Culinary culture and history
Recent papers in Culinary culture and history
"Food knowledge in Paris at the end of the Middle Ages: between culinary practice and food hygiene": How is food knowledge spread in Paris at the end of the Middle Ages? This is the purpose of this article. At that time, Paris was already... more
Society is as society does. The culture of a region is an extensive manifestation of the mindset of the individuals residing in it. One's ideas and beliefs are reflected in their behaviour and furthermore, their behaviour assumes the... more
"Nous gardons tous au fond d’un tiroir un menu qui nous rappelle l’heureux souvenir d’un repas convivial. Mais que savons-nous vraiment du menu ? De sa genèse, de son histoire, et de son apport à la société ? Des premiers menus du Moyen... more
2nd colloque international du projet PSL Études globales « Fusion culinaire Europe-Asie. Espace global d'apprentissage et de recherche sur la cuisine » (Sandrine RUHLMANN, CNRS)
"Des premiers recueils de recettes du Moyen Âge aux discours des grands gastronomes qui font et défont les réputations, Patrick Rambourg raconte comment la cuisine française a conquis ses lettres de noblesse. Côté fourneaux, il montre que... more
In this article I examine and analyze the complex configuration of diasporic/homeland relations as represented in Arab American author Diana Abu Jaber's most recent "cookbook-memoir" The Language of Baklava. Abu Jaber's work resists... more
"“La cocina, simple en sus orígenes, refinada de siglo en siglo, se ha convertido en un arte difícil”, escribía Antoine Beauvilliers en su Art du cuisinier. Es precisamente la historia de este “arte difícil” lo que este libro ambiciona... more
"Cards-menus of a Parisian restaurant "Chez Mercier" from 1933 to 1971". This study is based on a unique collection of menus-cards from a Parisian restaurant covering five decades, from the mid-1930s to the beginning of the 1970s, in a... more
The main topic of this article is traditional Japanese cuisine called washoku, deeply embedded in the history and culture of this country. The concept of washoku itself is relatively young, because it came into use at the end of the 19th... more
The porophyllum species of herb has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes in the Americas but the species is almost unknown outside of the continent. This paper is an introduction to the pore leafs for both chef and herbalist.
Mutfak ve yemek kültürü toplumsal tarihle iç içedir. Toplumsal, ekonomik ve siyasi tarihten gelen gizli ve aşikâr birçok iz taşır. Gıdaların tasnifinden pişirme tekniklerine, mutfak mimarisinden sofra düzeni ve adabına kadar uzanan geniş... more
Certificate of Excellence (2012), Illinois State Historical Society
Het gebeurt niet vaak dat er nog onbekende middeleeuwse culinaire recepten opduiken. Toch brengt dit artikel acht niet eerder gepubliceerde recepten onder de aandacht. Ze zijn afkomstig uit het tweede deel van het convoluut KANTL Gent 15.... more
La loi du 1 er juillet 1992 (code de la propriété intellectuelle, première partie) n'autorisant, aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article L. 122-5, d'une part, que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du... more
For a multitude of North Americans 'tuned in' to the holiday traditions of mainstream United States (U.S.) culture, the culinary additions of the tastants vanilla, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cardamom, and cinnamon likely evoke... more
Özet İnsan, geçmişten günümüze gelinceye kadar beslenme ihtiyacını çeşitli şekillerde karşılamıştır. Buna göre konumuzu oluşturan Geleneksel Anadolu Mutfak Kültürü’nün ortaya çıkışı ve gelişimini 5 ana grupta değerlendirebiliriz. 1-... more
Tourism is travel for recreational exposure, leisure, or business purposes. Tourism does not only mean travelling to a particular destination but also includes all activities and experiences undertaken during the stay. It includes day... more
In Interpreter of the Maladies, food is used as a conduit between the English and Indian cultures; food serves as an expiatory offering, as a basis for assimilation, and as a source of cultural identity. Food is a universal necessity that... more
The large number of chaya kadas -tea shops- that have sprung up across certain neighbourhoods of Bangalore city prove to be an interesting cultural phenomenon. Though not a chain, these shops are almost uniform in appearance, and seem to... more
В статье рассматривается современное состояние гастрономического туризма, говорится о его роли в экономике впечатлений. Рассказывается об истории и видах гастрономических путешествий, фестивалях в разных странах мира, включая Россию.... more
Starting from the diachronic impact of salt on humanity's numerous activities and spiritual reflexes, the author calls for establishing a new humanist discipline: the anthropology of salt. This first exertion lists the themes developed... more
Malta's geographical and political circumstances have caused the island to be a perpetual crossroad throughout history, not less in the sphere of food and foodways. This article focusses on the culinary aspects of the island and its... more
Cultura gastronomica tra Italia e Spagna nel XVII secolo con singolari risvolti politici
« La cuisine est le plus ancien des arts, affirmait Brillat-Savarin. Un art dont l’histoire est inséparable des transformations du goût aussi bien que des manières de table. A l’instar de notre nouvelle cuisine, les révolutions culinaires... more
"Eating fat. Bacon, lard, butter and oil in cooking treatises from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century". Through cookbooks, this article shows the evolution of fats in culinary practices and taste choices, from the Middle Ages to the... more
On 8 December 2017, Prof.Dr. Jeroen Stumpel gave his valedictory lecture at Utrecht University. To thank and honour him a Festschrift was prepared. The project in which I am participating under his supervision treats the illusionism, esp.... more
J. Pope, "The 'Gum-Eaters' of Nubia Revisited," in T. A. Bács, A. Bollók, and T. Vida, eds., Across the Mediterranean - Along the Nile, Volume 1: Studies in Egyptology, Nubiology and Late Antiquity Dedicated to László Török on the... more
Anthology with short stories and catalog numbers by the Swiss author Peter K. Wehrli (1939) in English translation. Made with the assistance of the following students: Anna Carlsson, Ann Huang, Adam Nunes and Kevin Russell.
Food, far more than diplomatic relations with Arab states, could be turning Israel into a state rooted rather than implanted in the Middle East even if Palestinians are likely to continue to look at the Jewish state as an implant and... more
"En un parcours à la fois thématique et chronologique, ce volume offre une synthèse savante, détaillée et pédagogique des traditions et pratiques gastronomiques de l’Occident, de l’Antiquité au XXe siècle. Des images d’art superbement... more
"Food Practices, Know-How and Professionalism in the Parisian Food Trades (Late Middle Ages and Renaissance)". Based on statutory texts, this article shows how food trades asserted themselves in the Paris of the late Middle Ages and the... more
This article tries to explore the entrance of Bolu-originated-cooks into the imperial kitchens of the Ottoman Empire. It primarily intends to correct conventional wisdom, telling that during Mehmed II's reign, they were first employed in... more
"Palate Poetry, Kitchen Truths: Coming Home to Cooking" is a long essay comprising non-didactic philosophical reflections on the wisdom of home cooking attained over the first three months spent in Covid-19 lockdown. I make a case for... more
This article discusses tensions emerging from conflicting ethnic and national identities in three European Union (EU) member states – Germany, Italy and Spain –through the prism of culinary practices. Food is a marker of cultural... more
“Uncovering Truths, Building Responsibility in a Pandemic: Insights from Emerging Monographs at the Nexus of Culture, Food, and Agriculture”
Cirebon has an element of completeness in tourism management. Religious, heritage and tourism is a combination of three industry from the perspective of economics that play a role in the development of tourism and has the potential to... more