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This panel discusses the possibility of appreciating video games that are otherwise considered "flawed" or "bad". The concepts of paracinema (Sconce) and camp (Sontag) describe ways of appreciating cinema and culture... more
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most influential and known works regarding drama and more precisely tragedies. Its central character, Hamlet, is a many-faced protagonist whose actions, emotions and perceptions will shape the... more
This article considers the significance of different Shakespearean allusions in a political docudrama miniseries This England (2022), directed for Sky by Michael Winterbottom and scripted by Winterbottom and Kieron Quirke. The action... more
Film remakes, akin to palimpsests, are layered texts that bear the imprint of their creation, influenced by the dynamic interplay of political, ideological, and social contexts. They represent a complex convergence of artistic vision,... more
This was to have appeared in the proceedings of the Shakespeare on Film Centenary Conference in Malaga in 1999. There were various delays, and this version was essentially ready by 2004 at the latest, at which point family illness seems... more
Within the large and generically diffuse corpus of adaptations, spin-offs, backstage or biographical dramas, and other cinematic reworkings of Shakespeare's life and art, there have been a number of films that are also concerned with... more
A cult film valued for being 'so bad it's good'-in Jeffrey Sconce's terminology, 'badfilm'-is championed via a form of interpretative competence which values incompetence. Scholarship addressing the terms... more
This article delves into the profound impact of LGBTQ themes in modern drama by analyzing Tony Kushner's "Angels in America" and Mart Crowley's "The Boys in the Band." Exploring resilience, love, and societal challenges within the LGBTQ... more
Riff-Raff (1991) is analysed as a functional hinge between the British documentarymovement of the twenties, the free cinema of the fifties and the present current ofsocial films such as Trainspotting (1996), Brassed off (1996) or The Full... more
This essay offers a discussion of policy and its relationship to film culture in Britain focusing primarily on the last twenty-five years, and concentrating exclusively on England. Necessarily a foreshortened overview, it nevertheless... more
This essay delves into the portrayal of the "unpresentable" in contemporary performances centered around cancer, probing how such artistic endeavors defy conventional aesthetic paradigms. I anchor my analysis on the mixed-media dance... more
This thesis presents the first academic analysis of key US motion picture production company Laurel Entertainment. Established in Pittsburgh by Night of the Living Dead (1968) director George A. Romero and his business partner Richard P.... more
not only a new translation of de Brosse's 1760 text but a 43page introduction by Daniel Leonard treating the author and his work and a 186-page afterword by Rosalind Morris following the subsequent deployments of fetishism in the work... more
BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license, which means that you are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and you may also remix, transform, and build upon the material, as long as you clearly attribute the work to... more
This article investigates the history of Christian patriarchy, misogyny and devaluation of the body, and the response of the feminist theological movement to this history; namely to reclaim the (female) body as sacred. It uses a... more
Ophelia in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet (2004) is a potent discursive site whose interpretive and critical valences have been salvaged through various adaptations of this play. Through the utilization of critical insights of critics, such... more
This thesis explores the relationships between science fiction, social theory and social transformation through an in-depth analysis of three feminist science fiction novels. It develops innovative reading practices that bring together... more
Every body contains multitudes, but no body is immune to the ideology of oneness: one true self, one sexuality, one gender, one vision of the world, one true God. For many who identify (or who have been named by others) as transgender,... more
Introduction [1] There is an ongoing debate in the field of religion and film studies about whether or not film makes a unique contribution to our understanding of religion. Since most religion and film scholars are concerned about the... more
Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter One: Defining Cult Films 1.1 "I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey": What is Cult Film? 1.2 "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night": Fan based accounts of Cult 1.3... more
Comics are an innovative way to translate health knowledge and research to service providers and communities. A theoretical framework intertwining poststructuralism and queer theory was used to explore the experiences of queer artists in... more
The aim of this project has been to explore the possibility of applying Phenomenology and Classical Indian Theories to cinema with the hope that their systematic application would generate new insights in a deeper understanding of cinema.... more
This work proposes a (re)reading of the stage play The Boys in the Band, written by American playwright Mart Crowley in 1967, focused on the first staging of the play one year later. The theoretical framework for this analysis is based on... more
Conservative religious ideology is a key contributor to the ongoing violence of LGBTIQ2S+ exclusion and discrimination in Canada. This qualitative arts-based research project foregrounds the life experiences of 2 queer individuals from... more
The myth of the Androgyne is appropriated in John Cameron Mitchell's movie adaptation of his eponymous off-Broadway musical play titled Hedwig and the Angry Inch. This is a cinematic feat as the filmmaker foregrounds the main topic in the... more
Born in Lódź just a year before the outbreak of WWII, Jerzy Skolimowski is a true Renaissance man: a filmmaker, playwright, scriptwriter, painter, actor, poet, and even an amateur boxer. He is believed to be one of the most interesting... more
Cinematic spectacle section of literature review for an abandoned PhD research project.
Political theater reveals the problematic issues of a society to make its audience stand up for their suppressed rights and to compel the States to make political and social reforms. Although the American politicians claim to have... more
There's always been a difficulty with the rhetoric of AIDS. You're trying to find positive things in a holocaust like this, so you say, 'Well, it has taught people certain things and it's made us a different kind of community,' and it... more
There's always been a difficulty with the rhetoric of AIDS. You're trying to find positive things in a holocaust like this, so you say, 'Well, it has taught people certain things and it's made us a different kind of community,' and it... more
The Queering of Family Values in Angels in America "There are no gods here, no ghosts and spirits in America, there are no angels in America, no spiritual past, no racial past, there's only the political, and the decoys and the ploys to... more
The Boys in the Band," a play by American playwright Mart Crowley (1935-2020), represents a milestone in the representation of urban gay men in theater. By exploring on stage the lives of a group of male gay friends in the late 1960s,... more
Studies have shown that children share both positive and dark spiritual experiences. The former dominates the literature but whilst the need to address the dark side of spirituality has been raised it has not, as yet, been dealt with as... more
The Boys in the Band," a play by American playwright Mart Crowley (1935-2020), represents a milestone in the representation of urban gay men in theater. By exploring on stage the lives of a group of male gay friends in the late 1960s,... more
This article suggests that reading John Cameron Mitchell’s musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch as a religious classic undermines the logic of complementarity within Catholic theological anthropology, particularly the Theology of the Body of... more
A constant in the history of film since its inception, William Shakespeare's <em>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</em> has been delivered to filmgoers throughout the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries in various adaptation... more
Robert A. Heinlein, "a handy short definition of almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation about possible future, events based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough... more
Conservative religious ideology is a key contributor to the ongoing violence of LGBTIQ2S+ exclusion and discrimination in Canada. This qualitative arts-based research project foregrounds the life experiences of 2 queer individuals from... more
In the following chapter the discussion focuses on Shakespeare films which produce metacinematic effects by editing process, trick photography, lighting, the positioning and presence of the camera, bare scenery, and the themes they... more
Thanks needed to be expressed to a number of people over the last three years – and I apologise if I forget anyone here. First of all, thank you to Rayna Denison and Keith Johnston for agreeing to oversee this research – which required... more
This thesis explores how British social realist films are framed in relation to the past, with a significant focus on the work of Shane Meadows. In this explorative study, the choice to use nostalgia to interrogate the British social... more
The opening of Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight conjoins the iconic landscape of the Western, Christianity’s chief symbol the crucifix, and Tarantino’s oeuvre. The film gives the crucifix so much screen time that one wonders what its... more