Critical Realism
Recent papers in Critical Realism
Mixed methods research (MMR) is currently on the rise in the social sciences. This paper provides a theoretical discussion and a practical illustration of MMR in the social psychological study of language attitudes. First, I review... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
This qualitative arts-based study made use of poetic inquiry to analyze and represent the stories of non-Indigenous people recognized as allies of Indigenous peoples in Canada. I adopted a theoretical foundation in critical realism,... more
[Publication is in Norwegian] ENGLISH ABSTRACT: QUESTIONS OF «ONTOLOGY»: STEPS TOWARDS A REALISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY The Norwegian Research Council has evaluated Norwegian anthropology and concluded that the discipline is ethnographically... more
This book falls within the limits of academic research, certified by the order of the Romanian Ministry of Education, no. 5766 / December 15, 2021. The book represents the author's doctoral thesis modified according to the format and... more
How life is not a singularity, how you can truly be free, and how the conservative ideology is indeed illogical and antihuman. A thesis By: Shin-Ae Ahn Dedicated to: Steven Hawking (RIP) and those open minded enough to open up a book... more
This (preprint) chapter argues that the 'thick' constructivism to which many prominent Feminist Security Studies authors currently subscribe is incapable of providing this sub-field of International Relations with adequate philosophical... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
Umwelt, Technik & Risiko – damit verbinden wir eine Symptomatik, die für die Moderne von bestandskritischer Bedeutung ist. Soweit herrscht Einigkeit. Kontrovers sind hingegen Diagnose und Therapie. Ist die industriegesellschaftliche... more
This paper addresses the question of why South Africa’s cultural museums and the South African Museums Association (SAMA) should take action on climate change. What is the relevance of climate change to the future of cultural museums and... more
This book bridges a gap between discussions about truth, human understanding, and epistemology in philosophical circles, and debates about objectivity, bias, and truth in journalism. It examines four major philosophical theories in easy... more
L'anthropologie culturelle de facture interprétativiste a fait place à une variété d'approches: réaliste et critique (le droit doit être cherché au-delà de son apparence formelle), pluraliste (l'expression du droit ne se réduit pas au... more
Many rural communities throughout Australia depend on international medical graduates (IMGs) for the provision of primary health care. To date, however, it is not clear how well they integrate into rural communities or how long they... more
[Publication is in Norwegian] English abstract: «MY HAPLOGROUP»: BIOLOGY, KINSHIP AND CULTURAL IDENTITY IN THE CONTEXT OF GENETIC GENEALOGY The focus of this article is genetic genealogy, i.e., genetic testing that helps hobby... more
Uses of Heritage (2006) has been an important contribution to the development of Heritage Studies. Resting on a thorough ‘re-read’ of this modern classic, the article analyses the text applying some central concepts from Critical... more
There is a widespread belief in the academic world—above all in the United States and in the scientific communities around the world accepting U.S. mainstream science as their standard —that »schools« have lost their grounds and their... more
Business analytics has become the latest fad in management practice. Carried out by largely positivist statistical analysis, anecdotal evidence claims great success for these practices. This paper takes a critical realist approach to a... more
This article examines the concept of conflict presented by different authors on the basis of the sociology of power, while ignoring the elements that do not fit in with this theoretical proposal, and suggesting a more suitable definition.... more
This article explores the relationship between ethics and metaphysics in critical theory through immanent criticism of Fabian Freyenhagen's reconstruction of Adorno. Endorsing Freyenhagen's overall defence of Adorno's... more
Neuroscientist Donald Hoffman proposed a bold theory-that objects do not exist independently of us perceiving them and that all that really exists is conscious agents. In this critical review, Leslie Allan examines the three core... more
In my analysis of Wright's epistemology, I will focus on two research questions, namely: Does Wright’s critical-realism really succeed as a third-way to avoid the relativism from phenomenalism and the naiveté of positivism, hence is it... more
This article seeks to establish six guidelines for the use of self-disclosure in clinical social work. It examines the relationship between self-disclosure and countertransference, the timing of the self-disclosure over the course of the... more
A short piece for the issue of Journal of Critical Realism in memory of Roy Bhaskar, in which I explain my view of the significance of Bhaskar's work and my plans to develop it further.
Applied Linguistics as Social Science surveys the increasing dialogue between linguistics and social theory. The book shows how social theory, applied linguistics and sociolinguistics share a set of common concerns, and how an analysis of... more
Liev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, or, as he was better known from some Brazilian translations, Leo Tolstoy, was undoubtedly one of the greatest writers of world literature. But, beyond his impressive literary curriculum, the author of War and... more
This talk starts from the presumption that the quantum challenge, as a set of philosophical questions, was a dialogue far beyond the discipline of physics. Quantum sociologist Gabriel Tarde, and philosophers Henri Bergson and Alfred North... more
Resumo: O trabalho pretende reconstituir, brevemente, a emergência do modo de produção capitalista, em Marx, partindo das categorias descobertas já na primeira parte do Livro I de O Capital. Começa-se pela categoria básica do modo de... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
This book represents the first attempt to step inside the holiday experience of young British tourists. Using ethnographic methods such as observation, open-ended interviewing and focus groups in San Antonio, Ibiza, this book reveals... more
Johannes Hessen, lacking an authentically dialectical thought, assumed that phenomenalism would be an intermediary between idealism and realism. And he, wrongly, classified Kant as phenomenalist, not as idealist.
In "Scientific Realism and the Issue of Variability in Behavior," J. F. Arocha (2021) proposes a (hylo)-realist method of studying behaviour and consciousness. Arocha adopts the thesis that reality consists of concrete (determinate)... more
ABSTRACT This article investigates how Gabriele D’Annunzio’s The Triumph of Death brings together Nietzsche’s ideas and Wagner’s music and interweaves them with the motifs of literary Decadence and the author’s own particular sexual... more
In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, Hans J. Morganthau was credited with having systematised classical Realism. His Politics Among Nations became the standard textbook, and continued to be reprinted after his death.
Understanding how technologies contribute to social harms is a perennial issue, animating debate within and well-beyond criminology. This article contributes to these debates in two ways. Firstly, it critically examines five of the key... more
English summary (text is in German): This paper examines the question of the utility and practical relevance of epistemological models for psychotherapy on the basis of Critical Realism, the epistemological position of Gestalt... more
A despeito da proliferação de pesquisas sociológicas sobre o racismo, suas origens, dinâmicas e consequências sociais ainda carecem de uma definição minimamente operacional para o termo. Além da carga política marcante e dos conteúdos que... more