Cultural Center

107 papers
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A cultural center is an institution or facility that promotes and facilitates the understanding, appreciation, and expression of cultural heritage and artistic practices. It serves as a hub for community engagement, education, and the dissemination of cultural knowledge through various programs, exhibitions, and events.
This paper discusses the formal and symbolic aesthetic meaning of the Al Jabbar Grand Mosque, a new mosque in Bandung, Indonesia, designed by Ridwan Kamil. Like Ridwan Kamil's previous works, the Al Jabbar mosque in Bandung has a... more
The interest of young generation towards traditional arts especially in North Sumatera is fairly low. This is affected by the globalization of medias and the lack of attention the government give for arts and culture despite the fact that... more
Çalışma kapsamında dünyanın en etkileyici şehirlerinden biri olarak değerlendirilen Paris konu edilmekte ve destinasyon pazarlaması açısından mercek altına alınmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle Paris kentine ilişkin genel bilgiler... more
Pusat informasi kebudayaan adalah bangunan yang dibangun Khusus sebagaiwadah informasi kebudayaan dan juga sebagai tempat berdiskusi, belajar dansebagai tempat yang mewadahi event festival kebudayaan, khususnya padakabupaten kutai... more
old historical cities are distinguished by beautiful architectural environment , fantastic natural landscapes and human architectural heritage which was existed due to long historical accumulations and this heritage is mixed with natural... more
Kelley ends by noting, "In reality, the plague doctor's protective gear, for all its orphic allure. .. had little preventative effect during the great plagues in Europe. But the mythos around them was persistent, providing perhaps some... more
Modernization, which consisted in the transition from feudalism to capitalism in post-reform Russia, had a significant impact on education. Due to the fact that the Russian Empire was a classic world economy with a large city at its... more
В статье рассматривается деятельность Студенческого культурного центра в Белграде в начале 1970-х годов. Особое внимание уделено анализу становления новых художественных практик на примере одной из наиболее значимых выставок Студенческого... more
The urban cultural model Center and periphery Joaqu í n Á lvarez Barrientos The urban model
The phenomenon of urban squatting entails social experiences of appropriation and use of abandoned buildings. Concurrently, the Centros Culturales Okupa (CCO) constitute specific forms of urban squatting articulated around cultural and... more
ES: El articulo es una reflexion sobre el legado de los cultural studies, y sus aportaciones a las ciencias sociales contemporaneas. Se basa en una conversacion entre los autores, con Dick Hebdige en el centro, y gira en torno a la... more
The traces of the cultural layers unearthed by the civilizations settled in Anatolia throughout history constitute the cultural heritage of our country. Historical Tokat City Center is an example of lesser-known areas with important... more
L os centros culturales universitarios promueven la reflexión y el desarrollo de la cultura nacional. Deben ofrecer una programación diversa y universal. Además, es necesario que estén en sintonía con los fines académicos de la... more
Kabupaten Ketapang adalah kabupaten terluas di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dengan letak yang strategis dan aset pengembangan budaya yang cukup menjanjikan. Isu yang ditemukan dari rekam sejarah, sosial dan ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa masih... more
Seminary is a place for Christian religious education to form and educate prospective Christian clergy. The seminary is equipped with various educational support facilities, because it is a special education that focuses on... more
Abstract. Kedaton Region Sultanate of Ternate and Tidore is an area defined as the area of Cultural According to Law No. 11 of 2010. The two regions were declared as cultural heritage area developed as a cultural tourism area, because it... more
(ABSTRAK) The cultural diversity possessed by each region in Indonesia is the main capital in tourism in Indonesia, culture with its uniqueness has several potentials that deserve to be raised in the wider community as a cultural tourism... more
Animal Park is a form of ex-situ conservation institution that functions as a forum for preserving fauna outside of their natural habitat which is public. Besides having a conservation function, the Animal Park also has recreational,... more
La Ricarda és una casa situada a les zones baixes del Prat de Llobregat de Barcelona, actualment reconeguda pel seu exclusiu valor arquitectònic i dissenyada per l'arquitecte Antoni Bonet en estreta col•laboració amb el propietari Ricardo... more
The paper displays the history of the emergence and development of music clubs in Tsarist Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries and the post-revolutionary period of the clubs' existence in Soviet Russia, examines the artwork of carpet... more
The essay analyses Le Corbusier's involvement in the creation of a Gandhi memorial at Raj Ghat, New Delhi. While demonstrating the relationship between the propositions for New Delhi and Le Corbusier's various plans for cultural centres,... more
Public Service Hall is a place where public service delivery activities take place in the form of goods or services and administrative services which are an extension of the function of integrated services both central and regional as... more
Warisan kebudayaan suatu masyarakat yang memiliki nilai hirstoris dapat punah jika tidak dijaga dan diperkenalkan kepada generasigenerasi selanjutnya. Jepang memiliki pengaruh yang cukup besar bagi beberapa seniman Barat, baik bersumber... more
