Critical Bioethics
Recent papers in Critical Bioethics
Although physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is legal in several jurisdictions around the world, debate about its merits and implementation is far from settled. This debate has special, timely significance in Canada, as new PAS legislation... more
The concept of antinatalism is now becoming popular on the Internet. Many online newspaper articles deal with this topic, and numerous academic papers on antinatalism have been published over the past ten years in the fields of philosophy... more
Abstract: This essay considers the ways in which Hegel's theory of ethical life (Sittlichkeit) can provide us with a different understanding of our ethical obligations to animals. I argue that animal abuse and its toleration constitutes a... more
Some people with dementia are transformed by the disease, to the point that family members may describe them as a “different person.” These transformations may be negative or positive. What factors affect the judgements of ordinary people... more
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of requests for“mercy killings” by patients and their relatives. Under certain conditions,the patient may prefer death to a life devoid of quality. In contrast to thosewho uphold... more
Although bioethics seeks to address the basic problems of human flourishing, the articulation of a consensus moral framework remains almost elusive due to charges including intellectual hegemony, cultural domination and moral imperialism.... more
Learning from a forgotten story: the episode of Azul. A field trial of a genetically engineered rabies vaccine was conducted in Argentina in the mid-eighties, without informing the Argentine government. In July 1986, 20 cows were... more
REVIEWS: In Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: ABSTRACT Medical or health-oriented screening programs are amongst the most debated aspects of health care and public health... more
Mindfulness is a burgeoning field of study and practice within mental health care and medicine. Yet ethical codes, and the philosophy of the therapist-client relationship, differ greatly between disciplines, and even more between those... more
Towards a cultural bioethics
The book reflects on some of the troubling questions in medical ethics: Medicine, Technology, Law and Decisions at the Beginning of Life; Planned Orphanage; Wrongful Life; Ethical Education and Research in Medical Schools and Hospitals;... more
El libro impreso puede conseguirse en: Se adjuntan forros, página legal e índice de la primera edición (2019) y de la primera... more
In this article, we analyse the novel case of Phoenix, a non-binary adult requesting ongoing puberty suppression (OPS) to permanently prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics, as a way of affirming their gender identity.... more
Ethics is a growing concern in the realm of data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and data-centric technologies in general. There are good reasons for this. We are all familiar with concerns over such issues as data privacy,... more
The topic of organ donation has always been a heated debate between the rights of the donors to give up their organs for strangers and the rights of the recipients in their fight for survival. Though many countries have some sort of... more
There are few issues more emotional and divisive than what has become known as “the right to die.” One camp advocates the “death with dignity” approach, according to which the patient is an autonomous being who can form his or her own... more
La bioética es un campo de conocimiento casi con medio siglo de desarrollo. Puede considerarse que se inició en la década de 1970 con dos ramas que confluyen, una biomédica y otra medioambiental. Sigue existiendo mucha confusión y... more
This paper combines insights from political philosophy, bioethics, and political geography to examine the practice of medicine by the Khmer Rouge during the Cambodian genocide. Through a discussion of both destructive and constructive... more
In his film Hable con Ella (2002) Pedro Almodóvar features the character of Benigno, a nurse who is in permanent charge of Alicia, a young patient in a persistent vegetative state. Benigno talks continuously to Alicia. Almodóvar wants the... more
ABSTRACT The article aims at challenging the very idea of bioethics. Starting with a thought experiment which puts into perspective relations between law and ethics, a reflexion on founding moments of bioethics as a distinctive... more
This course in bioethics provides an overview of the legal, medical, and ethical questions regarding reproductive technologies and human genetics, as well as how to apply legal reasoning to these questions.
En preparación de la segunda edición. Últimos ejemplares impresos disponibles en:
The last half of the twentieth century was the scene of the development of new technologies to improve maternal and fetal health. Thus, new possibilities to gestate and birth have been offered to pregnant women and fetuses at high risk... more
Some people change dramatically over time, and often those changes result partly from what they have chosen to do for a living. Drawing on the work of Richard Sennett and Sandeep Jauhar, I explore how practicing in a market-driven medical... more
Human enhancement is one of the hottest bioethical debates because the two parts have strong foundation on their arguments. Human enhancement is both naturally and technologically. Many people agree upon natural human enhancement because... more
This study was conducted in order to provide a possible solution to the myriad of healthcare access problems affecting Zimbabwe. A desktop analytic review of literature, reports, legal and policy documents was carried out on the... more
En preparación de la segunda edición. Últimos ejemplares impresos disponibles en:
Se adjunta índice y una reseña de los 5 volúmenes de la serie.
Se adjunta índice y una reseña de los 5 volúmenes de la serie.
In short, this essay does for the concept of the assemblage what Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben did for Foucault in their essays on the dispositif: it extracts from a large body of work the core formal features of its operative methodology... more
The phrase "human experimentation" used to be neutral and commonplace, but now it is almost always reserved for past atrocities. What accounts for the change?
What are the effects of circumcision on sexual function and experience? And what does sex—in the sense related to gender—have to do with the ethics of circumcision? Jacobs and Arora (2015) give short shrift to the first of these... more
In questo lavoro di tesi ho cercato di analizzare alcune questioni fondamentali riguardanti i problemi etici nel fine vita. Nel mio percorso di studi ho avuto la possibilità di frequentare il corso di Bioetica ed etica clinica, una serie... more
A debate between a rabbi and a bioethicist on the morality of circumcision.
State regulation of reproductive practices secure the hetero- sexual infrastructure of kinship through means that include elitization, institutional hostility, and plain criminalization. This article draws on personal experiences of gay... more
Arora and Jacobs (2016) assume that liberal societies should tolerate non-therapeutic infant male circumcision, and argue that it follows from this that they should similarly tolerate—or even encourage—what the authors regard as ‘de... more
The non-therapeutic alteration of children’s genitals is typically discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls, in which such alteration is conventionally referred to as “female genital mutilation” (or FGM), and one for... more