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En el cruce entre la cultura del diseño y el museo contemporáneo se encuentra el branding cultural. En nuestro país, se dio como un fenómeno que comenzó en el siglo XXI con las experiencias del Malba y la Fundación Proa. En la actualidad,... more
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      Cultural BrandingBuenos AiresDiseñoMuseos
This study focuses on brand literacy in the emerging market of China. Results reveal Chinese consumer desire to express a deep resonance between Chinese values and aesthetics and a favored brand identity. Chinese brands such as Shanghai... more
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      Consumer CultureCultural LiteracyChinese AestheticsNation Branding
The early modern commercial book market was the cradle of authorial branding. Authors and publishers increasingly explored the construction of authorial brands: a set of recurring and recognizable characteristics associated with authorial... more
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      LiteratureEarly Modern LiteratureAuthorshipCultural Branding
«[…] para combater o utopismo acelerado das smart cities, promovido pela alta tecnologia das grandes empresas de engenharia e consultoria, não havia necessidade de a Europa da qualidade e excelência se democratizar apenas por via de... more
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      Urban PlanningRegional and Local GovernanceUrban StudiesNomadism
This is the original and victorious bid of the city of Wrocław, Poland, for the title of European Capital of Culture 2016.
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      Cultural PolicyCultural PoliticsCultureUrban Studies
A cultural perspective reveals how branding has opened up to include cultural, sociological, and theoretical inquiry that both complements and complicates economic and managerial analysis of branding. An emphasis on culture forms part of... more
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      Brand ManagementConsumer CultureBrand ImageConsumer Culture Theory
The purpose of this conceptual paper is to review a typology of branding that identifies four perspectives on branding: corporate perspectives, consumer perspectives, cultural perspectives and critical perspectives. This typology helps... more
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      Visual CultureConsumer BehaviorBrandingCultural Branding
Sur la base d’une revue bibliographique et des entretiens effectués auprès des professionnels, cet article vise à explorer les pratiques actuelles de conservation qui se déroulent au sein des expositions de mode, qui constitue un moyen de... more
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      Event ManagementCultural BrandingFashion Exhibitions
Recent research has shifted attention from brand producers and products toward consumer response and services to understand brand value creation. Often missing from these insights, however, is a focus on cultural processes that affect... more
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      MarketingSemioticsCultural StudiesAdvertising
This paper tries to identify suitable strategies to enhance local cultural heritage - both museums and other cultural sites -, focusing on new product and communication concepts in the perspective of experiential marketing. Particularly... more
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      Cultural BrandingMuseum Marketing
This research represents an effort to fill the gap between brand development studies focusing expressly on Western brands and their markets and culture-specific global brand development in emerging markets, such as China. Case studies are... more
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      Brand ManagementChinese StudiesConsumption StudiesChina
This study explicates the coconstitutive relationships between commercial myth-making and popular memory that arise through myth market competitions for identity value. We develop a genealogical analysis of the representational... more
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      Brand ManagementConsumer CultureConsumer Culture TheoryBranding
La marque mondiale du rasage adapte sa stratégie à l'ère #MeToo. Elle remise son message sur la virilité triomphante, associée à une « masculinité toxique », et promeut dans son nouveau spot l'éducation des garçons au respect d'autrui.
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      MarketingLanguages and LinguisticsAdvertisingBranding
While previous researchers have attempted to explain the uncertain quality of visual arts with reference to branding theory, they have overlooked the role of art fairs. Socio-cultural approaches to branding allow us to explore the... more
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      Contemporary ArtBrandingCultural BrandingArt Fairs
The purpose of this paper is to argue that greater awareness of the connections between the traditions and conventions of visual art and the production and consumption of images leads to enhanced ability to understand branding as a... more
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      AestheticsBrand ManagementBrandingCindy Sherman
As modern practice shows, museums can form not only national but also urban identities, with equal success and thus become a framework for a complex system of local images and narratives. The brand as an identity today is formed not only... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Branding
Pietra, Henaff, bière Ch’ti… de nombreuses marques régionales ont réussi à s’ancrer solidement sur les marchés en s’appuyant sur des cultures et des identités régionales. L’objectif de ce article est de montrer comment les marques peuvent... more
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      Brand ManagementRegionalismBrandingEthnicity
The paper takes as its subject celebrity and consumption and the cultural logic of the celebrity brand. It introduces the concept of celebritisation as the engine of celebrity culture, discussing ways in which celebrity brands operate as... more
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      Celebrity CultureBrandingCultural BrandingArts Marketing
User-generated advertising (UGA) has been booming over the past few years as marketers have been actively seeking to enhance consumer engagement. Yet, our understanding of the implications, the importance and the potential of UGA from... more
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      Social MediaCultural BrandingUser Generated Content
El text proposa una reflexió sobre els criteris que configuren les marques i els llocs literaris dels autors clàssics, més enllà del seu rigor històric, a més d’examinar alguns factors determinants en la seua transposició didàctica. Ens... more
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      City BrandingCultural BrandingAusiàs MarchDidactic Transposition
This exploratory study employed the values, attitudes, and behavior (VAB) framework to test Hofstede’s cultural values, state-level ethnocentrism (state brand consumption), and identity (state pride) on intent to support ag-related... more
