Abstract: More than ten years ago I presented my opinion and my doubts concerning the Turkic origin of the Slavonic word *baranъ ‘ram’. They constituted part of a longer study (Stachowski 2005: 438–441) in which other words were also... more
Ist die Trennung von urslaw. *krinica / *krynica 'Brunnen, Quelle' und *krin(ica), *kryn(ka) 'Gefäß, Behältnis' gerechtfertigt? .
The Position of Kajkavian in the South Slavic Dialect Continuum in Light of Old Accentual Isoglosses
All South Slavic languages, from Bulgaria in the SouthEast to Slovenia in the NorthWest , are part of a dialect continuum. This paper outlines the position of what is traditionally called Kajkavian in that continuum in light of old... more
(= Slavonic names for mosque with special regard to Polish, Silesian, Czech and Slovak data). -- Abstract: Even though mosques are a typical element of the Islamic culture the channels through which their designations came into Slavonic... more
E ssyste 2001 Bibliotheksund Information m der Universität Oldenburg Einleitender Teil Winfr ied Boeder, Oldenburg Uberblick Variation ist trotz einer langen sprachwissenschaftlichen Tradition, die eher kategorische Unterscheidungen... more
This paper offers insight into the way language contacts in the Mediterranean context were dealt with in the Croatian lexicography of the 16th and the 17th centuries. The first part provides the historical background of the contact... more
The aims and objectives of this work are manifested in the desire that the analysis of religious rhetorical texts, homilies and sermon / vaz contributes to the claim that the religious style is separate functional style, with its specific... more
LEKTORICA ZA SRPSKI JEZIK: Tamara Krstić PRIJELOM I GRAFIČKO OBLIKOVANJE: Lucija Gamulin DIZAJN KORICA: Lucija Gamulin TISAK: Uvez d. o. o. NAKLADA: 1200 primjeraka NAKLADNIK: Klub studenata južne slavistike A-302 (za nakladnika: Petra... more
This paper examines the presence of English-origin discourse markers in otherwise Croatian speech. Previous examinations of bilingual discourse marking have focused on habitualisation, pragmatic transference, cognitive processes (in terms... more
This paper examines the reported actions and strategies of translators working in three closely related languages, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian, which have recently undergone re-codification in countries that have greatly changed their... more
This is part 3 of 11 parts of a table that contains a reconciliation of Indo-European, Hurrian, Hittite, Georgian (Kartvelian), Finnish (Uralic) words, including a confirmation of Etruscan words. The latest update of this table Is 6.12.21... more
Questo studio si propone di analizzare dal punto di vista qualitativo e quantitativo le metafore presenti negli articoli di calcio italiani e croati, apparsi sulle principali testate sportive nazionali, La Gazzetta dello Sport e Sportske... more
This paper discusses different definitions of identity with a focus on the place of language in these definitions. The centuries-long study of the standardisation of the Croatian language shows that the notion of a national language is... more
I examine the very general principle of morphology-free syntax, and consider two potential counter-examples from Serbo-Croat ( a linguistic cover term for Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian; an alternative is Central South... more
Francesco Petrarca; Croatian literature; hrvatska književnost; renesansa; renaissance; Šišmundo (Šiško) Vlahović Menčetić; Džore Držić; Mavro Vetranović Čavčić; Zbornik Nikše Ranjine; Marko Marulić; Hanibal Lucić; Mikša Pelgrinović
The relativization systems of most Slavic languages include relative pronouns that can be conventionally labelled as ‘who’ and ‘which’ and differ in a number of logically independent parameters (etymology, animacy, grammaticality of... more
This contribution studies address forms in grammars and textbooks of several West and South Slavic languages of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, espe- cially in the pedagogical dialogues that accompany these works. The languages... more
An essay about the monograph of D.E. Alimov “The ethnogenesis of Croats...”
