Skip to main content Le marxisme ouvert d’Antonio Gramsci permet de redéfinir la philosophie de l’histoire en échappant à tout dogmatisme. Gramsci cherche en... more
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      MarxismPraxisFrench RevolutionHistoricism
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlHusserlCrisis
For some persons who are facing terminal illness, severe permanent disability, or extreme old age, suicide may seem to be a rational choice. Suicide prevention services, however, do not provide for suicide as a sane, honorable choice in... more
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Ya sea en su forma embrionaria como comienzo de la estimulación lógica, o como punto de referencia y contraposición frente a lo que no es físico, la filosofía regresa a lo aprehensible-sensorial para poder ser proyecto. Lo evidente o... more
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      Political PhilosophyWalter BenjaminSlavoj ŽižekMartin Heidegger
Background: Suicide prevention in prisons is a major challenge for penal institutions in many countries. L'approche traditionnelle qui s'appuie sur l'expertise des professionnels de santé peut être complétée par l'intervention d'autres... more
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      PsychologySuicideSocial SupportRisk assessment
We study how relationship lending and transaction lending vary over the business cycle. We develop a model in which relationship banks gather information on their borrowers, which allows them to provide loans for profitable firms during a... more
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      CapitalismEnergy and EnvironmentElectricityCrisis
Scarce medical resources during a natural disaster challenge the existing protocols for medical intervention. Triage decisions about which patient to care for can be extremely stressful for a medical team. This case analysis describes the... more
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      Palliative CareCrisisResourcesDisaster
The Russian crisis of 1998 is yet another instance of financial globalization contributing to an emerging market crisis instead of better resource allocation and faster growth. External financial liberalization took place in the presence... more
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      GlobalizationCrisisSavingsEmerging Market
La radio está atravesando una crisis que se manifiesta especialmente en el abandono de su dimensión creativa. Una de las vías de recuperación de la creatividad, puede ser la nueva tecnología y los géneros radiofónicos de ficción. En este... more
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      CreativityRadioCrisisNew Professionals
Esta sección abre un espacio para la reflexión en torno a diversos puntos de las crisis globales y locales que nos afectan en el contexto de esta pandemia. A continuación, presentamos un grupo de textos breves abordando diferentes... more
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    • Crisis
Die Fluchtbewegung nach Europa legt schonungslos die Defizite des Europäischen Integrationsprojektes offen und den Unwillen der Mitgliedstaaten, Souveränität abzugeben. Daraus erwächst eine Krise im Hinblick auf die humanitäre Situation... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionRefugeesCrisis
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      FinanceMacroeconomicsCrisisGreen Economy
 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE  Objectives. We determined the prevalence of asthma and estimated baseline asthma symptoms and asthma management strategies among children aged 0-12 years in Central Harlem. Methods. The Harlem Children's Zone... more
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The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is an independent policy research institute in Brussels. Its mission is to produce sound policy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe. The views expressed... more
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The article explores the influence of the social crisis on the education on the example of the developments in the social studies in the field of general education. The crisis is seen as an opportunity for substantial educational changes... more
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      Social StudiesCrisis
This study examines the extent to which the recent economic turmoil ("Krismon") in Indonesia has affected urban development and in turn caused an urban crisis. It focuses on urban economy, employment, poverty, rural-to-urban migration,... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningUrban DevelopmentCities
El objetivo del artículo es evidenciar la manera en que la modernidad y su crisis se han dado en el contexto latinoamericano y la forma en que se intenta dar solución a sus conflictos con una alternativa de cura integral; mediante el... more
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      CrisisModernismoSolidaridadEstado De Derecho
In the world we live in today, the presence and claims of crisis abound – from climate change, financial and political crisis to depression, livelihoods and personal security crisis. There is a challenge to studying crisis due to the ways... more
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      Interdisciplinary research (Social Sciences)InequalitiesTemporalitySpatiality
In a competitive environment, where the battle for market supremacy is severe, certain companies might face with serious problems due to the current context of the world economic crisis. Because the crisis phenomenon has become a... more
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This article questions the assumption that Cuba's reform process must eventually make concessions to, and perhaps eventually join, the wider global world system dominated by neo-liberal economics and democracy as defined by the advocates... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationNeo LiberalismCrisis
Siguiendo la metáfora utilizada por Thomas Hobbes sobre el cuerpo humano y el cuerpo político presente en su Leviatán, se propondrá tomar su noción de nutrición del Estado para analizar la posible crisis política resultante de las... more
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      HobbesFilosofía PolíticaCrisisAlimentación
This paper sets out to develop an improved framework for examining critical junctures. This a priori framework is a significant improvement over existing critical juncture frameworks that lack any predictive element. It is an advance for... more
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      EconomicsComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyPolitical Science
На 1907–1908 годы пришелся альманашный бум, расцвет «альманашного» периода в русской литературе начала XX века. В журнальных и газетных рецензиях (З.Н. Гиппиус, Д.В. Философов, А.М. Редько, Е.И. Редько, А.В. Тыркова-Вильямс, Е.А.... more
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      Russian LiteratureCompetition20th Century Russian LiteratureCrisis
Este artículo se pregunta por el papel de la innovación social en el contex-to de la crisis en los municipios de Cataluña. En concreto, el artículo indaga sobre en qué medida las prácticas llamadas de innovación social consiguen penetrar... more
