) designed to explore new destination branding strategies that utilise cultural resources as a key strategy. This study promotes the role of urban cultural... more
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesPopular CultureCultural Landscapes
La comunicación institucional es definida por Pascale We i l 1 como "un discurso que no está directamente destinado a vender un producto, en oposición a la comunicación publicitaria de los productos y marcas" (WEIL, 1992: 21). En función... more
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      Relaciones PublicasComunicacion InstitucionalComunicaciónCultural Marketing
Th e aim of this paper is to create an e-branding model which could also be applied for place branding in small central rural regions of Central Europe based on the innovative methodology of rural tour marketing. It was based and went... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCultural Marketing
Zwei Produktphänomene sind für Museumsshops sehr spezifisch: die limitierten Auflagen und die Reproduktionen. Sie greifen die Vermischung von Ware und Exponat, von Konsum und Kunst auf. Der Kunde kann sich mit den Shop-Produkten, die... more
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesMuseum StudiesInterdisciplinarity
Abstrak Hiburan jalanan merupakan persembahan yang dilakukan di tempat-tempat awam. Kumpulan ini akan bermain muzik, menyanyi dan menari tanpa mengenakan sebarang bentuk bayaran. Mereka terdiri daripada lelaki, wanita dan kanak-kanak.... more
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      Arts and Heritage MarketingArts MarketingCultural MarketingMarketing for Cultural Organizations
Il pubblico dei musei ha avuto per molto tempo un ruolo secondario, soprattutto in Italia, sia nelle decisioni operative che nelle riflessioni teoriche dei responsabili delle istituzioni museali. Solo negli ultimi decenni, una serie di... more
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      Public ManagementMuseum StudiesCultural Marketing
Le definizioni di impresa culturale, prodotto e marketing nell'ampio scenario contemporaneo. Alcuni modelli di riferimento per l'operato artistico riguardante i festival ed il campo cinematografico. Estratto dalla Tesi di Laurea... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Una veloce panoramica teorica e pratica sul marketing degli eventi culturali e sulla concezione esperienziale degli eventi, corredata da alcuni esempi di festival italiani. Estratto dalla Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Cinema in Marketing... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesEvent ManagementFestival Tourism
This thesis is concerned with the marketing possibilities of popular culture tourism (PCT). There is promise in developing alternative forms of cultural communication and cultural representation in tourism. PCT is explored as a way to... more
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      Cultural GeographyTourism StudiesPopular CultureCultural Landscapes
e le voci:
"Storia dell'arte"
"Restauro" (con S. Della Torre e M. Montella)
"Conservazione preventiva e programmata" (con S. Della Torre e M. Montella)
"Valorizzazione" (con M. Montella)
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      Cultural HistoryCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationCultural Economics
Η εργασία εστιάζεται στη στρατηγική επικοινωνίας του Milwaukee Art Museum.
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      MarketingCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural management
Η χορηγική πολιτική του Ε.Ο.Τ. στο 53ο Φεστιβάλ Θεσσαλονίκης.
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      Cultural StudiesCultural TheoryCultural EconomyCultural management
Η εργασία  εστιάζεται στην τρίτη καλοκαιρινή εκστρατεία του Future Library.
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      MarketingCultural managementCultural MarketingΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ & ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΚΗ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΑ
Η βιομηχανική κληρονομιά αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς και πρωταρχικό στοιχείο για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη μιας κοινωνίας. Για τη διατήρηση και προστασία της συστήθηκε στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία η Διεθνής Επιτροπή Για το... more
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      Industrial Archaeology & HeritageCultural Marketing
A Multidisciplinary look at the uses of Ayahuasca. The origins, the chemicals, the sciamanic and healing context. The  A. Varela case and Ayahuasca InternationalVs Huichol Culture.
