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This field trip to will focus on the stratigraphy, sedimentology and reservoir characteristics of the Mesozoic infilling of the Austral Basin in the southern west Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina. The main goal of this fieldtrip... more
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      GeologySedimentologyStructural GeologyPetroleum geology
was based on isolated teeth from the Maastrichtian phosphatic deposits of Morocco. The recent discovery of new material, including skull and mandibular remains, improves our knowledge of this species. M. beaugei shares the following... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBiostratigraphy
Although fossils of Trionychidae are found as far back as the Early Cretaceous, their evolutionary history, including the origin of the crown clade, is poorly understood. Here, we use a microCT scan of the skull of ‘Trionyx’ kyrgyzensis... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHerpetologyGeologyPaleontology
The origin of extensive oil staining, recorded over a 120 m interval of the Jurassic Pilliga Sandstone in the fully-cored Bellata-1 well, northern Gunnedah Basin, has been investigated using conventional organic geochemical techniques.... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryBiomarkersEnvironmental Sciences
Ticks are currently among the most prevalent blood-feeding ectoparasites, but their feeding habits and hosts in deep time have long remained speculative. Here, we report direct and indirect evidence in 99 million-year-old Cretaceous amber... more
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A number of motored auger holes have been drilled in 2002 and 2006 in four sand-clay deposits preserved in dissolution pockets within the Dinantian limestones of the watershed north of the Vesdre valley. These deposits of unknown age are... more
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      IchnologyVertebrate IchnologyVertebrate PaleontologyCretaceous
Pb/ 238 U ages Volcanic clasts Cenomanian a b s t r a c t Amber from northern Myanmar has been commercially exploited for millennia, and it also preserves the most diverse palaeobiota among the worlds' seven major deposits of Cretaceous... more
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Fierce debate surrounds the history of organisms in the southern hemisphere; did Gondwanan break-up produce ocean barriers that imposed distribution patterns on phylogenies (vicariance)? Or have organisms modified their distributions... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBiostratigraphy
The Early Cretaceous (late Berriasian-early Valanginan) locality of La Pedrera de Meià (Montsec, Catalonia, Spain) has yielded remains of at least two genera of lizards: Meyasaurus (including its synonym Ilerdaesaurus and possibly... more
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Extensive field investigations along the Yarlung^Zangbo suture zone in southern Tibet reveal the presence of now fragmented remnants of a south-facing intra-oceanic subduction system. This system developed within Tethys during the... more
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      Earth SciencesCretaceousPhysical sciencesSystem Development
Relations entre les marges septentrionale et méridionale de la Téthys au Crétacé [Relations between the northern and southern margins of the Tethys ocean during the Cretaceous period].
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyGeologySequence Stratigraphy
The occurrence of amber in Sierra de Cantabria (A´ lava, Basque Country) has been known for more than two decades but biological inclusions have only recently been found. The existence of crustaceans (amphipods and isopods), chelicerates... more
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The John Martin Reservoir tracksites from the Dakota Group of Bent County, in southeastern Colorado form part of the mid Cretaceous Dinosaur Freeway characterized by abundant ornithopod footprints (Caririchnium). Over 350 tracks (331... more
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      GeologySeasonalityCretaceousCoastal Plain
Jordan is well known for its Cretaceous phosphorite deposits. These comprise the phosphorite-bearing sediments which overlie the main chert facies of the Amman Formation. Phosphorites have been mined since the 1950s in north and central... more
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The holotype of Saurornitholestes robustus (SMP VP-1955) from the upper Kirtland Formation (De-na-zin Member), originally identified as a dromaeosaurid, is here re-identified as an indeterminate troodontid theropod. The frontal has no... more
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      PaleontologyVertebrate PalaeontologyVertebrate PaleontologyDinosaur Paleontology
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      GeologyPuerto RicoCretaceousWest Indies
The data presented here comprise Ryazanian–Valanginian carbon isotope ratios analyzed from fossil wood and belemnites from the shallow marine Boyarka River succession in Siberia. Additional belemnite carbon isotope ratios from the Izhma... more
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      StratigraphyStable Isotope AnalysisStable IsotopesStable Isotope Geochemistry
Iridescent feather colors involved in displays of many extant birds are produced by nanoscale arrays of melanin-containing organelles (melanosomes). Data relevant to the evolution of these colors and the properties of melanosomes involved... more
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The Upper Benue rift comprising the Gongola and Yola Basins in Nigeria consist of the Aptian-Albian Bima Formation, the Yolde Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian), Gongila/Pindiga/ Dukul Formation (Turonian-Coniacian) and Gombe Formation... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryPyrolysisOil and gas
a b s t r a c t Lower Cretaceous beetles belonging to the extinct tribe Brochocoleini (Coleoptera: Cupedidae: Ommatinae) are revised and five new species proposed in the extinct Eurasian genus Brochocoleus: Brochocoleus yangshuwanziensis... more
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From one of the most complete Lower Cretaceous rock sequences in the world (in Villa de Leiva region, central Colombia), we describe a new genus and species of pliosaurid plesiosaur Stenorhynchosaurus munozi. Stenorhynchosaurus displays a... more
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      BiologyVertebrate PalaeontologyMarine Reptile PaleontologyMarine Reptiles
Sequence stratigraphic models for thick fluvial successions continue to evolve to account for controlling factors other than base-level fluctuation. For instance, many models place a sequence boundary at the base of amalgamated... more
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      StratigraphySequence StratigraphySedimentary geology and stratigraphyCretaceous
Tidalites from the Cenomanian Nimar Sandstone, Bagh Group, Central India, are represented by (i) laterally accreted tidal bundles, (ii) herringbone cross-strata, (iii) sigmoidal cross-strata and (iv) tidal rhythmites with lenticular/wavy... more
