Cross Border Higher Education
Recent papers in Cross Border Higher Education
This presentation was given to at the Offre d’enseignement supérieur a l’étranger: incitations bénéfices et modelés économiques – analyse et retours d’expérience workshop on transnational education (TNE) organised by France Stratégie. It... more
Transnational Education (TNE) in the past 20 years has emerged as a prime mode of international higher education. This period of rapid growth in TNE activity has been driven by a shortage in supply of higher education (HE) in offshore... more
The aim of the paper is to discuss the mobility patterns of university students in the context of a border area, taking into consideration the unique characteristics of this region. Special attention is given to the area between Italy and... more
This lecture is part of the MA in International Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. It covers TNE partnerships: scalability, profitability and sustainability: 1. What is TNE? 2. TNE in the landscape of... more
Higher education has become a global industry. The most striking dimension of this internationalisation has been the rise in the number of students studying at universities outside their own country. The equally rapid increase in the... more
This is a presentation given to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) discussing the implications of the growth of transnational education (TNE) for UCAS in terms of its core activities.
This chapter highlights some of the issues that need to be addressed when operating international campuses and provides a list of questions to help guide relevant institutional research.
International branch campuses (IBCs) have a significant presence in Dubai’s higher education sector, yet the role of these institutions is not yet fully understood. Moreover, the evolution of the roles of IBCs in Dubai may be strongly... more
While the label “international branch campus” can imply that the ownership or condition of facilities is important in the model, most operating definitions only require that there be a physical presence in a foreign country. The research... more
Executive Summary International branch campuses (IBCs) remain a prominent and distinctive form of transnational higher education. This report defines, describes, and lists IBCs using the most up-to-date data and resources publicly... more
By applying New Regionalism Approach, this paper delves into a rather unexplored area of regionalism (higher education) in a less investigated region (Southeast Asia) and state (Philippines). It treads through a relatively recent terrain... more
A new research community sharing knowledge to improve transnational education decision-making and good practice launched on 10 June with a Research Symposium at Nottingham Trent University. It aims to bridge gaps, connecting researchers... more
The Higher Education Academy has developed a strategic framework for internationalising higher education (including transnational education). The framework is designed as an enhancement tool to inspire and assist in enhancing HE policy... more
The purpose of this article is to analyse some of the key ongoing debates in transnational higher education (TNHE). First, we discuss a selection of the claimed benefits and drawbacks of TNHE for home and host country stakeholders... more
In order to operate effectively and efficiently, most higher education institutions depend on employees performing extra-role behaviours and being committed to staying with the organisation. This study assesses the extent to which... more
The UK has been the main exporting country for transnational education (TNE) – that is, for providing higher education to foreign students who study wholly in their own country. In the latest data (2020/21), UK universities reported... more
Higher education is a labour intensive activity and strong organisational performance depends upon employee commitment. This study analyses antecedents and consequences of employee commitment in universities that are involved in... more
This policy paper addresses the question of how well quality assurance systems support the quality of international branch campuses (IBCs) in the United Arab Emirates. There are different systems of quality assurance for IBCs in Abu... more
There is currently renewed interest in transnational education (TNE) amongst UK universities as a means of taking education to the 98% of tertiary students worldwide who are geographically-immobile. In this discourse, the home... more
This paper investigates the challenges of managing transnational education (TNE) partnerships from the perspective of the home university managers. The study adopts a qualitative, 'insider researcher' methodology'. It uses a sample set of... more
Over the last decade, the growth of the international branch campus (IBC) has been one of the most striking developments in the internationalisation of higher education. There are now over 200 IBCs across the world, mostly in the Middle... more
This is a set of TNE case studies collected as part of a Higher Education Academy (HEA) project, publication forthcoming.
This lecture is part of the MA in International Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. It covers TNE partnerships: the challenges of managing partnerships across borders and culture: 1. The dimensions of the management... more
International student mobility has emerged as a key source of societal and educational transformations in the booming economies of East Asia. International competencies are increasingly valued by employees and employers alike. Given the... more
Purpose -The research aims to assess the achievements and challenges of international branch campuses (IBCs) to date, and to consider how IBC development may progress in the future. Method -The article presents a review of the scholarly... more
This empirical article examines the policies, perspectives, and practices of building and developing crossborder and transnational higher education (TNHE) programs, with special attention given to the international joint and dual degree... more
In recent years, an increasing number of major universities have set up international branch campuses (IBCs). There are now over 200 IBCs, with more under development. Little is known about the unique challenges that face IBC managers,... more
The paper summarizes the findings from a survey of 78 International Branch Campuses (IBCs). The paper provides information on the age of branch campuses, language of instruction, availability of student transfer options, academic program... more
The study investigates how in international partnerships the brand credibility of each partner, student-institution identification with each partner, and perceived service quality relate to student satisfaction. A structured survey... more
Franchising degrees to overseas providers, normally for-profit private companies, has become big business for English universities. The latest data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency reveal that there are now more international... more
Cross-border academic collaborations in conflict zones are vulnerable to escalated turbulence, liability concerns and flagging support. Multi-level stakeholder engagement at home and abroad is essential for securing the political and... more
International branch campuses (IBCs) are essentially offshore subsidiaries of a university. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) and the Cross-Border Education Research Team (C-BERT), the two leading research groups... more
This research assesses the extent to which the critical relational variables of university reputation, student trust, and student-university identification influence student behaviour towards transnational education partnerships. Students... more
To date, much of the research on internationalization and globalization of higher education has focused on the institution or higher education system as the unit of analysis. Institution based studies have focused on the analysis of... more
The growth in the number of international branch campuses (IBCs) has been one of the most striking developments in the internationalization of higher education in recent years. IBCs are overwhelmingly branches of universities in the... more
It is a widely accepted maxim that, like business generally, higher education is internationalising. For many countries, higher education is now an important export sector, with university campuses attracting international students from... more
Several education hubs have emerged in the last decade in Asia and the Middle East. These ambitious policy initiatives share a common interest in cross-border higher education even though diverse rationales underpin their development.... more
Cross-border education refers to the movement of people, programs, providers, knowledge, ideas, projects and services across national boundaries. A fuller description of cross-border education is included in the Guidelines for Quality... more
Higher education is more critical than ever in determining a country’s economic development and standards of living. Knowledge and innovation are increasingly important to the economic competitiveness of a nation. Higher education... more
South-North migration has largely characterized international migration patterns for decades. The South has traditionally been the source of both low-skilled and high-skilled labor of developed countries. This has fueled serious concerns... more