Cretan Bronze Age
Recent papers in Cretan Bronze Age
Magistral guía del sitio de Cnossos en la isla de Creta, preparada por la arqueóloga Sonia di Neuhoff, publicada originalmente en 1968, y traducida a múltiples idiomas, que en una clásica descripción, resume las principales... more
Lin. A (Norway) we-tu-na-ma-ti : εὐθυνάματι ‘(an offering) to the direct current’
The art and iconography of the Minoan civilisation of Bronze Age Crete is rightly described as having a refreshing vitality with a fortunate combination of stylisation and spontaneity in which the artist is able to transform conventional... more
WE / VE KO RO RU SE ME TO PE / HE 1 Ritengo personalmente che in casi particolarmente complessi come quello dei sillabari egei, in cui i documenti a disposizione sono pochi, e forme, posizione e numero dei diversi grafemi costituiscono di... more
This doctoral dissertation presents a synthesis of research on streets and public courts in Crete during the Proto-and Neopalatial periods. Ten sites are considered: Knossos, Gournia, Malia, Mochlos, Myrtos-Pyrgos, Palaikastro, Petras,... more
This paper presents a method for data mining archaeogenetic autosomal data. The method is applied to the widely debated topic of the origin of the Bronze Age Minoan culture that existed on the island of Crete from 5000 to 3500 years ago.... more
Third millennium BC in Crete is known as Early Minoan or Prepalatial period. The highest prestige as well as the self-confidence of the the Early Minoans manifest them in the jewellery production. The materials utilised in the production... more
Oleksii Dovghyi's Ukrainian poetic language
Greek language of Cretan hieroglyphs
Greek language of Cretan hieroglyphs
Cosmos in contemporary Ukrainian poetry by Oleksii Dovghyi
Greek gods in Cretan hieroglyphs
Greek gods in Cretan hieroglyphs
Among the painted pottery types in the Levant during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E., the “East Greek” class is especially conspicuous and usually assumed to have been produced in Ionia. This pottery is the subject of a... more
This small paper presented during a session of the Oriental Department of the Russian Academy of sciences was a brief communication aiming to work on two aspects: Connections between Cretan Linear A with Anatolia and Indo-European... more
Pre-Cristian concepts in Oleksii Dovghyi's poetry;
Greek verbs and poetry in Cretan hieroglyphs
Greek verbs and poetry in Cretan hieroglyphs
This paper discusses the ceramic class known in the literature as 'Egyptianizing' amphora. In particular, it presents an overview of the evidence from Kamilari together with new unpublished material. With this additional evidence from... more
In this paper, I intend to discuss how to interpret the notion of writing in Cretan Hieroglyphic script on different supports (i.e. seals, clay documents and vessels) more comprehensively, following a theoretical framework influenced by... more
We study the arts, crafts, buildings and technology of the Minoans with an eye seasoned by 4,000 years of civilisation. But as to what lies beyond the tomb door — on that issue we know as little as they. We create our own narratives;... more
Colours in Ukrainian poetry by Oleksii Dovghyi;
Greek grammatical words in Cretan hieroglyphs
Greek grammatical words in Cretan hieroglyphs
Cover image: merged aerial photograph of the Bouffo (courtesy C. Gaston) and highresolution photograph of upper right quarter of thin section S8A under XPL (courtesy B. Vandermeulen).
Remarks on the Mycenaean Name of Lyktos Lyktos (or later Lyttos) was onę of the oldest and most powerful Crętan city-states of Classical Gręęk timęs and a bitter enemy of Knossos. It was quoted by Homer in his well-known catalogue of... more
Boekrecensies 2 4 13 19 28 34 37 45 Lineair-A Lineair-B archi valc/niet-archi vale ardu vale/niet-archi vale
Quando Michael Ventirs annunciò di aver portato a termine la sua decifrazione della lineare B, nel 1952, fu immediatamente chiaro a tutti che il metodo utilizzato dallo studioso inglese non avrebbe mai dato risultati se applicato ai... more
Pacheia Ammos, July 1-2, 2017
a-ma-wa-si ka-ni-ja-mi i-ja za-ki-se-nu-ti a-ta-de : *ἀμάυσι ἐξαν-ίημι υἷα δια-ξαίνοντι ἄττα-θεν
a-ke-wi-de = ἀρχηίδες ‘priestesses’
This paper aims to apply the most recent social analysis trends to the study of military practice and to the virile ideals of Early Iron Age Crete. Particular attention will be payed to the interpretative model... more
Greek equivalents of Linear A words
Lin. A a-se-tu-qi ra-o-di-ki pi-rue -ju se-sa-pa 3 (PH 2) = ἀστυ-όχῳ, λαοδίκηι / *λαο-θιγῄ, *πλωεῳ, *σέσαφᾳ