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      CretaceousClastic SedimentologyTidal CurrentsEarth Moon System
The major states, in which Earth's climate operates, i.e., icehouse, greenhouse and hothouse, are epochs of tens of millions of years. These states set long-termboundary conditions that need to be considered for climate and sea level... more
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      Climate ChangeStable Isotope AnalysisStable IsotopesSea Level
Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería Chile Vattuone, María E.; Latorre, Carlos O.; Leal, Pablo R. Mineralogía y paragénesis de dachiardita cálcica en rocas volcánicas cretácicas ceolitizadas, Esquel,
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Four juvenile specimens referable to Pinacosaurus grangeri (Ankylosauria: Dinosauria) are described from the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) locality Bayan Mandahu in northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (People’s Republic of China).... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)GeologyPaleontology
a b s t r a c t A significant part of the collection of mid-and Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian, Campanian and Maastrichtian) gastropods, bivalves and worms described and/or illustrated by de Ryckholt in his seminal work Mélanges... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Mass extinctionsCretaceousFossil Mollusks
The rostrum fragment of an ichthyosaur from Northland in New Zealand is described. The specimen appears to belong to the genus Platypterygius. It is the first Mesozoic marine vertebrate fossil reported from Northland and the first cranial... more
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      PaleontologyVertebrate PalaeontologyVertebrate PaleontologyCretaceous life
Tyrannosaurs, the group of dinosaurian carnivores that includes Tyrannosaurus rex and its closest relatives, are icons of prehistory. They are also the most intensively studied extinct dinosaurs, and thanks to large sample sizes and an... more
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      PaleobiologyHistologyDinosaur PaleontologyPalaeontology
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      GeologyPetroleum geologyCretaceousLate Cretaceous
The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary~ 65.5 million years ago marks one of the three largest mass extinctions in the past 500 million years. The extinction event coincided with a large asteroid impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, and occurred within... more
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      PaleontologyScienceMultidisciplinaryMass extinctions
Heteromorphic ammonites are probably the most common faunal elements in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian) sequences of the Western Interior of North America. The goal of this paper is to provide a brief overview of Late... more
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      Cretaceous ammonitesCretaceous lifeCretaceousAmmonites
During the evolution of the Calpionellidae , the calcite composition of their loricas , hitherto considered as one of the major taxonomic criteria of this family , changed several times. During periods of calcium carbonate hypersaturation... more
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      GeologyEvolutionEarly CretaceousCretaceous
Three-dimensional seismic mapping of interpretative sub-surface time slice sections, incorporating age data and detailed structural observations places constraints on the structural architecture and stratigraphic evolution of the Icotea... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsInterpretationEarly Cretaceous
An assemblage of the shallow-water radiolitid Eoradiolites liratus (Conrad, 1852) is described from the Upper Cenomanian Galala Formation at Saint Paul (southern Galala, Eastern Desert, Egypt). At this locality, the stratigraphically... more
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The chemical and isotopic characterization of formation water from 18 oil production wells, extracted from 5200 to 6100 m b.s.l. at the Jujo-Tecominoacán carbonate reservoir in SE-Mexico, and interpretations of historical production... more
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2013.33 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyPaleoclimatology
Late Cretaceous echinoids of Jamaica are moderately diverse, but specimens are rare. The upper Santonian Clifton Limestone Member (Mount Peace Formation) of the Lucea Inlier (western Jamaica) includes common tests of Nucleopygus cubensis... more
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    • Cretaceous
New studies show evidence of repetitive upwelling events taking place in the southwestern margin of Thetys from the Turonian through the Maastrichtian. Based on comparative analyses of sedimentological and biotic characteristics, Zones II... more
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      CretaceousSource Rocks
Two specimens of Thysanoptera with forked sensilla on third and fourth antennal segments were described from the Lebanese Neocomian and the Spanish Albian ambers, and attributed to the new genus Tethysthrips n. gen. in the family... more
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      ZoologyBiostratigraphyEarly CretaceousMiddle East
Danian (Paleocene) reefs formed by ahermatypic scleractinian corals in relatively deep water are known in a few localities in southern Scandinavia. Reflection and shallow seismic profiles, and samples from drilling and scuba diving in... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsWaterCoral Reef Ecosystems
The superfamily Portunoidea including extinct lineages is herein evaluated via cladistic analysis of adult morphological characters and traditional systematics. Nearly every fossil species has been examined via type material, or if this... more
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      TaxonomyPhylogenyCretaceousKey words
Les causses du Quercy sont des plateaux calcaires qui présentent des morphologies karstiques caractéristiques : dolines (cloups), grottes (crozes), gouffres (igues), réseaux de vallées sèches sillonnant la surface du plateau et buttes... more
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      StratigraphyKarst EnvironmentsCretaceousJurassic Stratigraphy
The late Early Cretaceous Santana Formation fossil Lagerstätte of north-east Brazil's Araripe Basin is known for its diverse aquatic vertebrate assemblage, but little is known of the palaeoenvironment of the surrounding hinterland of the... more
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Ptychodus mortoni Mantell is a Late Cretaceous shark that possessed pavement-like tooth plates that were used to feed on hard-shelled macroinvertebrates (durophagy). Here, we describe a new specimen of P. mortoni from the Fort Hays... more
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      GeologyCretaceousLate CretaceousUpper Cretaceous