This paper examines the presence of English-origin interjection - affirmatives and negatives - in otherwise Croatian speech. Previous examinations of bilingual discourse marking have focused on habitualisation, pragmatic transference,... more
This table shows an unusual spectrum of cognates: Indo-European - Sanskrit, Avestan, Persian, Belarusian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Armenian, Albanian, Latin, Irish, Scots-Gaelic, Welsh, Italian, French, English, Etruscan,... more
This study addresses a puzzle in Croatian regarding the fate of the underlying palatal glide in intervocalic position. Approaching the puzzle from the perspective of Cognitive Phonetics (CP), we advance two claims: First, output... more
(from a work published in 1981)This table shows an unusual spectrum of cognates: Indo-European - Sanskrit, Avestan, Persian, Belarusian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Armenian, Albanian, Latin, Irish, Scots-Gaelic, Welsh, Italian,... more
In questo contributo ho analizzato la prima grammatica italiana per croati di Giacomo Micaglia del 1649, mettendo in rilievo, in particolar modo, la sua figura di studioso della lingua italiana nel XVII secolo. L'articolo propone inoltre... more
SerBoCroatian (henceforth SBC) displays a zero:a alternation within paradigms, which always has the effect of disrupting consonant clusters in certain forms of a word (e.g. in koverat~kovert-a ‘envelop NOMSG~GENSG’). This alternation is... more
The EU is considered by most to have exemplary language and interpreting/translating (I/T) policies: EU parliamentarians may use their own language when speaking in parliament and the 20 official languages of all 25 member states have... more
Questo contributo ha per oggetto l'analisi dell'adattamento morfologico dei verbi italiani nell'idioma croato-molisano di Montemitro. Il corpus esaminato contiene italianismi verbali tratti dal Dizionario dell'idioma croato-molisano di... more
When we talk, sometimes we say things directly." I'll be going to the store, I'll be back in five minutes." Other times though, we talk in a way that conjures up a small scene." It's raining cats and dogs out," we say, or "I was waiting... more
This study examines attitudes, reported actions and professional practices in regard to language from an occupational group that consists of 'language experts' − interpreters. It focuses on the topic of linguistic variation, perceptions... more
This paper provides an analysis of Croatian nasal place assimilation from the perspective of Substance Free Logical Phonology. Treating phonology as application of logico-mathematical functions to abstract, symbolic primitives such as... more
updated to include Akkadian Concordance; see link for most current update.
This paper examines the presence of English-origin discourse markers in otherwise Croatian speech. Previous examinations of bilingual discourse marking have focused on habitualisation, pragmatic transference, cognitive processes (in terms... more
"Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Bedeutungen und Verwendungen der kroatischen Sprache bei burgenländischen Kroatinnen, deren primäre Alltagssprache deutsch ist. [...] In dieser Abhandlung möchte ich danach fragen, welche Rolle... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze the intensifying function of German modal particles and equivalent modal expressions in Croatian and English. The analysis is based on the hypothesis that some modal particles in German and Croatian and... more
This paper examines the phenomenon of receptive multilingualism where speakers of two different languages communicate through each speaking his/her own language and understanding the other’s. Comprehension in such an interaction is aided... more
Recent phonological studies suggested on purely formal (rule-based) grounds that in Croatian, an underlying alveolar nasal /n/ assimilates in place as well as in continuancy to velar obstruents /k, g, x/, but so far this claim has not... more
Ključni pojmovi: slovo ili grafem -znak za fonem u pismu; najmanja jedinica slovopisa kojeg jezika. Nazivi slovo i grafem obično se smatraju istoznačnicama, iako se gdjekad njihovi sadržaji dijelom razlikuju.
A table in 11 parts that shows interesting relationships between these languages: Sanskrit, Persian, Georgian, Akkadian, Hurrian, Urartian, Belarusian, Croatian, Polish, Latvian, Romanian, Finnish, Greek, Armenian, Albanian, Latin,... more
This article examines aspects of linguistic behaviour, attitudes and professional practices amongst a group of forty-seven “expert users” who are translators or interpreters for one, two or three of the following languages: Bosnian,... more
This paper investigates the phenomenon of ‘unconscious’ or ‘unintended’ switching between languages - triggering - on the basis of accessing items - trigger words - whose language-specific membership may be ambiguous. Triggering as a... more
Having other, closely-related languages to one’s own or working languages would appear, to many practitioners, to be a welcome opportunity to increase work opportunities and income. This paper examines the situation of 23 interpreters for... more