Cross-Cultural Studies
Recent papers in Cross-Cultural Studies
Numerous studies have recognized collaboration as an effective way of learning. When collaboration involves students from different cultural backgrounds, a question arises: Will cultural differences influence the manner in which roles are... more
Although scholars tend to draw a line of confrontation between the conquerors Normans and the conquered Muslims and Greeks in the kingdom of Sicily, the actual relationship among these people was not so simple. In the kingdom there was a... more
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
This volume is a collection of ten essays on the Bible. It reflects the range of biblical reading I have enjoyed doing over the first third of my thirty-year career as student and teacher of the Bible. Having lived in a multifaith,... more
"The role that the involvement of parents may play in the treatment outcome of their children with anxiety disorders is still under debate. Some studies dealing with other disorders have examined the role that the expressed emotion (EE)... more
This study is an endeavour on the cutting edge of the field of practical theology. It engages in a pastoral assessment of contemporary men and masculinities in their manifold representations and embodiments. An in-depth assessment of... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
In an increasingly fast-changing, complex and diverse world, social and emotional skills are becoming ever more important. In this paper we present an overview of literature on social and emotional skills, describing the nature and... more
In the paper, we express some doubts about one of the assumptions of Robert Carneiro’s model on state (and chiefdom) formation, namely the role of circumscription. In our opinion, the main flaw of Carneiro’s original theory of state... more
The paper is a comparison/contrast project between the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, and the Palace of the Popes in Avignon, France, as medieval palace-cities that emphasizes the similarities between the two sites rather than the differences.
American painters’ travel and/or stay in Morocco during the pre-colonial era resulted in a considerably large compendium of American paintings of the Moroccan landscape with its people, animals, architecture and natural scenes. The... more
MÖ. 7. binyıl pek çok bakımdan Yakın-Doğu Tarihi’nde bir dönüm noktası oluşturur. “Çanak-Çömleksiz Neolitik” (Erken Neolitik: MÖ. 10000-7000) adı verilen dönem, binyıl başında yerini “Çanak-Çömlekli Neolitik”e (Geç Neolitik: MÖ.... more
(ENG) Perception and restoration of the Ottoman Architecture of 18th and 19th centuries in Istanbul: Construction, conservation and identity from the Empire to the Republic (TR) İstanbul'da 18. ve 19. yüzyıl Osmanlı mimarisinin... more
Japanese and Spanish languages.
It gives a panoramic view of the intercultural exchange between Spain and Japan.
It gives a panoramic view of the intercultural exchange between Spain and Japan.
Auditory display has a long history as a tool to provide people with events and the needed actions by means of sound. The use of audio as media has its advantage of being non-directional and the ability to cover a large area. The field of... more
Topic: Developing Cultural Intelligence and Leadership The presentation focuses on defining and explaining Cultural Intelligence (CQ) as a capability to work and relate successfully across cultures. Examples of CQ application in business... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities in competency training for scientific research of high school students in Mexico and Germany. The data collection was accomplished through focus groups, in which... more
Heinrich Heine and Paul Celan have often been compared, mainly because of their shared Parisian exile and Jewish identity. Yet we should add another dimension to this comparison, by examining the authors’ relationship to their... more
This second volume presents modern strategies in the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) from the perspectives of multi-cultural communication, linguistic theory and praxis. Several... more
Hospitality begins with God’s generous gift of Eden to the creatures of the Earth. Eden is abundant, verdant, and renewable. After the expulsion nomadic peoples learned to look out for one another, to share what they had in order to... more
The designations of the orange fruit in Indo-European languages very often literally meant “apple from China”. Citrus species were known in the Chinese cultural area in the fifth century BCE and glossed in c.100 CE, but there is no basic... more
Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test (mini-BESTest) is a newly developed functional scale which combines clinical balance tests already in use, with new items. Its easiness in utility and its ability to detect the affected system of... more
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
The PROQ3 is half the length of the earlier PROQ2. Both questionnaires were designed to measure negative relating as organised around a theoretical structure called the interpersonal octagon. Each questionnaire has an upper, lower, close... more
Intercultural competence (Cross-culture competence) has become the focus of foreign language education. Awareness of the target culture is now one of the most discussed issues in the literature of the foreign language education. Raising... more
The availability of language services for patients with limited English proficiency has become a standard of care in the United States. Finding the resources to pay for language programs is challenging for providers, payers, and... more
Masters of the World. On the Origins of Jewish Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy theories about the Jews endlessly flourish around us. Usually, they have been studied in connection with the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a... more