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13C MAS NMR spectrum of polycrystalline [Rh(Acac) (CO)2] (1) displays separate signals from all 7 carbon atoms: 2 doublets from CO ligand carbons along with 5 singlets from Acac carbons. GIPAW calculation of 13C shielding tensor values... more
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      Coordination chemistry (Chemistry)GIPAW13C NMRCrystal structure determination
Rifampicin is a first-line drug widely used in the treatment of tuberculosis both in the intensive and in the treatment phase. In this work we characterized the crystal structure of form I of anhydrous rifampicin mainly by using X-ray... more
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      CrystallographyTuberculosisCrystal structure determinationRietveld method
During the systematic investigation of the ternary system Ca(CH3COO)2-Ca(HCOO)2-H2O at room temperature, the congruent crystallisation of two solid calcium acetate formates was observed: the hitherto unknown Ca3(CH3COO)4(HCOO)2·4H2O and... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryCrystallographyCeramics (Art History)Natural history collections
The asymmetric unit of the compound I, [Cu II (tetren)](NO3)2, contains one [Cu(tetren)] 2+ cation (tetren is Tetraethylenepentammine) and two nitrate. In the cation, Cu 2+ ion is coordinated by four N atoms from Tetraethylenepentammine... more
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      Crystal GrowthX-ray crystallography, structure biologyCrystal structure determination
Using direct methods starting from random phases, the crystal structure of a 32-base-pair RNA (675 non-H RNA atoms in the asymmetric unit) was determined using only the native diffraction data (resolution limit 1.05 A ˚) and the computer... more
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      RNA editing in trypanosomesRNA structure analysisCrystal structure determination
LASSBio-1289 compound has been found to promote intense vasodilation and antihypertensive activity. It is an innovative compound, without structural similarities to the three main classes of calcium antagonists IJ1,4-dihydropyridines,... more
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      Rietveld refinementPowder X-Ray DiffractionCrystal structure determination
Many N-acylhydrazone derivatives synthetized in LASSBio® cannot be prepared as single crystals of sufficient size and/or quality for structure determination to be carried out using single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. This article... more
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      X-ray DiffractionCrystal structure determination
Crystal structure determination of form I of anhydrous rifampicin by X-ray powder diffraction data. Crystal morphology prediction revealed a good agreement with the images of the crystals.
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceInorganic ChemistryCrystallography
ABSTRACT LASSBio-1289 compound has been found to promote intense vasodilation and antihypertensive activity. It is an innovative compound, without structural similarities to the three main classes of calcium antagonists... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemistryInorganic ChemistryRietveld refinement
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      Inorganic ChemistryScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageXRPDCorrosion of Metals and Alloys
During the systematic investigation of the ternary system Ca(CH 3 COO) 2-Ca(HCOO) 2-H 2 O at room temperature, the congruent crystallisation of two solid calcium acetate formates was observed: the hitherto unknown Ca 3 (CH 3 COO) 4 (HCOO)... more
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      CrystallographyCeramics (Art History)Natural history collectionsEfflorescence
Many N-acylhydrazone derivatives synthetized in LASSBio ® cannot be prepared as single crystals of sufficient size and/or quality for structure determination to be carried out using single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. This... more
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      Powder DiffractionX ray diffractionCrystal structure determination
Many N-acylhydrazone derivatives synthetized in LASSBio ® cannot be prepared as single crystals of sufficient size and/or quality for structure determination to be carried out using single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. This... more
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      Powder DiffractionX ray diffractionCrystal structure determination