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This is where we learn how to stop the bleeding from our credit spread going from bad to WORSE. Here, we talk about how we can stop from taking a full loss on a credit spread going against you, using different hedging techniques to turn... more
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      Stock MarketCredit SpreadsStock Options
This work empirically examines six structural models of the term structure of credit risk spreads: Merton (1974), Longstaff & Schwartz (1995) (with and without stochastic interest rates), Leland & Toft (1996), Collin-Dufresne & Goldstein... more
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      Time SeriesCapital StructureParameter estimationKalman Filter
This paper models the default probabilities and credit spreads for select Indian firms in the Black-Scholes-Merton framework. Counter to previous research, we show that the objective (or 'real') probability estimates are higher than the... more
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      Credit SpreadsCredit RiskCredit SpreadProbability of Default
The pricing of bonds and bond options with default risk is analyzed in the general equilibrium model of Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (Cir, 1985). This model is extended by means of an additional parameter in order to deal with financial and... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsCredit SpreadsDefault Risk
This paper models the default probabilities and credit spreads for select Indian firms in the Black-Scholes-Merton framework. Counter to previous research, we show that the objective (or 'real') probability estimates are higher than the... more
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      Credit SpreadsCredit RiskCredit SpreadProbability of Default
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
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      BusinessEconomicsApplied EconomicsEmerging Market
We explore whether governments may have faced scenarios of self-fulfilling prophecy and multiple equilibria during Europe’s sovereign debt crisis. To this end, we estimate the effect of interest rates and other macroeconomic variables on... more
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      Sovereign DebtCrisisCredit SpreadsCredit Spread
In order to stabilise financial markets, central banks around the world have implemented monetary policies aiming at boosting their country’s economy by lowering interest rates. It is fundamental for policymakers to understand financial... more
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      Monetary PolicyCredit SpreadsCentral BankingFederal Reserve
The field of credit risk and corporate bankruptcy prediction has gained considerable momentum following the collapse of many large corporations around the world, and more recently through the sub-prime scandal in the United States. This... more
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      Mathematical FinanceCapital StructureDiscriminant AnalysisCredit Spreads
I show that a congruent, parsimonious, encompassing model discovered using David Hendry’s LSE approach to econometric modelling with Autometrics can overcome the many inadequacies of the typical static models of US Treasury return... more
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      Credit SpreadsModel SelectionSurvey dataAsymmetric EGARCH model
Changes in sovereign debt ratings and outlooks affect financial markets in emerging economies. They affect not only the instrument being rated (bonds) but also stocks. They directly impact the markets of the countries rated and generate... more
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      BusinessCorporate FinanceAdverse SelectionCredit Spreads
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      GlobalizationNatural ResourcesFinancial SystemsEmerging Economies
This paper proposes a model for pricing credit derivatives in a defaultable HJM framework. The model features hump-shaped, level dependent, and unspanned stochastic volatility, and accommodates a correlation structure between the... more
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      Credit SpreadsMathematical SciencesStochastic Volatility
This is not the first international banking crisis the world has seen. The previous ones occurred without credit default swaps, special investment vehicles, or even credit ratings. If crises keep repeating themselves, it seems reasonable... more
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      BusinessEconomicsAccountingEmerging Economies
Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) report information about the credit risk of fixed income securities. The various ways the information is used by financial, legal and regulatory entities may potentially influence the nature of the... more
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      Developing CountryCredit SpreadsCredit RatingCredit Ratings
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      DepressionEmerging EconomiesCapital MarketsDeveloping Countries
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsCredit SpreadsDefault Risk
The payoff of many credit derivatives is subject to spread risk, i.e., it depends on the evolution of credit spreads through time. To motivate our analysis we consider the leveraged credit-linked note, which is par-ticularly sensitive to... more
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      Credit SpreadsStochastic VolatilityCDSC
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      Economic TheoryFiltrationApplied EconomicsCredit Spreads
This paper investigates the determinants of the iTraxx CDS Europe indices, finding strong evidence that they are regime dependent. During volatile periods credit spreads become highly sensitive to stock volatility and more sensitive to... more
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      Credit SpreadsCredit SpreadFinancial SectorMarkov switching
The paper analyzes a barrier exchange option that is knocked out the first time the two underlying assets have identical market values. Under rather general conditions regarding the price processes for the underlying assets, probably the... more
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      Credit SpreadsCredit SpreadOption pricingMarket Value
Currency risk is one of the two components of the total interest rate differential. Hard pegs, such as currency boards, are meant to reduce or even eliminate currency risk, thus, reducing domestic interest rates. This paper investigates... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational EconomicsPolitical EconomyTransaction Costs
Recent literature has documented a link between institutional equity ownership (IO) and cost of debt capital, and interpreted it as a corporate governance effect. However, institutional equity investors may also affect cost of debt... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceCorporate GovernanceInstitutional Investors
