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The article aims to demonstrate a consistent methodology for conducting cross-cultural research of verbal communication behaviour and identifying its peculiarities in different language cultures. First of all, the author discusses the... more
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      CommunicationResearch MethodologyGerman LanguageTeaching Methodology
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
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      Asian StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial NetworksFamily studies
Küreselleşen Dünyanın Kimlik İnşasında İnternetin Katkısı: Vimeo Web Sitesindeki Türkiye Tanıtımları The influence of globalisation is flowed through nowadays. To understand better of globalistion term, it is suggested to look at... more
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      Tourism StudiesIntercultural CommunicationMonomyth/Hero's JourneyTurkey
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      Intercultural CommunicationFrench StudiesInternational BusinessStereotypes
Recently, the field of second language acquisition (SLA) has seen the growing impact of social context on second language learning, which has been called by Block a "social turn" (2003). This increasing interest in social context and SLA... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSecond Language AcquisitionPractice theoryApplied Linguistics
Рассмотрена социокультурная компетенция ино- странных студентов как составная часть коммуникативной компе- тенции. Представлены объекты обучения социокультурным сред- ствам общения: ознакомление учащихся со страной изучаемого языка и... more
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      Learning and TeachingCultural CompetenceCross-Cultural StudiesCross-Cultural Communicaiton
In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionComparative LiteratureAnthropology
To have an open mind is more important than learning; and we can have an open mind, not by cramming it full of information, but by being aware of our own thoughts and feelings, by carefully observing ourselves and the influences about us,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyCommunicationIntercultural Communication
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
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      Intercultural CommunicationCross-Cultural AssessmentCross-Cultural PsychologyCross-Cultural Studies
Dieser Beitrag widmet sich einer soziokonstruktivistischen Perspektive im Rahmen mehrsprachiger Interaktion. Demnach geht es nicht darum, zu erkennen, was produktiv oder rezeptiv in der Kommunikation geschieht, sondern was die Teilnehmer... more
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      MultilingualismCross-Cultural CommunicaitonIntercomprehension in Romance LanguagesTranslanguaging
A previous quantitative and qualitative study carried out by the author demonstrated that many of the personality traits that facilitate cultural adaptation or adjustment (the ability to function at a high level in cross-cultural... more
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      Cultural StudiesCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyCommunication
As media usage continues to increase on a global scale, fueled by the proliferation of mobile devices, this facilitates the effortless behavior of mediamultitasking. This paradigm shift in the way in which media is consumed presents... more
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      Human Computer InteractionMedia StudiesNew MediaDigital Media
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      Intercultural CommunicationFrench StudiesGesture StudiesInternational Business
This article investigates the issue of faith healing in the Philippines as practiced by spiritists there. How does this happen? Who are what is behind it? Then it looks at what the Bible teaches about divine healing. The correlations and... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesAnthropologyOntology
The growing use of the Internet and mobile devices has created a global and massive market. This has led to a significant increase in the number of studies on Human-Computer interaction. The increasing number of information services... more
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      UsabilityUser Experience (UX)Cross-Cultural StudiesUser Centred Design
Highly attractive models (HAMs) have been popularly used in advertising to impact psychologically on the message receiver in the hopes of increasing the advertisement’s effectiveness. The marketing literature is replete with evidence of... more
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      AdvertisingCross-Cultural Communicaiton
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural ManagementCross-Cultural CollaborationsCross-Cultural Studies
The purpose of this document is to support the education and training of community interpreters. It does so by providing structured and detailed guidelines for professional conduct in accordance with principles and values that underlie... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesTranslation and InterpretationCommunity Interpreting
This training session for teachers with multicultural classes shows how to get pupils to appreciate and relate to other cultures as 'mind sets'. Questo resoconto di un seminario per insegnanti con classi multietniche, mostra come far... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguage AcquisitionIntercultural EducationLanguage and Culture
How is it possible for people from different cultures to really understand each other? They can if they change their conception of 'language' and 'linguistic comunication'. Come possono persone di culture diverse riuscire a capirsi... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguage AcquisitionLanguage and CultureForeign language teaching and learning
This qualitative study looks at what constitutes learning from international graduate students' point of view. The qualitative study used focus group and personal interviews to get a comparative look at the meaning of learning from the... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationInternational Studies
This interview explores the nature of the study and the clinical practice of Tibetan medicine. Also included are topics such as the issues involved in the preservation of ancient forms of medicine in the modern world, medical integration,... more
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      Health SciencesMedical AnthropologyHealth PromotionAyurvedic Medicine
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      Cultural StudiesEastern European StudiesAnthropologyIntercultural Communication
Категоричное речевое поведение: Универсальные и этноспецифические средства репрезентации // Практика коммуникатив-ного поведения в социально-гуманитарных исследованиях : материалы IV международной научно-практической конференции 1-2... more
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      LinguisticsCross-Cultural CommunicaitonEmotions
"When we visit a part of the world we will come across different spoken language, gestures, customs, climate, foods, etc. At first we may think that these differences are attractions and are not really problems. As the time passes we will... more
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    • Cross-Cultural Communicaiton
A proposta é de uma revisão de algumas práticas transmídia e crossmedia no cinema contemporâneo e uma série de hibridizações e interdependências discursivas que estão ocorrendo no campo dos videogames. A reflexão segue dois eixos... more
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      Visual and Cultural StudiesCross-Cultural CommunicaitonNarrativa AudiovisualCultura da Convergência
Сочинение о демонах из архива ПоСольСкого Приказа: к воПроСу о культурных контактах роССии и евроПы в ПоСледней трети XVII Столетия 1 Введение демонологические трактаты обычны для западноевропейской литературы позднего Средневековья и... more
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      Cross-Cultural CommunicaitonHistory of MuscovyMedieval Demonology
Background:Black and minority ethnic (BME) people using psychiatric services are at greater risk of non-engagement, dropout from care and not receiving evidence-based interventions than white British people.