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      International RelationsIndigenous StudiesPolitical AnthropologyIndigenous Knowledge
Creo que es el momento de que los promotores culturales, los hacedores de cultura y los artistas vuelquen su mirada a las posibilidades con que cuenta la mercadotecnia que les facilite llegar a un mayor público de acuerdo a la misión que... more
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      Arte Y CulturaCultural MarketingMercadotecnia CulturalSocial Media Marketing for Arts and Culture
Se abordan aspectos económicos de la producción artística que incorpora medios digitales y de multimedia. Ente estos se revisan el mercado de las artes digitales, su estructura y cadena de valor así como la situación laboral de los... more
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      Labor EconomicsCreative IndustriesCultural MarketingIndustrial Economics, Innovation Management, SMEs
This study examines the importance of non-musical elements in a live musical performance focusing primarily on musical environment, musician, physical setting and audience interaction. It also analyses audience levels of satisfaction on... more
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      Arts and Heritage MarketingArts MarketingCultural MarketingMarketing for Cultural Organizations
While packaging is a common marketing subject, this illustration paper provides an alternative perspective through the linguistic examination of packaging as discourse, focusing on male grooming, masculinity and metrosexuality. Male... more
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      BusinessMarketingDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
A imagem internacional do Brasil resulta cada vez mais atrativa culturalmente no exterior, uma vez que o país vem se consolidando como potência econômica. Em poucos anos, o Brasil será sede de dois eventos de grande relevância a nível... more
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      Brazilian StudiesLiteratura brasileiraSociologiaBrazilian Foreign policy
This paper is intended to give a contribution to the debate on the functional relationship between the museum and the local territory; more specifically, the aim of this study is to understand the role of a museum location in attracting... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingArt Economics and MarketsMuseum Studies
La comunicación institucional es definida por Pascale We i l 1 como "un discurso que no está directamente destinado a vender un producto, en oposición a la comunicación publicitaria de los productos y marcas" (WEIL, 1992: 21). En función... more
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      MarketingCorporate Social ResponsibilityPolitical ScienceRelaciones Publicas
Cómo medir el impacto de las buenas prácticas en Internet sobre la gestión, difusión, educación, participación y conocimiento del patrimonio cultural, especialmente el artístico. Cada año aumenta el impacto de Internet en las... more
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      Social NetworkingSocial MediaCultural Heritage ManagementSocial Media Marketing
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Resumen: La cultura, el patrimonio y el uso de sus activaciones pueden aportar mucho al progreso de sociedades y a reforzar la identidad colectiva que un país quiera reflejar, pero muchas veces la exclusión de la comunidad en el... more
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      ExclusionIntangible HeritageHeritageCultural Marketing
Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar se a promoção de eventos culturais – chamada no Brasil de Marketing Cultural – colabora para a construção e consolidação da imagem institucional da organização. Por meio do estudo de caso do projeto... more
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      Comunicação SocialCultural MarketingComunicação organizacionalComunicação Institucional
Cuánto valor añade el emárketing cultural y como lo hace En España, 7,5 millones de turistas extranjeros generaron ingresos por valor de 6.000 millones de euros. Principalmente de Italia, EEUU y Francia procedían el 59% de los 2,9... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingSocial MediaCultural Heritage Management
“Marketing Strategies: Vadim Andreev in Dialogue with the Soviet Union,” The Russian Review, vol. 70, no. 2, April (2011): 185-97.
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      Pierre BourdieuCulture in the Soviet UnionRussian cultureEconomics of Culture
Gökova town has a particular geographical location among popular tourism destinations such as Marmaris, Fethiye, and Bodrum. The town is under positive and negative impacts of big tourism destinations around. Despite the existence of... more
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      Tourism MarketingCultural HeritageLocal DevelopmentCultural Heritage Management
This book provides a broad set of issues related to music marketing. It starts with technical guides to preproduction, recording in studio and postproduction in its first part. The second part covers issues related to marketing and... more
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      MarketingMusic IndustrySocial Media MarketingCultural Marketing
We analyze the feeling of strangeness of eleven visitors to a contemporary art museum, by utilizing the "video-elicitation" technique combining video recording and in-depth interviews. We identified the participants values registers, the... more
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      Consumer experienceCultural MarketingElicitation techniquesStrangeness
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    • Cultural Marketing
El seminario se plantea desde la continuidad de seminarios precedentes con el objetivo de mostrar el avance de la investigación en el análisis interdisciplinar de los nuevos Enclaves Culturales y Distritos Creativos como ejes... more
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      MarketingMuseologíaMuseum MarketingCultural Marketing
O presente artigo está relacionado com a pesquisa de doutorado da autora, que aborda casos nos quais o artista teatral está comprometido tanto com as atividades criativas quanto com funções administrativas. Partindo desta característica,... more
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      Gestão CulturalTeatro LatinoamericanoCultural MarketingMarketing Cultural
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      Sociology of CultureClassical MusicAudience ResearchAudience Development
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      Museum and Heritage StudiesCultural MarketingLiving Museums
The 2013 edition of the “Significant Furniture” celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Foundation Aldo Morelato, in a “Rossini crescendo” of events aimed at communicating the distinctive cultural values of the Verona furniture district,... more
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      Event ManagementEvent marketingGlobal MarketingCultural Marketing
The study of corporate image, within the strategic approach of marketing, focuses on evaluating the attributes which determine it. After reviewing the relevant literature, the present paper proposes a corporate image model delimited by... more
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      Corporate ImageCultural MarketingMarketing Cultural