We study the value of senior and junior bonds with random default and absolute priority rule violation and propose a simple approach to value risky bonds with varying parameters for the violation. Recognizing the sources of violation from... more
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      EconomicsCredit SpreadsCredit SpreadCorporate Bonds
Recent literature has documented a link between institutional equity ownership (IO) and cost of debt capital, and interpreted it as a corporate governance effect. However, institutional equity investors may also affect cost of debt... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceCorporate GovernanceInstitutional Investors
ABSTRACT Gibson’s et al. (2013) provide evidence that credit ratings have exerted an independent influence on credit (sovereign) spreads for Greece beyond that implied by economic fundamentals. Based on the Markov Regime-switching model... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied Economics
This paper uses credit spread data on Japanese bond indices to examine the possibility of a change in the determinants of daily credit spreads after the outbreak of the global financial crisis of 2007. A set of variables identified by... more
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      EconomicsBusiness EconomicsCredit SpreadsGARCH
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
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      EconomicsCredit SpreadsStochastic VolatilityBrownian Motion
Abstract: Russia had more-or-less completed the privatization of its manufacturing and natural resource sectors by the end of 1997. And in February 1998, the annual inflation rate at last dipped into the single digits. Privatization... more
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      AccountingCorporate GovernanceCapital MarketsConsumer Goods
This work empirically examines six structural models of the term structure of credit risk spreads: Merton (1974), Longstaff & Schwartz (1995) (with and without stochastic interest rates), Leland & Toft (1996), Collin-Dufresne & Goldstein... more
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      Time SeriesCapital StructureParameter estimationKalman Filter
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
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      Economic HistoryAccountingAgricultureCorruption
Wood and seminar participants at the Bank of England and Banco de España for useful comments. Karen Goff and Andrew Paterson provided very able research assistance. CreditTrade and J.P. Morgan Securities kindly allowed us to use their... more
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      Applied MathematicsVenture CapitalVolatilityPrice Discovery
This paper analyses the role of liquidity in the price discovery process. Specifically, we focus on the credit derivatives markets in the context of the subprime crisis. We present a theoretical price discovery model for the asset swap... more
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      Financial DistressPrice DiscoveryCredit SpreadsCredit Spread
Although the general risk taxonomy and definitions have been refined over the years, market risk can be broadly defined as the risk of financial loss due to movements in market prices such as interest rates, foreign exchange (currency)... more
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      BankingFinancial Risk ManagementFinancial RegulationBanking Regulation
This paper investigates the nature of the credit risk premium adjustments in the Jarrow-Lando-Turnbull model of credit risk spreads. The adjustments relate the equivalent martingale measures to the empirical measures of unconditional... more
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      EconomicsCorporate FinanceFinancial Risk ManagementCredit Spreads
This paper investigates the nature of the credit risk premium adjust-ments in the Jarrow-Lando-Turnbull model of credit risk spreads. The adjustments relate the equivalent martingale measures to the empirical measures of unconditional... more
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      EconomicsCorporate FinanceFinancial Risk ManagementCredit Spreads
The risk neutral credit migration process captures quantitative information which is relevant to the pricing theory and risk management of credit derivatives. In this article, we derive implied migration rates by means of a recently... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic ProcessEconomicsRisk Management
This is not the first international banking crisis the world has seen. The previous ones occurred without credit default swaps, special investment vehicles, or even credit ratings. If crises keep repeating themselves, it seems reasonable... more
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      BusinessEconomicsAccountingEmerging Economies
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
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      AccountingCorporate GovernanceCapital MarketsConsumer Goods
Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) report information about the credit risk of fixed income securities. The various ways the information is used by financial, legal and regulatory entities may potentially influence the nature of the... more
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      Developing CountryCredit SpreadsCredit RatingCredit Ratings
This paper provides a new methodology for estimating the term structure of corporate debt using a semiparametric penalized spline model. The method is applied to a case study of AT&T bonds. Typically, very little data is available on... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsCredit SpreadsAutocorrelation
We study the consistency of the credit-risk orderings implicit in ratings and bond market yields. By analyzing errors in term structure estimates for bonds with particular ratings, we show that for significant periods, a quarter of some... more
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      Applied MathematicsCredit SpreadsCredit RiskCredit Spread
We use economic indicators to improve the prediction of the number of incurred but not recorded disability insurance claims, assuming that there is a link between the number of claims and the chosen economic indicators. We propose a... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCredit SpreadsEconomic IndicatorsBayesian model
In most circumstances such relation is verified in practice, as different financial assets tend to move in the same direction at similar speed. However, occasional deviations from the theoretical fair values occur, especially in times of... more
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      Credit SpreadsStock Market PredictionEuropean Financial CrisesFair Value
Relative price effects arise from the fact that the standard ratio implicitly compares nominal output and outstanding financial holdings. Thus, for example, an equity market boom raises the equity FG-to-GDP ratio regardless of changes in... more
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      International EconomicsGlobalizationTransaction CostsEmerging Economies