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RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre el sentido de la crisis de las ciencias en Husserl desde el punto de vista del positivismo para sostener la tesis que afirma que esta crisis es antropologica y al mismo tiempo es... more
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Previous research has shown that mass-media reports of a suicide death predict an increase in suicide deaths, dubbed the Werther effect . Content intended to protect from suicide contagion in mass-media reports of suicide may reduce the... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologySuicide Rates
View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 1 Dimitrios V. Siskos has been working in both academia and industry sector since 2005. Currently, he is the Deputy Accounting... more
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      BusinessGlobalizationBankingRisk Management
Die Rückkehr des guten Deutschen
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      Political PhilosophyGermany
En primer término, el autor expone el proceso mediante el cual los conceptos "imagen" y "representación" han perdido su sentido originario en la historia de Occidente; a partir de allí se ha creado una situación de... more
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Resumen: En el presente artículo se desarrolla el análisis en perspectiva comparada de la movilidad educativa intergeneracional absoluta y relativa de las sociedades española y mexicana. Se analiza la reproducción, ascenso y descenso... more
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      Computer ScienceHumanitiesMéxicoCrisis
Population and Global Health. She has undertaken a number of policy-relevant studies of suicide and suicide prevention, including profiling the epidemiology of suicide among the general population and at-risk groups.
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      PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthSuicide prevention
Mental illness is an established risk factor for suicide. To develop effective prevention interventions and strategies, the demographic characteristics and stressors (other than-or in addition to-mental illness) that can influence a... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthSuicide prevention
El artículo se focaliza en el Instituto de Cinematografía (IC) de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Argentina, en torno a 1973–1974, no tanto en lo referido a la organización institucional e interna sino a cuatro cuestiones que... more
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      CartographyHumanitiesArtSociology of Cinema
Research on the special relationship between the United States and Israel has usually been focused on strategic aspects, whilst fewer scholars have focused on non-material dimensions of the relationship. In addition, the existing research... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesTerrorismPolitical Science
Crise: entre o comum, o sentido, o governo, o motim e a comuna Crises: between the common, the sens, the government, the riot and the commune
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      GovernmentCommonsPolitical ScienceCrisis
In various domains of social and political life, ‘crisis’ has become a ubiquitous taken-for-granted narrative. This ubiquity risks diminishing the political significance and meaning of the term and flattening the existing unequal... more
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      Everyday LifeTemporalitySubjectivityCrisis
Background: The population ageing in most Western countries leads to a larger number of frail older people. These frail people are at an increased risk of negative health outcomes, such as functional decline, falls, institutionalisation... more
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Compte-rendu de : Paul KOMPANIETZ, Les Romans de la Terreur. L’Invention d’un imaginaire (1793-1874), Paris, Classiques Garnier, coll. « Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes », 2021, 560 p.
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      French RevolutionNovelTerreur
La evolución de éste y de otros espacios destinados a la conservación y estudio de especies vegetales ha quedado patente a lo largo de la historia. Actualmente son auténticos laboratorios naturales que dedican buena parte de sus esfuerzos... more
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    • Jardines Botánicos
Paper presentado en el Marco del II Congreso Argentino de Coaching Corporal
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      CoachingInvestigaciónLenguaje CorporalCuerpos
Los destinos turísticos patrimoniales son lugares de belleza única que representan un legado para futuras generaciones y cuya importancia está ligada no solo a los beneficios económicos que pudiera generar a través de la actividad... more
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      HumanitiesTourismTourist Destinations
O presente livro é o resultado das discussões ocorridas no XIII Fórum de Análise de Conjuntura Economia e Sociedade: o Brasil e a América Latina na conjuntura de crise do capitalismo global. O Fórum tem sido uma das atividades mais... more
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      Political ScienceEconomiaCrisisEconomía
This study aims to investigate the factors influencing market volatility in the Indian stock market, with a focus on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The research seeks to identify the key determinants of volatility, such as economic... more
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      CybercrimesFinancial AccountingFinancial LiteracyFinancial management
This article intervenes in the fields of cultural studies and Spanish film studies drawing significantly from the cultural analysis recently undertaken by Luis Moreno-Caballud and Germán Labrador about the relation between two Spanish... more
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      HumanitiesSpanish CinemaSpanish cinema (Film Studies)Crisis
Mucho han cambiado las cosas desde que en 1924 se hizo la primera emisión radiofónica en España en un local madrileño de la mano de los hermanos de la Riva, tres jóvenes ingenieros. Era Radio Ibérica. A la entonces histórica prensa... more
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This article considers the possible relationship (of foundations or otherwise) between, on the one hand, morality and philosophical reflection on it (moral philosophy) and, on the other hand, religion. It is argued here that such a... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionNormative EthicsMoral Philosophy
