Crime Fiction Novels
Recent papers in Crime Fiction Novels
Johnson’s thriller has rape, theft, and murder of a bank guard during a holdup. Bill does it, on orders of one of his brothers after the guard kills one of the gang. He ends on death row. There, he comes to a realization missing in 20th... more
In 2008 Tobias Jones published the nonfiction exposé The Dark Heart of Italy. Jones was a fan of the country and went to live there hoping to find a pastoral idyll. Instead, he found a nation that disturbed him profoundly so he chronicled... more
Although there is an influential strand of modern theory of fiction that distinguishes “fictivity” from "fictionality", it continues to be a common sense belief, even among literary critics, that obvious falsehood of what is represented makes... more
In: Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, H. 3/2019, Jg. LXVI, S. 504-517.
Athens 1953. Financier Kostas Floràs is accused of the murder of painter Nassos Karnezis, found dead in his apartment in the exclusive area of Kolonaki. Floràs’s son from his first marriage, Dimitris, convinced of his father’s innocence,... more
It's a crime novel, a murder mystery set in Hangzhou. I don't want to give too much away, but there's a serial killer on the loose, who leaves a jump rope, a cigarette and a note saying " Come and get me " by each victim. Things get... more
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. Ed. Jeremy Tambling. Cham: Palgrave, 2020. 5pp. Web. Print citation: “Finances and Focalization in Flynn’s Gone Girl.” The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. Ed.... more
Con questo saggio ho deciso di prendere in esame tre figure di detective, molto diversi fra di loro, ma che presentano allo stesso tempo alcune somiglianze. La mia intenzione è quella di dimostrare come i personaggi più di successo... more
The essay analyses and reflects upon the author's different approach to the genre of crime novel to other authors of this genre.
Vogliamo qui ringraziare la Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia per il contributo che ha reso possibile la stampa del presente volume. Desideriamo inoltre esprimere la nostra gratitudine al Collegio Ghislieri di Pavia per avere... more
Alors que la série San-Antonio peut apparaître comme une sorte d'épopée sexuelle d'arrière-garde, tout à la gloire de représentations et de valeurs masculines aussi datées que peu problématisées et jamais remises en question, cet... more
This study is focused on the relationship between the poetics of the detective novel and the essays written by father N.Steinhardt, the well renown writer of The Happiness Diary, in the wake of his passionate experience of reading many... more
The Talented Mr. Ripley is a novel that primarily focuses on the psychosis of denial. Tom, the protagonist, swings between two dominant attitudes of post-war feelings: the simultaneous urge for alienation and engagement and use of... more
W: Makaro J., Dębicki M. (red.) 2016. Sąsiedztwa III RP: Rosja. Wrocław: Gajt.
Integrating the Nordic noir in the modern Greek culture: the case of Vagelis Giannisis From the beginning of the 21th century a worldwide renewal of interest for both the creative/ cultural industries and the audiences towards crime... more
Las últimas narrativas policiacas españolas escritas por mujeres, tales como El guardián invisible (Redondo, 2013) y Ojos de hielo (Solé, 2013), se caracterizan por la fuerte presencia e incluso capital importancia de la subjetividad... more
This article explores evaluations of impoliteness and over-politeness in crime novel dialogues, in reference to the Pragmatics of Politeness and the Discursive Model (Watts, 2003, 2005, 2010; Locher and Watts, 2005). Metapragmatic... more
Publication date: May 28, 2020.
Four men. One Trip. How many bodies?
Four men. One Trip. How many bodies?
