La escenografia nos da un salto a otra realidad, periodo, espacio y hasta a otra vida que tiene sentido a traves de una linea de tiempo basada en una historia y el tiempo, asi el diseno escenografico debe tener cuidado en la aplicacion de... more
As said in the Introduction, it is an old text from a symposium in Granada. I believe it has never been presented in English. Being fascinated by the profound understanding of the concept and phenomenon of museums as they are contained in... more
The study focuses on the theoretical and practical meaning of the museum as an institution that has influenced and been influenced by social relations since its foundation. The interview with Professor Richard Sandell is based on the... more
Neutrality as a contentious topic: Museums cannot be seen to be neutral when addressing certain topics, such as decolonization. Museums sometimes benefit from adopting a neutral stance in certain contexts, such as in difficult political... more
This article identifies how a critical exploration of museums and restitution processes illuminates geographical thinking on relational ethics and care. In legacies of colonialism, critical approaches to museums and restorative action... more
This study focuses on the communication of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), defined to include the scientific production of researchers across both the hard sciences and the humanistic and social realms. Considering museums as... more
This study focuses on the communication of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), defined to include the scientific production of researchers across both the hard sciences and the humanistic and social realms. Considering museums as... more
Ματούλα Σκαλτσά Συνθέτοντας ‘υλικούς τόπους’ μνήμης: μουσειολογία, ιστορία και μνήμη, εισήγηση στο συνέδριο της Εταιρείας Ελλήνων Ιστορικών Τέχνης με τίτλο Πολιτικά μνημεία από τον 20ό στον 21ο αιώνα: Μνήμη, μορφή, νόημα, Θεσσαλονίκη,... more
"A kritikai múzeumnak aktív szerepet kell vállalnia a közönség bátorításában, abban, hogy megértsék a jelen világ komplexitását, és felismerjék az emlékezet és a múlt jelentőségét a civil társadalom nemzetek feletti ( kozmopolita ) és... more
El trabajo colectivo gira en torno al tema de Museología y Educación. Es un labor de la Asociacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico donde participaron 12 autores y su editora. The collective work revolves around the theme of Museology and... more
In Oregon, the vast majority of community museums are history museums focusing on local history. According to the Oregon Museums Association, of the 58 museums registered with them, 52 of those museums are focused on local and regional... more
If in the ancient mouseion, the site on the Parnassos where the Muses are said to have danced, one can recognize the museum’s performative myth of origin and in the story of Noah and his Arch the other, scientific one, a further mythical... more
Presentation of the book "A guide through Sociomuseology: roots and practices" (Maria Magdalena Neu)
La escenografia nos da un salto a otra realidad, periodo, espacio y hasta a otra vida que tiene sentido a traves de una linea de tiempo basada en una historia y el tiempo, asi el diseno escenografico debe tener cuidado en la aplicacion de... more
Mª Jesús Pacho Fernández y Fernando R. Bartolomé García (eds.)
Después de diferentes ubicaciones, fue en 1910 cuando el Casino inauguró su sede definitiva en la calle de Alcalá. Cien años después, su maravillosa biblioteca neogótica, con un ambiente que rememora las antiguas bibliotecas monásticas,... more
The text summarizes the main background, themes and approaches of critical museology and asks the question of the possibilities of applying critical museology in the Central European context.
The museum, like the university, is a form of knowledge technology empowered by the European enlightenment and Western epistemology. This technology prioritises and enables a knowledge system based on observation, objectification,... more
My book "Contested Antiquity: Archaeological Heritage and Social Conflict in Modern Greece and Cyprus" reviewed by Prof. Artemis Leontis. The review appeared on the Journal of Modern Greek Studies (Johns Hopkins University Press), Volume... more
The aim of this conference is to present, examine and contextualise curatorial practices in contemporary art, in Croatia and the region, but also specifically in regard to our lecturer Pedro Lorente’s thesis on “museums as cathedrals of... more
Anthropology and its institutions have come under increased pressure to focus critical attention on the way they produce, steward, and manage cultural knowledge. However, in spite of the discipline’s reflexive turn, many museums remain... more
Following the 6 th International Congress of University Museums and Collections in Mexico City in 2006, the National University of Colombia (the Master's Degree in Museology and Patrimony Management together with the Fine Arts Museum)... more
Much of the curatorial and anthropological literature on museology has oversimplified museum spaces as monolithic colonial entities. However, recent developments in museum practice as a process of collaborative and public cross-cultural... more
Amorós, L. (2023). El Museo Pedagógico Nacional y las primeras colecciones de material y mobiliario. Resumen. En E. Ortiz, J. A. González de la Torre, J. M. Sáiz, L. M. Naya y P. Dávila (Coords.), Nuevas miradas sobre el patrimonio... more
The Art and Object Engagement (AOE) program commenced at Macquarie University as an outreach program for participants living with dementia. It used contemporary art and social history objects from university collections to engage and... more
Since the 19 th century Spaniards had been studying museums with uneven zeal, somehow disconnected from the outburst of theoretical scholarship that was shaping a new academic discipline in other parts of the world after World War II. A... more
This paper documents a novel combination of art therapy and reminiscence therapy for people living with dementia and their carers. The Art and Object Engagement program was a collaborative community engagement project between two campus... more
Mexico City is a seething mass of humanity perched between two mountain ranges in the central region of a nation encapsulating a rich Meso American heritage. It was also the venue for the 2006 UMAC conference.
Introduction to the special issue "Collaborative Projects as Means to Transcend Western Epistemologies"
Analiza el problema de la representación y la inclusión en las instituciones museológicas desde la perspectiva de la museología crítica
The article introduces the concept of "critical museology" as a framework for the analysis of the social legitimacy of museums. Critical museology is seen as a theory that advocates the idea that traditional museology as well as one of... more
This publication is financed by Concordia University (Canada) and the Kronhill Pletka Foundation (USA)
Los textos que conforman este volumen centran su atención sobre el «objeto» de exposición y catalogación desde una doble perspectiva: en primer lugar, proponiendo un proceso de «reobjetualización» de la práctica museográfica; en segundo... more
Cada vez más museos exhiben no solo sus contenidos sino también a sí mismos, de manera que los visitantes sean conscientes de las labores y designios curatoriales. Una reflexión y auto-reflejo que pone énfasis sobre cuestiones relativas a... more
The Denver Art Museum's Native Arts Artist-in-Residency Program is an interdepartmental project dedicated to the collaboration between the museum, artists, and visitors. The residency and the physical studio were established to formalize... more
Avant-Garde Museology is the first title in e-flux classics, a new book series focusing on an emerging historical canon specific to an era when the world’s many eccentric modernities, economies of knowledge, and shared political histories... more
Critical study and approaches to comparative culture Critical studies has brought a breath of fresh air into art education. Perhaps the most welcome aspect of critical studies has been its insistence on privileging the student's own... more