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Tesis enfocada al desarrollo de satélites CubeSat en las universidades
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      Space SciencesSatellite CommunicationsSpace System EngineeringCubesat Satellite Development
This is a vivid analysis of the current CubeSat market, constraints and a typical cost for a CubeSat mission. It goes on to suggest ways students can raise fund for a CubeSat Mission.
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCOST ESTIMATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTCubesatOnboard Computer for Cubesat
This paper looks at the known applications of the CubeSat tech., and suggests possible areas of applications. It further evaluates the feasibility of every new uses of Cubesat that was discussed.
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesatOnboard Computer for CubesatCubesats
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      NanoelectronicsNanotechnologyCubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
Cubesats have become quite popular especially among university students as these miniaturized satellites help them in carrying out space exploration feasibly. Till date, cubesats have never flown in space with any well defined propulsion... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentNanosatellitesCubesatNanosatellite payloads
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentNanosatellitesCubesatUniversity Satellite
Space missions in the past were focused on traditional large costly satellites, but are transitioning to smaller satellites. Nowadays, humankind have the technology of landing a comet and try to make manned flight to Mars. These... more
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      AstronauticsOptimization techniquesModeling and SimulationSmall Satellite Development
This paper presents the processes of developing a physical solution to the structural subsystem of the Brazilian Technological Institute of Aeronautics – ITA CubeSat, the AESP-14 Project. This work also shows static and modal structural... more
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      Structural AnalysisCubesat Satellite DevelopmentNanosatellitesCubesat
Se llevó a cabo el diseño, la construcción y calibración de dos instrumentos que permiten determinar el centro de masa (método de suspensión colineal) y los momentos de inercia (péndulo trifilar) para nanosatélites tipo CubeSat. Los... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
This is a vivid research which attempts to give an engineering analysis of the recent developed propulsion systems for CubeSats. It compares two recent works by Tethers Unlimited and Busek, both PicoSatellite companies who has been... more
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      Space PropulsionCubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
Subsystems miniaturization of spacecraft is making scientific microsatellite missions feasible. Specifically interplanetary space exploration mission can be provided by onboard micro propulsion systems. Due to the low requirements,... more
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      EducationOptimization (Mathematics)TurkeyElectric Propulsion
This review research examined technical papers covering engineering topics related to small satellites. Papers were selected based on the use case or concept of the spacecraft they pertained to. Papers reviewed focused on niche use cases... more
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      Remote SensingSmall Satellite DevelopmentSmall SatellitesCubesat
With the advent of the first satellite Sputnik, a new era for mankind has opened. With this new era, the concepts of satellites have become more important than ever for the amenities of the modern civilization that we enjoy today.... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentNanosatellitesCubesatUniversity Satellite
The present work describes the design, structural analysis, and qualification by analysis and experimental validation of the 1st Greek cube-satellite developed at the University of Patras (UPSat - University of Patras Satellite). The key... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Applied Mechanics
The NTNU Test Satellite (NUTS-1) is an educational CubeSat project aiming to launch a student designed and manufactured satellite. The project is one of three participants in the Nor-wegian CubeSat program ANSAT. The current primary goal... more
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      Satellite CommunicationsSoftware Defined Radios (SDR)Gnu RadioCubesat
Emerging technologies of CubeSat communication and navigation systems enable new approaches such as larger bandwidths, spectrum and security decrement and high speed communications. In order to create a vantage point, young professionals... more
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      United NationsSpace PolicyCubesat Satellite DevelopmentSpace Law
This paper introduces the conceptual design, and analysis of a 3U standard CubeSat for a future Mexican space mission; one of the first nanosatellites developed in Mexico. Its mission is to take photographs of our territory using a... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
SwissCube: the first entire Swiss satellite is now on orbit; planned to operate for at least twelve months, it will have four years in the 23th of September; four years of data and results from the space and from its payload and... more
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      Satellite TechnologyCubesat Satellite DevelopmentSpacecraft Attitude Determination and ControlSatellite Attitude Control System