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      Family TherapyPsychiatryCommunicationPsychotherapy
This lecture deals with the following 6 topics: 1) Presentation of the notion of “culture” and concrete examples. 2) Discussion of the notion of “cultural identity” is. 3) The scope of intercultural (or “cross-cultural”)... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDiscourse AnalysisReligionSociology
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial PsychologyIntercultural Communication
This study reviews many of the aspects of the Folk Catholicism that is practiced in the Philippines in light of biblical revelation. What does the Bible say about things like God's providence and God's power? What the Bible say about the... more
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      ChristianitySoutheast Asian StudiesTheologyMissiology
Silence has been studied in relation to basic cultural parameters, such as high/low context, collectivism/individualism, masculinity/femininity, high/low power distance. Thus, silence in Japan has often been attributed to the high... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of ReligionPsychology
I was supposed to have produced a British Studies textbook for use in 'bilingual schools' but I redirected it towards cross cultural studies where Britain was a mirror or Other that could be used by students to help think about their own... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureCross-Cultural StudiesCross-Cultural Communicaiton
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      MissiologyLeadershipCross-Cultural Communicaiton
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      Critical TheoryBuddhismHinduismCultural Studies
The third volume of the “Intercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology” series is a continuation of the project, which was inspired by the symposium "Phraseology 2009" organised by Professor Katsumasa Yagi at Kwansei Gakuin University in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesCultural StudiesEthnolinguistics
ENGLISH: The article starts off translating into French an essay in Italian, "Il traduttore camaleonte" (above), then, after a few paragraphs, forgoes the linguistic considerations, given the different intended public, and becomes... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesLanguage AcquisitionIntercultural Performance
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesCross-Cultural CommunicaitonProfessional Competences
Esta obra aplica a la fraseología un punto de vista que podemos situar dentro de la corriente neohumboldtiana llamada en Rusia "linguo-culturología", y se centra en este caso en la motivación, tanto etimológica como psicolingüística, que... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyProverbsConceptual MetaphorTerminology
Este volumen, que contiene 33 contribuciones de investigadores internacionales dedicadas a la paremiología, viene a ser complementario del libro que Pamies y Dobrovol'skij dedicaron por las mismas fechas a las locuciones (Linguo-cultural... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyProverbsPhraseologyParemiology
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      Discourse AnalysisIntercultural CommunicationMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracySociolinguistics
What boosts a person’s employability in today’s networked, liquid and “glocal” world? We are experiencing increasingly global interconnections, associated with some growing local and localized differentiations, as well as living a... more
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      AnthropologyEmployabilityLearning and TeachingSocial and Cultural Anthropology
"Multicovenantism" is the concept that there are different covenants (brith, sha'aria) for different peoples, united by basic universal ethics. In Jewish parlance, these universal ethics are referred to as the Noahide covenant, in Islam,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionJewish StudiesIslamic Philosophy
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesInternational StudiesPolitical Science
For three (3) decades. Geert Hofstede’s idea of cultural dimensions were widely used as a cultural paradigm in many cross cultural studies. His classification on countries based on cultural values; “Power Distance”, “Uncertainty... more
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    • Cross-Cultural Communicaiton
Utilizing performative writing to interrogate the experiences of a queer Xicano male in the discipline of Communication Studies, this essay argues for specificity in dialogue with specificity to disrupt dominant and/or normalized power... more
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      Chicano StudiesQueer StudiesCommunicationIntercultural Communication
This article considers translations of modern Arabic fiction to English in the context of contemporary translation theory as a critical approach. Translation theory provides a framework to analyze the cultural and sociological aspects... more
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      PublishingTranslation StudiesArabic LiteraturePostcolonial Studies