Critical Pedsgogy
Recent papers in Critical Pedsgogy
This chapter discusses efforts to cultivate a critical, arts-based approach, focusing on how students and their teacher experienced a curriculum designed to deconstruct identity, personalize literature, and foster community in a high... more
The purpose of this chapter is to situate Deejay’s story and position his experience of being a voice from the margins in music education within past research. Using the theoretical lens of Du Bois’s (1903) theory of double-consciousness,... more
Race and inequitable education have been a long-standing topic of debate in American education. Much of the recent controversy over race and education in America is reflective of the Brown v Board of Education ruling of 1954 that allowed... more
In today's market-driven educational culture, universities are coming under increasing pressure to justify funding through the disclosure of measurable outcomes in education and research. One educational objective that receives particular... more
The enactive approach to cognition is developed in the context of music and music education. I discuss how this embodied point of view affords a relational and bio-cultural perspective on music that decentres the Western focus on... more
The aim of this article is to present Freire's experience in Africa as a process that transformed his teaching and learning method as well as his philosophy of education. His participation in the São Toméan literacy campaign resulted in... more
And the men without face continued to talk: "This world is another world, the reason and the will of the true men and true women does not govern yet, few we are and forgotten we are, above us walk our dead, despised, we are small and our... more
This week in August 2016 marks the 89th anniversary since the execution of the two most famous class-war prisoners in our history, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, electrocuted in Massachusetts on 23 August 1927 on false murder... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Review of Critical-Service Learning by Hollyce (Sherry) Giles
Despite the extraordinary amount of attention critical thinking has received in the last few decades, the teaching and fostering of critical thinking in higher education is largely failing, and critical thinking has become an empty... more
Multiply co-authored book chapter - about Online pedagogy, MOOCs and work with Femtechnet - In C. Bonk, M., M. Lee, T. C. Reeves, T. H. Reynolds (eds.), MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. New York, NY: Routledge. co-authors:... more
September 11th 2001 is forever cloaked in affective resonances: feelings, emotions, and desires that remain in bodies after that fateful day. However, the memories and events of 9-11 are centered in the creation and reproduction of spaces... more
I found this draft of the lecture I was invited to give to the University of Oslo a few years back for their 200th anniversary, by the UiO, UiO Sustainability in Research, Education & Operation office.
Actors in institutional educational are expected to take part in manifold activities that are best understood as ritualised practices. This is true for teachers, pupils, and students alike. These practices are inherently linked to areas... more
Co-editors Hickman and Porfilio propel, within The New Politics of the Textbook: Problematizing the Portrayal of Marginalized Groups in Textbooks, a disciplined conversation regarding content presented in textbooks at all levels of... more
This chapter discusses efforts to cultivate a critical, arts-based approach, focusing on how students and their teacher experienced a curriculum designed to deconstruct identity, personalize literature, and foster community in a high... more
Critical pedagogy, even as inflected by certain poststructuralisms, tends to reinforce rather than subvert deep-seated humanist assumptions about humans and nature by taking for granted the borders that define nature as the devalued... more
Education is a lucrative corrupt market BUT offered as a method of transmitting knowledge and insight, Freedom is torture and terror BUT defined as the right to do and say what you like.