3 | P a g e CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project report entitled "Trajectory Analysis of UPESSAT" in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the satisfactory performance for Major Project,... more
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      Spacecraft orbit predictionCubesat Satellite DevelopmentOrbital/Celestial MechanicsOrbital Mechanics
DVB-S2 is a CCSDS telemetry standard, called adaptation standard in the CCSDS terminology, fully reusing the ETSI DVB-S2 mass-market telecommunication standard, thus providing the advantage of a wide diversity of very robust commercial... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringTelecommunicationsSatellite TechnologyElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering
CubETH is a one unit CubeSat developed in collaboration between EPFL (Lausanne) and ETH Zurich. The main objective of CubETH is to demonstrate the use of commercial GNSS receivers in space and test Precision Orbit Determination... more
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      Satellite TechnologyGlobal Navigation Satellite SystemsCubesat Satellite DevelopmentSatellite Attitude Control System
With the surge of interest in nano-satellites, there is a concomitant need for high quality, yet affordable simulation and testing environments. It is particularly challenging to experimentally evaluate nano-satellite attitude control... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSatellite Technology3D printingAdditive Manufacturing
The Texas 2-STEP (2-Satellite Targeting Experimental Platform) mission is the University of Texas at Austin's (UT-Austin) entry into the University Nanosat-5 (UNP-5) competition, a program sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory... more
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Swiss Federal Universities of Lausanne and Zurich have initiated a new 1U Cu- beSat project. The main objective of the CubETH is to demonstrate use of com- mercial GNSS receivers in space and test Precision Orbit Determination algo-... more
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      SpaceCubesat Satellite DevelopmentSatellite Attitude Control SystemAttitude Control of Cube Satellites
A 3-Unit CubeSat, called “3USAT”, is developed for voice communication in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The spacecraft was launched on 26th of April 2013 from China Jiaquan Satellite Launch centre with a LM2D launch vehicle. The main payload of... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
On April 25, 2013 after almost 4 years of development and testing the NEE-01 PEGASUS, the first Ecuadorian satellite took off to orbit on board an LM2D Chinese vector, launching from the Jiu Quan cosmodrome, it entered in its target orbit... more
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      Satellite CommunicationsCubesat Satellite DevelopmentSpace DebrisNanosatellites
The MEROPE communications subsystem consists almost entirely of commercial off the shelf components. Simple and robust, it is centered around a Paccomm Picopacket terminal node controller (TNC) operating continuously in "transparent"... more
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    • Cubesat
For most satellite missions, it is essential to decrease the satellite angular velocity. The Β algorithm is a common algorithm to stabilize the spacecraft by using magnetorquers. Controlling the satellite using the magnetorquers is part... more
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      Spacecraft EngineeringControl SystemsSmall Satellite DevelopmentCubesat Satellite Development
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesatOnboard Computer for Cubesat
This paper discusses the process of analyzing , designing and implementing a complete module of a nano/picosatellite, better known as CUBESAT, ADEF-I (Airspace Defense Satellite), and its use to increase coverage in Internet networks of... more
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      Satellite TechnologyCubesat
Swiss Federal Universities of Lausanne and Zurich have initiated a new 1U CubeSat project. The main objective of the CubETH is to demon- strate use of commercial GNSS receivers in space and test Precision Or- bit Determination algorithms.... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentSatellite Attitude Control SystemMEMS design: Sensors and ActuatorsAttitude Control of Cube Satellites
BeEagleSat uydusu ülkemizde üniversiteler, büyük sanayi ve KOBİ işbirliğinde, Avrupa Birliği QB50 projesi kapsamında geliştirilmekte olan iki birim bir küp uydudur. QB50 projesi ile ilk defa küp uydular birincil yük olarak uzaya erişim... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
This paper aims at providing a performances comparison of different High Data Rate Telemetry (HDRT) solutions dedicated to high data volume downloading. Links in X and Ka bands are considered in order to fulfill the future missions needs... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationRF PropagationSatellite TechnologySpacecraft Engineering
Heterogeneous Spacecraft Networks (HSNs) are network environments in which spacecraft from different missions and institutions can communicate with each other at low cost and with low impact on overall system resources. The Mission Design... more
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      Modelling and Simulation of communication networksSmall Satellite DevelopmentCubesat
