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Absrrucr-Our recent publication provided an assessment of the performance of thin porous gold in an office environment. We concluded that thin gold (0.380-0.75 pm) on printed wiring board (PWB) fingers provided acceptable performance... more
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      Materials ScienceFailure AnalysisCreepNickel
High-temperature creep tests were conducted on polycrystalline copper of commercial purity in order to investigate the inter-relationship between the extent and the rate of grain boundary sliding (GBS) and the development of internal... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceSample Preparation
Objective: To determine the effects of creep feeder design and feed accessibility on preweaning performance and the proportion of eaters of creep feed. Materials and methods: A total of 54 sows and their litters were assigned to three... more
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      Animal ScienceCreep
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term vertical deformations of segmented pre-tensioned concrete bridges by a new approach. It provides a practical and reliable method for calculating the amount of long-term deformation... more
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      Materials ScienceStructural EngineeringBridge EngineeringOptimization
A new popular method for retrofitting reinforced concrete beams is to bond fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) plates to the soffit. An important failure mode for such strengthened members is the debonding of the FRP plate from the member due... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsComputational Materials ScienceFiber Reinforced Plastic
Nanostructuring metals through nanograins and nanotwins is an efficient strategy for strength increase as the mean free path of dislocations is reduced. Yet, nanostructures are thermally often not stable, so that the material properties... more
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      Phase TransformationsTransmission Electron MicroscopyMechanical Behavior Of MaterialsGrain Boundaries
This paper introduces the numerical model analysis of evolutionary sections (AES) as a tool for the analysis of precast concrete sections constructed in several phases. Constitutive models including both concrete cracking and post-peak... more
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The Theta projection creep algorithm has been implemented within a finite element code. This extends the predictive capability of Theta projection data to complex geometries, multiple material problems such as welded joints, and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFinite ElementFinite Element AnalysisCreep
The application of load cells in industry generally requires good basic materials and accurate performance in a wide range of environments. Differences exist in manufacturing technologies, intended application, performance and cost;... more
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      Finite element methodHysteresisFinite Element AnalysisCreep
Lifetime management of underground pipelines is mandatory for safe hydrocarbon transmission and distribution systems. The use of high-density polyethylene tubes subjected to internal pressure, external loading and environmental variations... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringModelingDistributed SystemSafety
One of the largest long-runout landslides in the modern history of the Czech Republic originated on the southern slopes of the Girová Mountain (Outer Western Carpathians) at the end of extreme rainfalls in May 2010. The structurally... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyQuaternaryCzech Republic
The creep of a dislocation on its glide plane is essentially controlled by three different stress fields: the external applied stress, the internal stress field due to a multi-scale hierarchy of different obstacles (the structural defects... more
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Flexural creep behavior is an important performance related characteristic for sandwich panels used as products, such as kitchen bench tops, table legs, and bookshelves. In order to characterize the creep behavior of the sandwich panels... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCreepWood
A life assessment of a hot reheat bifurcation has been undertaken. Surface breaking cracklike indications were detected in the bifurcation weld. Subsequent replication showed that this was due to significant creep damage in a number of... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFinite Element Analysis
We investigated the deformational behavior of fine-grained calcite-anhydrite aggregates at conditions where the end-member phases are of similar strength and deform by dislocation creep and/or difømsion creep • ' • various---' p• Ulamdun•... more
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      RheologyStressMultidisciplinaryStrain Rate
This paper presents the modelling of the 3D motion of a piezo-actuated tunneling tip in an STM-like (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) micromechanical system, with the aim of summarizing challenging control problems in such a nanoscale... more
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      Vibration ControlIntegral EquationsHysteresisCreep
The predominance of phenomenological power laws in creep of crystalline materials indicates that the dislocation mechanics of inelastic deformation of crystalline materials has not yet been fully understood. We review the progress towards... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPlasticityGrain Boundaries
Based on very early occurring ruptures found in the first stage high pressure turbine blades of a turbo reactor in a local aviation company, this study has the aim to determine their safe life. The first stage blades are subjected to... more
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      Materials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
Приводятся результаты экспериментальных исследований характеристик физико-механических и реологических свойств высокопрочных модифицированных бетонов на основе органоминеральных модификаторов с использованием техногенных отходов... more
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      Deformation and strainCreepCompressive StrengthHigh Strength and High Performance Concrete
Analysis of creep damage in steels used in the power generation industry is usually carried out by means of traditional creep detection techniques, but the several shortcomings of these methods have induced a search for alternative... more
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      FatigueNon Destructive TestingCreepThermal Power Plants
The oxidation characteristics of Alloy617, a candidate structural material for the key components in the very high temperature gas-cooled reactor (VHTR) application, were investigated. High temperature oxidation tests were conducted at... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCreepHigh TemperatureGrain Boundary
We report on creep and stress relaxation test results for pure polycrystalline magnesium. The experiments consisted of constant load creep tests conducted until steady-state was obtained followed by stress relaxation tests to study the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCreepStress relaxation
Františ ek Nový a ,M iloš Janeč ek b ,R obert Král b ,B ranislavHadzima a
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMicrostructureMorphology
Microelectronic encapsulants exhibit evolving properties that change significantly with environmental exposures such as isothermal aging and thermal cycling. Such aging effects are exacerbated at higher temperatures typical of thermal... more
