Cultural Intelligence
Recent papers in Cultural Intelligence
Topic: Developing Cultural Intelligence and Leadership The presentation focuses on defining and explaining Cultural Intelligence (CQ) as a capability to work and relate successfully across cultures. Examples of CQ application in business... more
We enhance theoretical precision of cultural intelligence (CQ: capability to function effectively in culturally diverse settings) by developing and testing a model that posits differential relationships between the four CQ dimensions... more
A globalizáció következményeként a vállalatok jelentős része határokon átívelő tevékenységet folytat és sok esetben a munkahelyi közösségek is különböző kulturális háttérrel rendelkező munkavállalókból szerveződnek. A szolgáltatások, áruk... more
Having opened up to international markets, Slovak small and medium businesses are facing new challenges. To be successful in global environment, the businesses must be prepared to face situations characterized by cultural diversity. It... more
La présente étude cherche à tester les effets de quatre facettes (métacognitive, cognitive, motivationnelle et comportementale) de l’intelligence culturelle sur la performance au travail en situation d’expatriation (relative à la tâche, à... more
Although the term situational judgment test (SJT) implies judging situations, existing SJTs focus more on judging the effectiveness of different response options (i.e., response judgment) and less on how people perceive and interpret... more
It is proposed that sustainable human development can occur only when there is a reasonable work-life balance for humans. Developmental work for humans is mostly achieved through high performing organizations, and the performance of... more
In the emerging markets, cross border management has become a big challenge among the organizations. Researchers have suggested that a high IQ and emotional intelligence may not be sufficient to successfully handle the global situations,... more
Rapid globalization has led to richness in diversity of workforce in today's organization. Borderless economy has resulted in imparting international experience and exposure to the workforce further enabling them to handle international... more
An ideological texture analysis of Colossians 2 to address the question; how can modern Christians confront competing philosophical factions without oppressing or dominating other cultural groups? A refinement of polemics that relies on... more
This article describes the development of a theory-based cross-cultural training intervention, named relational ideology training, and reports a field experiment testing its effectiveness in facilitating intercultural collaborations. The... more
International conventions that criminalize wartime abuse of cultural property and bilateral treaties that target trafficking in antiquities reflect evolving consideration for looted art in foreign policy. Since the poignant plunder of... more
As the work environment is changing rapidly, organizations need more adaptable employees who can work creatively, learn new skills and adapt to diverse social contexts and novel environments. Individual differences such as prior... more
Emphasizing the importance of cross-border effectiveness in the contemporary globalized world, we propose that cultural intelligence—the leadership capability to manage effectively in culturally diverse settings—is a critical leadership... more
The problem addressed through this qualitative case study was the result of multiple assertions claiming that emergency managers do not receive the cultural competency training or development needed to effectively perform their duties.... more
In the background of immediate threats of terrorism and political violence, a non-physical, insidious threat to international security develops. Progressive abuses against cultural heritage support campaigns of terrorism while... more
The business world is increasingly faced with fierce competition at a global level thus Leaders with high cultural intelligence have become paramount for success. Leaders with higher Cultural Intelligence have the potential to map... more
As a result of globalisation, a significant proportion of companies operate across borders and in many cases, work communities are also organised from workers with diverse cultural backgrounds. Due to the intensive flow of services, goods... more
В статье исследуется теория культурного интеллекта в ее применении при формировании умений будущего PR-специалиста ориентироваться в мультикультурном профессиональном мире. Анализируются результаты опроса студентов направления «Реклама и... more
This study employed a Persian Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and a disclosed Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to explore the relationship between cultural intelligence (CQ) and English as a foreign language (EFL)... more
The world’s economic power is shifting as globalization, influenced by economic growth, trade policy, and new trading relationships presses onward. Consequently, more efficient methods and outcomes are necessary. This research examines... more
Cultural intelligence (CI) has often been linked to performance at the individual, team, and fi rm levels as a key factor in international business success. Using a new measure of CI , the business cultural intelligence quotient (BCIQ),... more
Dealing with workplace diversity is the major challenge of global leaders. The objective of this study is to study the impact of cultural intelligence on global leadership effectiveness. In this conceptual study, we describe major... more
Nowadays, companies and their employees have to face new challenges due to globalization and digitalization. Multicultural teams have to cooperate effectively at the physical workplace and in the virtual space as well. In 2020, due to the... more
The aim of cultural neuroscience is to detect and explain the neurological underpinnings of cognitive and behavioral differences across cultures. Studies in cultural neuroscience are crucial for the education and development of global... more
Multiple intelligence theory presents an overlap of trait and behavioral theory in the discussion of leadership. Gardner pioneered the multiple intelligence theory, including linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence,... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between big five personality traits and cultural intelligence factors. Data was collected from expatriates working in the USA. The results provided significant relations between... more
Cultural intelligence (CQ) – the capability to function effectively in intercultural settings – has gained increasing attention from researchers and practitioners due to its contemporary relevance to globalization, international... more
'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles'. The importance of thoroughly knowing and understanding the enemy on the battlefield can be summarized in this well-known and diachronic Sun... more
Historically, empires recruited scholars to capture artworks as a complement to military victory. Over the past century, cultural scholars have integrated fine art and antiquities into campaigns of conquest and assessed the political... more
Cultural intelligence (CQ) is an important construct attracting growing attention in academic literature and describing cross-cultural competencies. To date, researchers have only partially tested the relationship between CQ and its... more
Cultural Intelligence helps business-people everywhere to become more effective in making decisions, communicating and negotiating across cultures, leading and motivating others who are culturally different, and... more
Il contributo affronta la questione della didattica della dimensione culturale di una lingua come quella inglese che in realtà veicola una realtà tutt’altro che uniforme e omogenea. Dopo una descrizione generale del rapporto tra lingua e... more
Terörizm, geçmişten günümüze birçok ülke için önemli bir güvenlik sorunu haline gelmiştir. Çeşitli motivasyonlara sahip terörist gruplar, devletlerin çıkarlarını olumsuz etkileyen saldırılar gerçekleştirmiş, bu saldırılar binlerce insanın... more
The tightening interrelation of cultural property and international security—cultural security—creates a need for the collection and analysis of specialized intelligence. “Cultural intelligence” enables assessments of the tactical and... more
A modern corporation can hardly do without effective leadership and management in a global competition. Cultural intelligence (CQ) as a new phenomenon represents a great potential for a learning organization, and a great further step in... more
Cross-cultural adjustment is a challenge faced by sojourner groups around the world. Although associations between the Big Five personality traits and cross-cultural adjustment are well established, less is known about the six-factor... more
The present article reports the results of two studies designed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the cultural intelligence (CI) scale in the Turkish context. The proposed four-factor (cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and... more