Desde mediados del año 2009 se generó una crisis económica mundial que atribuye su inicio a las burbujas financieras del sistema hipotecario estadounidense y continuó con el ya conocido "efecto dominó": donde la mayoría de los países han... more
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En este artículo, el autor realiza un análisis filosófico sobre la actividad cotidiana de la experiencia real vivida. Para ello, se vale de algunos de los filósofos que han abordado la problemática del valor de la experiencia en el mundo:... more
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Pour commencer, je tiens à exprimer mon immense gratitude à l'égard de mon directeur de thèse, M. Emmanuel Barot… Merci d'avoir toujours cru en moi et en mon projet. Mes sincères remerciements à M. Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc, ainsi qu'à... more
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Recent progress towards an understanding of fluctuational escape from chaotic attractors (CAs) is reviewed and discussed in the contexts of both continuous systems and maps. It is shown that, like the simpler case of escape from a regular... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer Science
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      HumanitiesArtTeoría PolíticaCrisis
Emerging countries are held to be subject to more frequent and more pronounced external and internal shocks than their developed counter-parts. This suggests that key variables pertaining to their markets, including their exchange rates,... more
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      FinanceApplied MathematicsEconomicsEconometrics
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Natural and human‐caused disasters pose a significant risk to the health and well‐being of people. Journalists and news organisations can fulfil multiple roles related to disasters, ranging from providing warnings, assessing disaster... more
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      JournalismCommunity ResilienceDisaster StudiesResilience
Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused fear among customers and affected normal life around the globe due to prolonged lockdown. It has disrupted the entire ecosystem of the hospitality industry and also has significant impact on... more
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      Hospitality HygieneHygine
The resilience of economic systems primarily depends on coordination among key stakeholders during macroeconomic or external shocks, while a lack of coordination can lead to financial and economic crises. The paper builds on the... more
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Confrontée à une indéniable crise urbaine, la ville de Saint-Louis du Sénégal a initié en 1996 une nouvelle politique de gouvernance qui mobilise des acteurs au delà de la scène locale, accorde à la commune de nouvelles compétences dans... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceLocal DevelopmentUrban Governance
Este documento es un resumen del libro A History of Global Capitalism: Feuding Elites and Imperial Expansion de Sambit Bhattacharyya (2020). La obra analiza la evolución del capitalismo global a lo largo de cinco siglos, destacando la... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomicsHistoria Economica
Quality seed is a key input for agriculture, with a direct impact on agricultural production and productivity. Integrated seed sector development (ISSD) is an inclusive approach that recognizes and builds upon a diversity of seed systems... more
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      European HistorySociologyHumanitiesArt
Rezension von: Manfred Bönsch: Erziehung in der Krise? - Pädagogik in Krisen. Münster: Lit 2006 (320 S.; ISBN 3-8258-8585-2; 23,90 EUR).
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      EducationHumanitiesCultural PolicyAdult Education
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    • Physics
Este artículo sistematiza y reflexiona sobre los procesos iniciados en ollas y merenderos populares como respuesta a la inseguridad alimentaria acentuada por la pandemia del Covid 19. Es una aproximación a las acciones de mitigación... more
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      Los Bienes Comunes (the Commons)AlimentosInseguridad Alimentariatejido asociativo
La crisis que asola a Europa es una crisis estructural que señala los límites de un régimen de acumulación basado en una moderación salarial compensada por un abultado endeudamiento privado. La crisis ha revelado también que si se... more
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      EconomicsHumanitiesPolitical ScienceCrisis
criSiS de la deuda y nueva GoBernanza económica: una alternativa conServadora al GoBierno económico europeo criSiS de la deuda y nueva GoBernanza económica: una alternativa conServadora al GoBierno económico europeo
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      EconomicsHumanitiesPolitical ScienceGovernance
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceFinancial CrisisCrisis
The Positive Psychology movement has turned the focus on the strengths that people bring to deal with trauma and crisis. The concept of resilience has assumed increasing significance in this regard and looks at how people withstand the... more
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This chapter outlines the background, nature, and explanations of existential crises. An unresolved existential crisis commonly causes depression. Crises occur in periods throughout the life cycle. They usually involve careers,... more
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      PsychologySelf and IdentityCrisisExistentialism
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      HumanitiesArtTeoría PolíticaCrisis
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      BusinessSocial Science Research NetworkIncentiveDeposit Insurance
Kindling induced by pentylenetetrazole in rats is not directly associated with changes in the expression of NMDA receptors or benzodiazepine binding sites. PHARMACOL BIO-CHEM BEHAV 65 (4) 743-750, 2000.-Repeated injections of a... more
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      EndocrinologyChemistryMedicineGene expression
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This paper analyzes the effect of international financial integration on the equity risk premium using a panel dataset of sixty emerging and developing countries over the period 2000-2010. We also use equity risk premium determinants as... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataFinancial CrisisCrisis