Recent papers in Cubesat
In this paper, a printed Yagi antenna with an integrated balun is proposed for CubeSat communications. The printed antenna is mechanically adjustable to realize three functional states at different operating frequencies in the L-band and... more
Nanosatellites and CubeSats were first developed for educational purposes. However, their low cost and short development cycle made nanosatellite constellations an affordable option for observing the Earth by remote sensing, increasing... more
From the experiences learned in the ZA-CUBE-1 mission, bringing up of a small-scale mission assurance facility is reported. The first of a series of actions envisaged to accomplish the facility is achieving functional test and... more
We tend to think of satellites as huge spacecraft that tower over the engineers who build them. But over the last 20 years, miniature satellites called CubeSats have been shaking up the space industry, making accessing space easier and... more
This technical report update presents use case of CCSDS DVB-S2 for space telemetry. The DVB-S2 space telemetry blue book has been issue in 2013 by CCSDS. The following use cases are presented in the slides of this report : - CNES DVB-S2... more
This paper presents the processes of developing a physical solution to the structural subsystem of the Brazilian Technological Institute of Aeronautics – ITA CubeSat, the AESP-14 Project. This work also shows static and modal structural... more
A conquista do espaço sideral esteve ligada pelas últimas décadas ao emprego de máquinas custosas e pesadas. A despeito do fato desta área não ter donos, todavia, o número de atores capazes de efetivamente se lançarem a uma empreitada... more
CubeSat is a type of miniaturized satellite with at least 10x10x10 cm in cubic units for its volume and has less than 1.33 kg per unit for its mass based on the CubeSat standard. Currently, CubeSat technology is mostly used for earth... more
This is a vivid analysis of the current CubeSat market, constraints and a typical cost for a CubeSat mission. It goes on to suggest ways students can raise fund for a CubeSat Mission.
With the advents in space technology, the concept of making cubesat type nanosatellites and sending them to space has become quite common. Nowadays, you can find many Cubesats and other types of nanosatellite orbiting Earth and conducting... more
A 3-Unit CubeSat, called "3USAT", is developed for voice communication in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The spacecraft was launched on 26 th of April 2013 from China Jiaquan Satellite Launch centre with a LM2D launch vehicle. The main payload of... more
This paper introduces the conceptual design, and analysis of a 3U standard CubeSat for a future Mexican space mission; one of the first nanosatellites developed in Mexico. Its mission is to take photographs of our territory using a... more
Every nanosatellite, including Tel-Usat which is currently developed by Telkom University, needs power resource to carry out its mission. Thus, a subsystem called Electrical Power System (EPS) is usually given a task to harvest and manage... more
This paper looks at the known applications of the CubeSat tech., and suggests possible areas of applications. It further evaluates the feasibility of every new uses of Cubesat that was discussed.
Cubesats have become quite popular especially among university students as these miniaturized satellites help them in carrying out space exploration feasibly. Till date, cubesats have never flown in space with any well defined propulsion... more
CubeSats are nanosatellites of standardized dimensions normally built by students that can be operated from a low-cost ground stations installed at the academic institutes. They offer an opportunity to engineering students in designing,... more
After a decade of experimental nanosatellite projects, the past few years have seen a growing trend of utilizing nanosatellites in more complex scientific and commercial missions. More complex nanosatellite missions typically involve... more
A compact imaging payload consisting of visible-near infrared and short-wave infrared capability is being developed to demonstrate low-cost wildfire monitoring among other Earth observations. Iris is a 1U multispectral push-broom imager... more
3 | P a g e CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project report entitled "Trajectory Analysis of UPESSAT" in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the satisfactory performance for Major Project,... more
Tesis enfocada al desarrollo de satélites CubeSat en las universidades
With the surge of interest in nano-satellites, there is a concomitant need for high quality, yet affordable simulation and testing environments. It is particularly challenging to experimentally evaluate nano-satellite attitude control... more
Se llevó a cabo el diseño, la construcción y calibración de dos instrumentos que permiten determinar el centro de masa (método de suspensión colineal) y los momentos de inercia (péndulo trifilar) para nanosatélites tipo CubeSat. Los... more
Subsystems miniaturization of spacecraft is making scientific microsatellite missions feasible. Specifically interplanetary space exploration mission can be provided by onboard micro propulsion systems. Due to the low requirements,... more
Space missions in the past were focused on traditional large costly satellites, but are transitioning to smaller satellites. Nowadays, humankind have the technology of landing a comet and try to make manned flight to Mars. These... more
Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensing and computing technologies have led to the development of new promising concepts for the safe and efficient operation of Distributed Space Systems (DSS) in near-Earth orbits. The... more
A compact hydrazine/hydrogen peroxide pressure-fed bi-propellant propulsion system for long term linear 4U CubeSat missions has been designed. The requirements of providing a delta v of 600m/s, containing a 1U payload of 1.33kg, and to... more
This is a vivid research which attempts to give an engineering analysis of the recent developed propulsion systems for CubeSats. It compares two recent works by Tethers Unlimited and Busek, both PicoSatellite companies who has been... more
On April 25, 2013 after almost 4 years of development and testing the NEE-01 PEGASUS, the first Ecuadorian satellite took off to orbit on board an LM2D Chinese vector, launching from the Jiu Quan cosmodrome, it entered in its target orbit... more
SwissCube: the first entire Swiss satellite is now on orbit; planned to operate for at least twelve months, it will have four years in the 23th of September; four years of data and results from the space and from its payload and... more
Artificial satellites are mostly sophisticated and high cost vehicles. At first, they were launched only by big companies and space agencies; however, after several technological advances, in 1999 a low-cost, standardized-sized... more
This paper discusses the process of analyzing , designing and implementing a complete module of a nano/picosatellite, better known as CUBESAT, ADEF-I (Airspace Defense Satellite), and its use to increase coverage in Internet networks of... more
Modern satellites use computer software to do on-board data handling and other tasks that are elemental to their successful operation. Design and development of such software poses several challenges due to factors such as the physical... more
Destination: 700 km LEO - 200 km LLO Micro Ion Thruster Optimization Low Thrust Continuous Spiral Orbit Approach R3BP and GEO Launch is the next step 3U/6U/12U Satellite Designs Primary Cost Estimation Basic Thruster... more
The present work describes the design, structural analysis, and qualification by analysis and experimental validation of the 1st Greek cube-satellite developed at the University of Patras (UPSat - University of Patras Satellite). The key... more