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Published accounts of peat mass movements throughout the last 500 years reveal common characteristics among the failures; however, there has been no consistency in the terminology used to describe them. Given the apparently increasing... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyClimate ChangeMorphology
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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The future success of many electronics companies will depend to a large extent on their ability to initiate techniques that bring schedules, performance, tests, support, production, life-cycle-costs, reliability prediction and quality... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsProductionElectromagnetic CompatibilityMesh generation
Creep behavior of neat, talc-filled, and short glass fiber reinforced injection molded thermoplastic composites were investigated and modeled at room and elevated temperatures. Creep strength decreased and both creep strain and creep rate... more
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Ingenieurwerkstoffe neigen bei erh€ o ohten Temperaturen zus€ a atzlich zum elastischen Verhalten zum Kriechen oder, mit anderen Worten, man kann neben einer spontanen Werkstoffreaktion auch eine zeitabh€ a angige beobachten. Unter Ber€ u... more
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this paper proposes a method for determining Burger's model parameters using creep-recovery data. With the determined Burger's model parameters, the viscoelastic behaviors of an asphalt binder (PG64-28) and its two mastics (a binder... more
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    • Creep
This paper presents a new constitutive model describing the mechanical behavior of concrete at early age and beyond. This model, entitled solidification-microprestress-microplane (SMM) model, amalgamates the microplane model and the... more
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Polyethylene-based heavy-duty shipping sacks are used around the world to package and ship products such as soil, fertilizer, mulch, gravel, and pelletized resin. Approximately 1000 kilotons (kt) of polyethylene is converted into... more
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      Materials EngineeringFilmCreepPp
There are several reasons for mechanical stresses in "globbed" assemblies. For example: cure shrinkage; thermal gradients; and moisture diffusion. Thermal mismatch between substrate, silicon die, and encapsulant represent a main reason... more
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      ViscoelasticityGlassFinite ElementElasticity
A creep-fatigue test with a structural specimen made of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel and 316L stainless steel has been carried out and the test results were compared with those of the evaluations by the high temperature design codes of ASME... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFatigueTransition-Metal Oxides
La historia que inspiro la saga camino hacia el terror. Hola estimados suscriptores, amantes de lo oscuro y las leyendas urbanas, ¿cómo ha estado su familia? En esta ocasión les hablaremos de la historia que inspiró a la saga de películas... more
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      Horror FilmTime series analysisCreepArtículos
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Mechanical properties of solder masks are critical in the reliability performance of flip-chip packages. Many recent studies show that the mechanical properties of solder mask materials have great influence on moisture absorption,... more
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This paper reports on the measured wheel-rail creep force characteristics and the mechanism of corrugation formation by using a full-scale bogie on a test stand. The measured creep characteristics agree well with the calculated values... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringContact MechanicsWear
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) has a key role in the quality system of thermal power plants. Electricity production is definitely not only production of a product, but also becomes a customer service. Reliability is the top... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceQuality ManagementMaterials Chemistry
The general area of physical aging of polymers is reviewed. Various phenomenological aspects are introduced and discussed in terms of bulk structural changes evidenced by dilatometric and calorimetric studies, and are compared with the... more
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      EngineeringKineticsCreepStructural Change
The present study investigates the potential use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) on performance characteristics of asphalt mixtures such as fatigue cracking and rutting as major distresses of hot mix asphalt (HMA). In order to assess... more
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      Civil EngineeringCreepHigh Density PolyethyleneRutting
This review article concerning natural and man-made cellulose fibre reinforced plastics, introduces possible applications of this material group. The physical properties of natural fibres are mainly determined by the chemical and physical... more
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      EngineeringCompositesCreepSurface modification
A B S T R A C T Polymer composites are suitable alternatives to metals in some applications as they are cost effective, lightweight and corrosion resistant. Short fibre reinforced polymer composites (SFRPCs) are typically subjected to... more
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      PolymersFatigueCreepPolymer Composites
Due to the empirical nature and the drawbacks of the Marshall mix design procedure, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) has developed a Superior Performance asphalt Pavements (SUPERPAVE) mix design procedure. In this research a... more
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      Civil EngineeringPerformance EvaluationCreepBuilding
In the current scenario of power shortage in India, the main objective is to ensure availability of power plant and increasing its reliability. During assessment ,testing and inspection a simple question has to be asked again and again‖... more
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The crankshaft is an essential component of internal combustion engines, which is widely used in an automobile. The most common modes of crankshaft failure are fatigue failure. During its operation, the crankshaft is always subjected to a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFatigueCreepRelaxation
In the petrochemical and nuclear industries, the difficulty in assessing the effect of creep on the tightening load of bolted flanged connections is recognized. Under high temperatures, the leak tightness of bolted joints is compromised... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringModelingFinite element methodPressure Vessels
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      Mining EngineeringRock MechanicsCreepEngineering/mechanical Properties of Rocks
Three published rock mass classi®cation systems (RMR, SMR, RMS) were applied to weak Waikato Coal Measure mudrocks in order to assess their value as indicators of rock mass conditions and stable slope angles. The SMR classi®cation gives... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeomorphologyRock MechanicsFracture
In the attached document a Creep Analysis has been reported.
The main purpose is to compare Code_Aster Results with analytical Solutions.
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      CreepPressure Vessel Design