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      Identity (Culture)Local foodCultural BrandingGeert Hofstede’s “Model of Cultural Dimensions”
Branding products and companies has always been associated with private enterprises and less, if ever, with international intergovernmental organizations. International organizations now have a long history behind them, a history often... more
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      MarketingCommunicationCorporate Social ResponsibilityDigital Media
The paper takes as its subject celebrity and consumption and the cultural logic of the celebrity brand. It introduces the concept of celebritisation as the engine of celebrity culture, discussing ways in which celebrity brands operate as... more
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      MarketingCelebrity CultureConsumer CultureNarrative Analysis
La popularización del término "marca España" ha llevado a algunos directores de cine a explotar los tópicos que comúnmente se le asocian (deportes, gastronomía, turismo, cultura, etc.), frecuentemente unidos en la misma película. El tema... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesEuropean CinemaSpanish Cinema
Schroeder, J., Borgerson, J., Wu, Z. (2014) "A Brand Culture Approach to Brand Literacy: Consumer Co-creation and Emerging Chinese Luxury Brands," Advances in Consumer Research. This study reveals Chinese consumers’ desire to express... more
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      Brand ManagementConsumer CultureBrandingCultural Branding
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      European HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryEuropean Studies
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      Cultural BrandingCajun Culture
Du géofiltre à l'égofiltre: les territoires de jeu des individus-marques à l'épreuve des applications de messagerie sociale Cet article s'inscrit dans la problématique du "territoire numérique de marque" tel que Mariannig Le Béchec et... more
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      Mobile CommunicationCultural Brandingsnapchat
Moving away from the trend to study the managerial aspects of Western brand building in Chinese contexts, we examine how Chinese branding efforts express significant aspects of their own brand culture. In our research, we use a... more
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      Brand ManagementChinaConsumer CultureConsumer Culture Theory
The purpose of this paper is to present two decisive texts in the advertising history, because they are probably the first to express the transition from product to brand like advertising’s object and reference, and the first to begin... more
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      AdvertisingBrand ImagePublicidadeBranding
En el ámbito del museo, diseño y arte mediático extienden prácticas que plantean desafíos hacia el espectador y convierten estos espacios en experiencias de consumo. Frente a la expansión del espectáculo y el consumo masivo, el museo de... more
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      Cultural BrandingDiseñoMuseos
Resum: Aquest article és una proposta didàctica per a treballar la poesia de Vicent Andrés Estellés (1924 – 1993) a 4t d’ESO dels tres instituts d’educació secundària del municipi valencià de Burjassot (l’Horta): IES Vicent Andrés... more
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      City BrandingCultural BrandingLiteratura catalanaCatalan Literature
Branding products and companies has always been associated with private enterprises and less, if ever, with international intergovernmental organizations. International organizations now have a long history behind them, a history often... more
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      MarketingCorporate Social ResponsibilityDigital MediaAdvertising
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      Strategic Brand ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilityCultural Branding
Typography is a dominant feature which performs a central role in the branding and advertising of cultural festivals. This paper discusses how typography can be used to achieve authenticity in cultural festival brand marks culminating in... more
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      Design ResearchTypographyCultural BrandingTourism
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      MythologyConsumer CultureConsumer Culture TheoryCultural Branding
In 2013, various demonstrations occurred in Brazil sharing some of the characteristics of international movements such as the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street. Brazilians united their voices against the increase in public transport... more
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      Cultural BrandingBrandFiat
The Maasai people have their name and cultural identity designs now legally protected and claim royalties for any commercial use thereof, after Louis Vuitton and other brands have used their cultural symbols without permission and even... more
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      Cultural HeritageBrand and identity designIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property Rights
Brand image constitutes one of the most extensively and intensively explored and operationalized constructs in marketing theory and practice. This paper problematizes the way brand image has been conceptualized in the traditional branding... more
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      SemioticsSymbolismBrand ImageCultural Branding
Brand is much more than a logo, a uniform, packaging, an advert or a look and feel. It’s all of these and more! Your brand is your DNA, your brand promise. It’s emotive and it’s an asset with intrinsic value. Moreover, brand is about... more
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      BrandingCultural Branding
Resum: Aquest treball presenta la “Ruta Estellés de Burjassot”, una ruta literària creada per l'Ajuntament de Burjassot (l'Horta) que recorre els carrers i les places del poble del poeta Vicent Andrés Estellés a través de la seua obra.... more
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      City BrandingCultural BrandingCatalan LiteratureGeoliterature
This article explores why cultural branding-ideo-affective market communication addressing intense political tensions-paradoxically seems to lead to political inertia rather than political mobilization. I critically analyse advertising... more
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      MulticulturalismIdeologySlavoj ŽižekLacanian theory
The paper takes as its subject celebrity and consumption and the cultural logic of the celebrity brand. It introduces the concept of celebritisation as the engine of celebrity culture, discussing ways in which celebrity brands operate as... more
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      MarketingCelebrity CultureConsumer CultureNarrative Analysis
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
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      MarketingCelebrity CultureConsumer CultureNarrative Analysis
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      Brand ManagementStrategic Brand ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic Culture