This paper gives an overview of CNES activities in the field of very High Data Rate Telemetry (HDRT) for new very high resolution Earth observation satellites. A CNES technological program 'OTOS' (former 'CXCI') was committed in 2011 to... more
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      Earth SciencesSpacecraft EngineeringSatellite CommunicationsSatellite remote sensing
Communication protocols implemented for CubeSat networks have trivial overhead and almost no security features. As CubeSats are heavily constrained for resources, complex security suites and protocols can seldom be implemented. Cyclic... more
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      Cloud Computing SecurityMapReduce and HadoopCubesat
This paper describes a mathematical model developed for a Sun sensor as well as an embedded algorithm and electronic design with space-qualified characteristics to compensate voltage changes in the response of a set of four silicon solar... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringCubesat Satellite DevelopmentSpacecraft Attitude Determination and ControlSun Sensor
A CdZnTe based semiconductor X-ray detector (XRD) and its associated readout electronics is developed by the Space Systems Design Laboratory of Istanbul Technical University and High Energy Astrophysics Detector Laboratory of Sabanci... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentXRDCubesatXray Detectors
A compact hydrazine/hydrogen peroxide pressure-fed bi-propellant propulsion system for long term linear 4U CubeSat missions has been designed. The requirements of providing a delta v of 600m/s, containing a 1U payload of 1.33kg, and to... more
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      Space SciencesRocket PropulsionPropulsionRocket/Missile Propulsion
In the recent years, nanosatellites based missions are becoming of great interest in the space programs panorama, since they offer the possibility of a wider hardware distribution, costs reduction and losses mitigation in case of... more
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      AsteroidsNear Earth AsteroidsSpace Mission Analysis & DesignNanosatellites
ICEPS (Irvine-Class Electrical Power Supply) is the system core that EXA designed for the 1U IRVINE-03 satellite, currently in construction and in the late stages of development for the Irvine Cubesat STEM Program under a 12-year plan to... more
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      Small Satellite DevelopmentCubesat Satellite DevelopmentCubesatLaser Communication Networks
We describe the design of an electrical power system prototype for CubeSats and BalloonSats, it uses a lithiumpolymer battery as primary energy source and step-up dc-dc converters to get 12 and 5 volts. It also includes a battery charger... more
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      Battery chargerCubesatDc-Dc Converter
During the development of the first Ecuadorian satellite once mission objectives and payload design was complete, the power budget calculations indicated that we would need a large amount of energy to run the main payload which was a real... more
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      Cubesat Satellite DevelopmentAstronautical engineeringCubesat
The exploration of NEA (Near Earth Asteroids) is characterized by many problematics such as collision risks, irregular gravity fields and, in case of binary systems, multibody gravity perturbations, whose negative effects on mission... more
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      AsteroidsThree body problemSpace Mission Analysis & DesignNanosatellites
CubeSats are nanosatellites of standardized dimensions normally built by students that can be operated from a low-cost ground stations installed at the academic institutes. They offer an opportunity to engineering students in designing,... more
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      ProtocolsDataMATLAB codeUHF RFID
CubeSats are small satellites that due to their size restriction have photovoltaic cells placed on theirs surface as the only energy source. The purpose of this work is to estimate the maximum amount of power that can be obtained from... more
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      PowerPhotovoltaic CellsCubesatOrbit
In this paper, a printed Yagi antenna with an integrated balun is proposed for CubeSat communications. The printed antenna is mechanically adjustable to realize three functional states at different operating frequencies in the L-band and... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringAntenna DesignRFID TechnologyCubesat
Artificial satellites are mostly sophisticated and high cost vehicles. At first, they were launched only by big companies and space agencies; however, after several technological advances, in 1999 a low-cost, standardized-sized... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingSatellite Attitude Control SystemNanosatellitesCubesat
Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensing and computing technologies have led to the development of new promising concepts for the safe and efficient operation of Distributed Space Systems (DSS) in near-Earth orbits. The... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceRemote SensingSpacecraft Operations
The Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE-Argentine space agency), following the guidelines established in the Argentine National Space Plan, has created the Unidad de Formación Superior (UFS) for the highest-level training... more
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      EducationProject ManagementSatellite TechnologyCubesat Satellite Development