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      Neighbourhood DevelopmentCrisisSocial InnovationInnovación Social
The paper argues that the economic imbalances that caused the present crisis should be thought of as the outcome of the interaction of the effects of financial deregulation with the macroeconomic effects of rising inequality. In this... more
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsHedge FundsDISTRIBUTION
Resumen: Introducción. La comunicación aborda la problemática de las personas con discapacidad dentro del sistema penal-penitenciario, centrándose en la realidad de sus familias que se encuentran directamente implicadas en el proceso de... more
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Freshwater biodiversity is declining dramatically, and the current biodiversity crisis requires defining bold goals and mobilizing substantial resources to meet the challenges. While the reasons are varied, both research and conservation... more
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      EcologyFreshwater EcologySocial EcologyCrisis
The objective of this paper is to describe the framing of the pandemic that the world currently endures during the mandatory quarantine taking place in Argentina. This particular study is part of a bigger corpus of research that... more
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El proceso histórico de formación del Estado corresponde a un proyecto de sociedad emanado de las luchas y contradicciones sociales. En función de los intereses que enarbola, el Estado mexicano moderno adquiere una composición política... more
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      Critical TheoryViolenceMexicoCrisis
The literature on suicide survivors suggests that suicide grief is different than the grief associated with survivorship from other causes. The few studies that have compared groups of survivors from other causes, however, have often not... more
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      PsychologyDeathPsychometricsHigher Education
Background: Three-quarters of people who commit suicide are not in contact with mental health services at the time of death. No previous UK study has focused specifically on this group of suicides. Aims: To identify the characteristics of... more
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      PsychologySuicideSuicide preventionAdolescent
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      Political EconomyEconomic TheoryMarxist political economyKarl Marx
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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Scarce medical resources during a natural disaster challenge the existing protocols for medical intervention. Triage decisions about which patient to care for can be extremely stressful for a medical team. This case analysis describes the... more
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      Palliative CarePolitical ScienceCrisisResources
La crise comme concept critique aujourd'hui ? Sur la contribution de Jürgen Habermas dans Problèmes de légitimation du capitalisme avancé
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      Critical TheoryJurgen HabermasCapitalismCrisis
L’exercice de l’art infirmier répond à des règles réglementaires qui sont d’ordre public. Ceci implique qu’elles sont directement opposables à l’infirmier et ne souffrent pas d’exception. Néanmoins, en situation d’exception, ces règles... more
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      Crisis ManagementNurse EducationDisaster ManagementHealth Care Management
The ultimate point of origin of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009 can be traced back to an extremely indebted US economy. The collapse of the real estate market in 2006 was the close point of origin of the crisis. The failure rates... more
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      Real EstateAccountingFinancial CrisisFair value accounting
Portrayals of suicide in the media are controversial because they may impact on suicide rates and methods. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the broadcast of a television documentary wherein an adolescent girl is... more
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Background: The media and the Internet may be having an influence on suicidal behavior. Online social networks such as Facebook represent a new facet of global information transfer. The impact of these online social networks on suicidal... more
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      PsychologyHealth CareSuicideSocial Media
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      Political ScienceSocial contractCrisisKeynesianism
Özet Krizler, örgütlerin önleme ve uyum mekanizmalarını yetersiz hale getirerek mevcut değerlerini, amaçlarını ve varsayımlarını tehdit eden ve bu tehditlere karşı acele cevap verilmesini zorunlu kılan, gerginlik verici durumlardır.... more
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      ManagementCrisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementProject Risk Management
Background: Approximately three-quarters of patients who die by suicide on psychiatric wards do so by hanging/strangulation. Increased awareness of the methods used by these patients may benefit prevention strategies in mental health... more
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La crisis de la modernidad se manifiesta con gran crudeza en los sistemas educativos de las sociedades avanzadas, que proyectan sobre aquéllos más contradicciones y paradojas de las que pueden superar. Ante las profundas transformaciones... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCrisisMonarquía HispánicaHistoria Económica
This report presents the comparative findings of research spanning two years on migrants caught in situations of crisis in destination countries. The research focused on the longer-term socio-economic impacts of these crises on migrants,... more
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      ResilienceReturn MigrationCrisisAgency
The paper takes a comparative perspective on the labour market impact on G20 and EU countries of the financial and economic crisis that began in 2008. It starts from the observation that the decline in employment and rise in unemployment... more
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      Perspective TakingWorking TimeCrisisInstitutions
Paper indicates the fundamental need of researches that will identify the anthropological basis of Polish security studies as it proves that only human person can be the irreducible subject of all possible security studies. The first part... more
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      Security StudiesAnthropology of SecurityCrisisDefense Resources Management
Contending theories of financial crisis notwithstanding, the ongoing credit meltdown is no different from any of the financial crises that had erupted during the past three decades. In this paper, we argue that the global credit crunch... more
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      SecuritizationBankingCrisisOffshore finance
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    • Crisis