In the process of social spaces design, the key and desirable aspect seems to be the correct reading of the character and identity of the city. Additionally, more and more residents are eager to participate actively in the transformation... more
It is not news that the material life of buildings transcends the function that gave rise to them. This circumstance is the leitmotiv of the rehabilitation and recycling works as part of architectural design practice. In the case of the... more
La Olimpiada popular, concebida como una manifestación pacifista y antifascista en torno al deporte y la cultura, no pudo celebrarse, su fecha prevista de apertura (el 19 de julio de 1936) coinci-dió fatalmente con el estallido de la... more
Most people are trapped by their monotonous activities, they tend to look for more practical entertainment through smart phones, the internet or television. That might  reduce  the real meaning of social interaction. The existence of... more
Mal Pelayanan Publik adalah tempat berlangsungnya aktifitas penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik berupa barang atau jasa dan pelayanan administrasi yang merupakan perluasan fungsi pelayanan terpadu baik pusat maupun daerah serta pelayanan... more
Along with the rapid development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) globally, which seems to spread to various segments in the world, it creates competition for every country to take part in the progress of science and technology. To... more
nenavadno je dejstvo, da sta na robu slovenskega etničnega ozemlja kar dve mesti, ki ne bosta nikoli mogli skriti slovenskega izvora svojega imena; to sta gorica in gradec. o tem, da je bil gradec, katerega ime je nedvomno slovensko,... more
Motorcycle racing is generally known as a dangerous sport, but it is enjoyed as an exciting pastime. In increasing the potential of motorcycle racers in Indonesia in general and in West Kalimantan in particular, it is necessary to build a... more
Seminary is a place for Christian religious education to form and educate prospective Christian clergy. The seminary is equipped with various educational support facilities, because it is a special education that focuses on... more
Mastery of foreign languages is an important skill to compete in the international world in the future. The Language Unit of Universitas Tanjungpura also supports the mastery of foreign languages and has a vision and mission to become a... more
North Kayong Regency is in the fishing area in WPP 711 which is the cumulative management area of the Karimata Strait, Natuna Sea and South China Sea areas, which allows this district to have large production potential in the fisheries... more
It is not news that the material life of buildings transcends the function that gave rise to them. This circumstance is the leitmotiv of the rehabilitation and recycling works as part of architectural design practice. In the case of the... more
Bukit Kelam merupakan batu monolit terbesar di dunia mengalahkan Ayers Rock di Uluru, Australia. Kawasan Bukit Kelam berada di Kecamatan Kelam Permai, Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Bukit Kelam cukup menarik minat wisatawan dengan... more
Bukit Kelam is the largest monolith rock in the world beating Ayers Rock in Uluru, Australia. Bukit Kelam is located in Kelam Permai District, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. Bukit Kelam is can attract tourists with its uniqueness. This... more
Paroki Yesus Gembala Baik Palangka Raya merupakan salah satu paroki yang memiliki jumlah umat yang cukup banyak di Keuskupan Palangka Raya. Berawal dari satu Gereja Katedral Santa Maria, saat ini berkembang dengan bangunan Gereja yang... more
The cultural center functions as a forum for cultural activists, artists, the local community, and local youth to be able to show, sell and preserve local cultural activities. The Karo tribe needs a Cultural Center so that they can... more
We present here the initial results of the Proyecto Arqueologico del Centro Ceremonial de Tibes. The aim of the project is to study changes in the social, political, and economic systems at Tibes, the earliest civic and ceremonial center... more
Banyuwangi merupakan salah satu kota yang terletak di jawa timur yang memiliki beragam seni dan kebudayaan. Banyaknya budaya dan keinginan untuk menarik minat masyarakat membuat Kota Banyuwangi sering mengadakan festival budaya. Festival... more
The market is a place where buyers and sellers meet to conduct buying and selling transactions of goods and services. The characteristic of a market is the existence of transaction or buying and selling activities. The market has at least... more
Indonesia is a country rich in natural potential and food diversity. Located in area not far from the peak. Cipanas area has good potential to be developed as domestic and foreign tourism. But unfortunately there is rarely a tour that... more
A place for the Kopassus Basic Education and Training Center in BOGOR, West Java, which aims to shape Indonesian society, especially army forces who want to join into a special army unit, and professionals tasked with protecting and... more
L os centros culturales universitarios promueven la reflexión y el desarrollo de la cultura nacional. Deben ofrecer una programación diversa y universal. Además, es necesario que estén en sintonía con los fines académicos de la... more
ES: El articulo es una reflexion sobre el legado de los cultural studies, y sus aportaciones a las ciencias sociales contemporaneas. Se basa en una conversacion entre los autores, con Dick Hebdige en el centro, y gira en torno a la... more
O legado africano na Bahia e, particularmente na cidade de Salvador, é um fator determinante da sua identidade cultural. A construção da Igreja Rosário dos Pretos é parte importante para se compreender uma história de resistência e... more
Abstract. Kedaton Region Sultanate of Ternate and Tidore is an area defined as the area of Cultural According to Law No. 11 of 2010. The two regions were declared as cultural heritage area developed as a cultural tourism area, because it... more