This paper analyses the manifestations of and contestations to the migration management paradigm in North and Central America. I pay special attention to the understudied Central American Isthmus countries. I argue that migration... more
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The presented report focuses on The Wiener Holocaust Library in London in the context of shaping the memory of the Holocaust in Europe. This research was funded in whole by National Science Centre, Poland, project no. 2023/07/X/HS3/00342.... more
Several inter-governmental organizations have been created to address regional and global issues critical to their member states and collaborate on matters of mutual interest. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, known as Frontex,... more
Sowohl Alltagsleben als auch gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge werden als beschädigt erlebt. Die Gesellschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts sind wesentlich von Privateigentum, dem Staatensystem und der Ausbeutung der Natur geprägt. In ihren... more
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) return crisis-affected populations as part of their humanitarian interventions under the assumption that return represents a... more
The concept of global migration governance is widely used but remains quite confusing and often poorly defined. This paper attempts to provide a mapping of this notion, in order to understand its different meanings, its usefulness and... more
Interdisciplinary migration research is currently witnessing an increased interest in the impact of colonialism, decolonization, and expertization on present-day integrationism and racism. Tracing the genealogy of current ways of framing,... more
Migration and Borders" is a collaborative writing project aimed at developing a nexus of terms and concepts that fill-out the contemporary problematic of migration. It moves beyond traditional and critical migration studies by building on... more
Drawing upon empirical research conducted in Patras in 2015, this paper investigates the multiplicity of visible and invisible practices migrants have employed to challenge, negotiate, or evade the pervasive border regime and (attempt to)... more
Buchbesprechungen | 147 transcend the poverty trap? Williamson provides only sketches of an answer to this question but-to be honest-doing so was not the intent of his book. To conclude: Although Williamson's monograph is not easy to read... more
This paper analyses the manifestations of and contestations to the migration management paradigm in North and Central America. I pay special attention to the understudied Central American Isthmus countries. I argue that migration... more
In diesem Beitrag prasentieren wir die Forschungsfragen, methodischen Vorgehensweisen sowie erste Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Gefluchteten des Projektes „Strategische Migrationspolitik“. Ziel der Befragung war es, die Position von... more
In this paper I focus on the contradictions between the international discourse on migration and development, the institutional practices of states and NGOs, and the perspectives of migrants themselves. I argue that taking a closer look... more
Edita: CIDOB edicions Elisabets, 12 1. It could be said that the year 2005 represented the discovery by the European Union of sub-Saharan immigration and its impact on their Mediterranean member countries and their
In einer umkämpften Stadt wird der Anbau von Nahrung zu einem politischen Akt: Anbau, Erwerb von Nahrung und ihre sozialen und umweltbezogenen Qualitätskriterien sind eng verknüpft mit dem »Recht auf Stadt«, wie es der französische... more
This article pertains to the resettlement of the Carpathian Roma during Operation Vistula and their successive relocation to the Western and Northern Territories of post war Poland. The story of their displacement is absent from... more
The research presented here has developed within the project "Atl@s of historical cadastral and topographic maps of Lombardy (2009-2011)" funded by 'Fondazione Cariplo', involving 'Politecnico di Milano-BEST Dept.' (project leader),... more
Mapping migratory movements, which means "immobilising" a complex spatial, temporal, social and political system, presents major challenges. Not only do individuals migrating or fleeing cross paths, they also "take breaks" of varying... more
Fast dreiundzwanzig Jahre lang bildete der bisher gültige Lehrplan für die Sekundarstufe I die Grundlage für den Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde-Unterricht. Nach etwa vierjähriger Entwicklungsarbeit wurde nun der Lehrplan für die Schulen... more
This analytical framework aims to study the ways in which European migration governance has been shaped by a ‘crisis’ discourse. The European Union witnessed an exponential increase in asylum claims in 2015 – registering over 1.2 million,... more
Clashing Cartographies, Migrating Maps: The Politics of Mobility at the External Borders of E.U.rope
The generative power of mapping speaks to the material effects produced by maps and their capacity to order particular social and spatial relations. In the case of the EU’s external border, cartography is in fact used both as a practice... more
Die Netzwerkgesellschaft Die soziale Netzwerkforschung im Sinne des Messens und bildhaften Darstellens sozialer Beziehungen, geht auf den Sozialpsychologen Jakob Moreno (1934) zurück. Er wollte damit zunächst informelle Sympathie-und... more
Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work. Preface and Acknowledgements... more
Räume von Sexarbeiterinnen und Sexarbeitern bieten eine Möglichkeit (räumliche wie soziale) Exklusion zu analysieren und zu reflektieren. Im Artikel werden auf Basis einer Schulbuchanalyse entwickelte (soziale wie räumliche) Modi der... more
Recenzja publikacji: Dzieciństwo. Katalog zbiorów Państwowego Muzeum Etnograficznego w Warszawie, red. Anita Broda, Małgorzata Kunecka, Agnieszka Grabowska, Państwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie, Warszawa 2021.
Exploring Judith Butler's question on whose lives are not publicly mourned and Édouard Glissant's critique on the "duality of self-perception," this paper focuses on why the mass deaths in the Mediterranean have not caused a public outcry... more
In this article, Professor Scanlan argues that in spite of recent trends toward globalism, traditionally composed nation-states, especially the United States, will continue to exercise localized control over immigration and receiving... more
Die Regierung der Anderen Von der mediterranen Todeslandschaft des europäischen Grenzregimes The Government of the Others On the Mediterranean Deathscape of Europe's Border Regime Mareike gebharDt, Münster Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag... more
Drawing together the work of leading researchers from various disciplines and backgrounds, this illuminating Research Handbook contributes to a revitalised understanding of migration governance. It introduces novel debates regarding how... more
Der vorliegende Aufsatz leistet grundsätzlich eine kritische Reflexion über die Rolle der medialen Dimension und deren Auswirkungen im Globalisierungsprozess des globalen Südens mit Hilfe der Behandlung der zeitgenössischen Krisenmomente... more
In the absence of a binding and coherent international migration regime, the global governance of migration relies on normative narratives produced by UN agencies and other intergovernmental forums, in line with the discursive legitimacy... more
The multifaceted aspects of migration. International framework for protection. Operational policies of humanitarian organizations. Ways forward.
Die Revision der Lehrpläne für die AHS-Oberstufe im Jahr 2016 brachte nicht nur einen neuen GW-Lehrplan für die semestrierte Sekundarstufe II. Vielmehr wurden auch fachliche Basiskonzepte eingeführt. Diese verfolgen die Ziele einer... more
The European Commission's (EC) choice of the term 'hotspot' for the block's policy response to the 2015 border crisis is revealing. In its general use, the word refers either to an area or position of heightened risk or danger, or to a... more
Unterstützt durch die Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW), Bern Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift Das Magazin behandelt die transdisziplinäre Zukunftsforschung, die Früherkennung und die prospektiven... more
Migration and Borders" is a collaborative writing project aimed at developing a nexus of terms and concepts that fill-out the contemporary problematic of migration. It moves beyond traditional and critical migration studies by building on... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
Internationale und interkulturelle Public Relations: Theoretische Ansätze, Befunde und Problemfelder
Als die Stanford-Studenten Larry Page und Sergey Brin am 7. September 1998 in einer Garage die Google.Inc gründeten, ahnten sie nicht, dass sie einige Jahre später die Suchmaschinen von Yahoo, AltaVista und MSN überholen und zu einem... more