Criminal Insurgency
Recent papers in Criminal Insurgency
Mexico's cartels are significant social, political, and economic actors. The extent of their socioeconomic and political influence is the subject of great debate yet, as their recent response to natural disaster demonstrates, they are... more
The nature of crime and conflict is rapidly evolving. Postmodern war is increasingly influenced by non-traditional and irregular combatants: non-state soldiers. These actors are exploiting technology and networked doctrine to spread their... more
The US Consulate in Guadalajara, Jalisco was attacked with two grenades in the hours before Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (ALMO) was sworn in as Mexico’s new president. The attack, which occurred around 2300 hours on Friday, 30 November... more
In an apparently significant acceleration of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP), Mexican cartel violence embraced the car bomb in an attack on Federal police in embattled Ciudad Juárez last Thursday, 15 July 2010. Not only did the... more
Al conmemorarse una década desde que el ex presidente Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) declaró la Guerra contra el narcotráfico en México, este trabajo analiza la pertinencia de clasificar aquel enfrentamiento como un conflicto armado interno... more
Organizaciones criminales transnacionales y las pandillas están amenazando instituciones estatales en todas partes de las Américas. En circunstancias extremas, los carteles, las pandillas o maras, las organizaciones de tráfico de drogas,... more
While the strategic and operational levels of the Mexican cartel war have gained much prominence in analytical assessments, the tactical level has received less attention. This article is an attempt at tactical assessment of the drug... more
This article reviews the Barrio Aztecas/Los Aztecas transnational gang network.
The first-phase cartel form originated in Colombia during the 1980's in response to the increasing demand for cocaine in the United States. This type of cartel, characterized by the Medellin model, realized economies of scale not known to... more
As violence has continued to rise in Mexico year after year, criminal groups have adopted an increasingly militarized approach to their tactics, weaponry and training. InSight Crime sat down with Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan,... more
Transnational organized crime is a pressing global security issue. Mexico is currently embroiled in a protracted drug war. Mexican drug cartels and allied gangs (actually poly-crime organizations) are currently challenging states and... more
Crime wars and criminal Insurgencies challenge states as they emerge at the intersection of crime and war. In many nations these conflicts involve protracted gang and drug wars. These situations of insecurity range in the... more
Mexico is engaged in a complex drug war. This war is actually an interlocking series of networked “narco-“or "criminal insurgencies" waged by criminal syndicates and gangs, popularly known as cartels. This situation challenges state... more
Los cárteles de la droga y bandas latinas suponen un desafío a la autoridad estatal en México y América Central. Esta lucha de poder-contrapoder resta legitimidad y solvencia al estado a la vez que otorgan poder económico y político a... more
Transnational gangs challenge states in a variety of way. First, they transcend geographical and jurisdictional boundaries. Second, when left unchecked, they can erode the legitimacy of state institutions, co-opt state officials, and... more
Contemporary Mexican cartel use of car bombs began in mid-July 2010 and has since escalated. Given the proximity to the United States, some literally within miles of the border, the car bombings, with about 20 incidents identified over... more
Urban conflict and transnational crime are pressing concerns in many regions. This is especially true in Latin America. This chapter explores the relationship between crime and conflict in Latin American cities. The concepts of "global... more
This chapter examines the reconfiguration of power within states as the are challenged by illicit transnational networks. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This chapter examines the problématique of illicit networks and transnational crime’s impact... more
Transnational organized crime is a pressing global security issue. Mexico is currently embroiled in a protracted drug war. Mexican drug cartels and allied gangs (actually poly-crime organizations) are currently challenging states and... more
Conflict and crime are converging in interesting ways worldwide. Gangsters, revolutionaries, and terrorists interact in a variety of ways complicating state response, policing, military, and intelligence operations. This article looks... more
As the decade ends, Mexico's criminal insurgency continues. Yet the narco-war in 2010 is not identical to the violence that began three years ago. Mexico's criminal insurgency at the beginning of 2010 is distinguished by three main... more
Driven by globalization, Internet communications technology (ICT), and new economic forms the nature of states may be changing. Transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) – including what are commonly known as cartels – are early... more
This paper examines the impact of attacks on journalists on media reportage within Mexico's drug wars, known as "la Inseguridad" in Mexico. It examines two concepts in communication theory (agenda-setting theory and "mind framing" for... more
Mexico is under siege, and the barbarians are dangerously close to breaching the castle walls. Responding to President Felipe Calderon's latest drug crackdown, an army of drug cartels has launched a vicious criminal insurgency against the... more
A growing need exists to analyze the problem of criminal insurgency and develop new analytical models. Our aim is to summarize the problem and introduce several analytical models that can be used in simulations and red team exercises.
This short paper reviews the tactics employed by Los Zetas. One of Mexico's most ruthless, tactically proficient criminal gangs has spread from an original 31 mercenaries into a sizable private army and criminal enterprise
The 4th Small Wars Journal-El Centro anthology comes at a pivotal time, roughly a third of the way through the term, for the Enrique Peña Nieto administration in Mexico. The mass kidnapping and execution of 43 rural student teachers in... more
India is perhaps one of the most experienced counterinsurgents in the world, having fought a huge array of insurgencies since Independence. To date, the dominant guiding principles and benchmarks established to evaluate India’s... more
Mexico’s criminal conflicts continue to rage, and the government, cartels, and vigilantes increasingly contest the crucial plazas surrounding drug trafficking routes. Our series on Mexico’s criminal insurgency (or more specifically... more
"Sustained penetration by transnational criminal networks (cartels and gangs) of state institutions is challenging Mexico and states throughout Latin America. This paper discusses ‘criminal insurgencies’ as a power-counterpower dynamic... more
This edited collection from 'Small Wars Journal - El Centro' examines Mexico's drug war/criminal insurgencies. Primary authors are John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker. Includes contributions from Hal Brands, Pamela Bunker, Dave... more
For a couple of decades now, the security environment of Latin America has seen the emergence of new violent non-state actors (VNSA) whose activities pose a serious threat to national security. There are some geographical areas within... more