Critique of the Enlightenment

11 papers
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The critique of the Enlightenment refers to the examination and evaluation of the philosophical, cultural, and political ideas that emerged during the Enlightenment period, questioning its assumptions about reason, progress, and individualism, and exploring its implications for contemporary thought and society.
Modernity and technology are closely related to each other. When modernization began in the middle of the 18th century it was followed almost immediately and in the closest way by the rapid development of technical development. The... more
This paper explores subjective processes of "Agents of Law" - individuals who the state grants the authority to use violence - and the dissonance stemming from the contradictory demands posed on them as legitimate users of... more
Die Schrift Adornos 1 und Horkheimers über die sogenannte Dialektik der Aufklärung ist ein etwas seltsamer Klassiker, 2 denn für eine philosophische Schrift fehlt es ihr an Systematik. Doch hat der essayistische Text eine er-staunliche,... more
Is it possible to be ‘irrational’ without being ‘uneconomic’? What is the link between ‘Value’ and ‘values’? What do economists do when they ‘explain’? We live in times when the economic logic has become unquestionable and all-powerful so... more
This paper explores subjective processes of "Agents of Law" – individuals who the state grants the authority to use violence – and the dissonance stemming from the contradictory demands posed on them as legitimate users of violence... more
In Another Philosophy of History, J.G. Herder claims that his aim is not to compare and judge different cultures, but merely to describe and explain how each came into being and thus to adopt the standpoint of an impartial observer. I... more
Er det sandt, at oplysning fører lige fra den franske revolution til nutidens demokrati? Ikke, hvis man spørger modoplysningen, som denne bog beskriver: Oplysningsfilosofien perverterer det, der gør livet stabilt og sandt, den forvandler... more
History is here presented as a living past, that is, one which can be useful at present by setting aside unwanted negative prejudices and maximizing the productive worth of positive prejudices. It argues for the legitimacy of... more
Reflections” as a classic text cannot be understood without analysing the interaction between the text and its historical-philosophical context. On its historical side, “Reflections” was written in order to defend the 18th century British... more