Atene 1953. Il finanziere Kostas Floràs viene accusato dell’assassinio del pittore Nassos Karnezis, ritrovato morto in un appartamento dell’esclusivo quartiere di Kolonaki. Il figlio di primo letto di Floràs, Dimitris, certo... more
D'ordinaire, la filiation Manchette-Echenoz est traitée par les liens intertextuels que l'on trouve dans les romans du second. C'est également la perspective de départ choisie dans cet article, puis la question se réoriente de façon à... more
Alter ist gleichermaßen Teil und Ergebnis des Alterns. In den aktuellen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Diskussionen herrscht jedoch ein statisches Verständnis von Alter als einer abgrenzbaren Lebensphase vor. In diesem Band richten... more
Zjawisko dotyczące lokowania akcji filmów fabularnych czy seriali telewizyjnych w danym mieście zostało już wielokrotnie przeanalizowane w literaturze odnoszącej się do marketingu terytorialnego. Brakuje jednak publikacji analizujących... more
La colección Caminho de Bolso, concebida y dirigida por Guimarães Belmiro para la Editorial Caminho, se hizo pronto una de las más singulares en el panorama editorial portugués. Desde el inicio intercaló libros policiales (números pares)... more
The female victim is not a rare element in crime novels. And Anne Perry’s Midnight at Marble Arch is not an exception; actually, there are two female rape victims. This paper proposes analysing how this story can be read in the context of... more
Nullnummer (Numero zero) [2015]. In: Handbuch Umberto Eco. Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Hrsg. von Erik Schilling. Stuttgart/Weimar: J. B. Metzler 2021, S. 215–222.
In der literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschung der letzten Jahre nimmt die Verquickung des biographischen mit dem fiktionalen Diskurs eine viel thematisierte Stellung ein – wohl nicht zuletzt, weil sie vermeintliche Gewissheiten infrage... more
In: Investigation – Rekonstruktion – Narration. Geschichten und Geschichte im Krimi der Slavia. Hrsg. von Nina Frieß und Angela Huber. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam 2019, S. 95-114.
Article for Fiona Peters guest edited volume of Clues journal, September 2015
Warszawa z wczesnych lat 50. w powieściach kryminalnych Kisielewskiego i Tyrmanda Z rozważań etycznych, prowadzonych na kartach Dziennika 1954 Leopolda Tyrmanda i Dzienników Stefana Kisielewskiego, wynika, jaki był stosunek obu autorów do... more
Mykonos in the mid-fifties… On the cosmopolitan Aegean island, destination of the international jet-set, secrets and lies that date back to World War II cast their shadows over the classic holiday scenario. The rich shipowner Taxiarchis,... more
Qu’est-ce que c’est la culture pop ? Pourquoi parler du passage d’une région de l’Europe d’une culture populaire à une culture de masse ? Tout d’abord même s’il n’y a aucune définition claire du terme, les phrases suivantes peuvent être... more
Even as Detective Dhruva was enamored of Kavya, whom he rescues from her kidnapper, Radha, an alleged murderess on the run, gatecrashes into his life. But when Kavya too joins him after her man was poisoned there ensues the tussle of a... more
Current black TV series can be included in a more global configuration by bearing in mind their relationships with the literary genre of black novel and black cinema. A methodology of “language games”, borrowed from the second... more
This article critically examines the use of noir, neo-noir, and global noir conventions in Mike Nicol’s “revenge trilogy” of crime novels, Payback (2008), Killer Country (2010), and Black Heart (2011). Nicol invents a black femme fatale... more
This article provides an overview of the production history and the trademark qualities of the West-German Edgar Wallace film series before examining their significance as transnational adaptations. The Wallace films sought ways of... more
Resum en catalán Milà: Lloc d'una escriptura, radiografia d'un país. L'univers urbà de Giorgio Scerbanenco a la novel·la Ils nous trahiront tous La novel·la negra és una gran consumidora d'espai urbà. La ciutat, amb les seves perifèries... more
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é entender como o escritor João de Minas se apropria das histórias sobre os subterrâneos paulistanos que circulavam na cidade na primeira metade do século para escrever um romance policial. Apontamos... more
In modern Icelandic society the Old Icelandic literature is an important national topos, and using it as the material for crime stories is a well-chosen form for making this „great literary heritage“ closer to the reader. The origin of... more
Die Gattungspoetologie bildet einen klassischen Schwerpunkt der Allgemeinen Literaturwissenschaft. Auch die literarische Rezension stellt einen traditionellen literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsschwerpunkt dar, vornehmlich jedoch... more