Credit Rating Agencies
Recent papers in Credit Rating Agencies
This study analyzes the effect of corporate bond rating changes by international agencies on stock prices. This topic has not yet been analyzed for the Spanish stock market, despite the growing importance of ratings in Spanish financial... more
An efficient financial system facilitates the optimal allocation of resources towards economic development of a country by allocating resources efficiently. Markets which are a part of the financial system, support efficient allocation of... more
Sous l’effet du néolibéralisme et de la révolution numérique, les activités d’évaluation s’emballent, se généralisent, s’érotisent, deviennent frénétiques et paradoxales. Le projet de recherche « Evaluation générale : l’Agence de Notation... more
The credit rating agencies (CRAs) were an important component of the subprime mess. This article describes what the CRAs are, what they do, what roles they play, and how they fit into the regulatory system. It outlines the types of... more
El presente artículo, luego de exponer brevemente el rol de la calificación crediticia en los mercados financieros, brinda una primera panorámica sobre la normativa delineada por el legislador europeo, en particular sobre aquellas... more
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For decades, the credit rating market has been dominated by three major agencies (Moody's, S&P and Fitch Ratings). Their oligopolistic dominance is... more
The European Supervisory Authorities (the ‘ESAs’) form part of a large network of EU agencies and are classified as regulatory agencies, their principal tasks being the development and completion of the ‘single rulebook’ for the EU... more
Purpose-This study is a comparative analysis of the magnitude of economic growth as a key determinant of long-term foreign currency sovereign credit ratings in 30 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America from 2010 to 2018.... more
Uluslararası finansal ve ekonomik bütünleşmenin artmasıyla birlikte, ülke kredi notları küresel sermaye akımını yönlendiren en önemli unsurlardan biri haline gelmiş ve kredi derecelendirme kuruluşlarının (KDK) küresel ekonomi ve ülke... more
The paper aims to present duopoly based credit-rating business in Pakistan that comprises on two companies i.e., (a) Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA) and (b) Japan Credit Rating – Vital Information Services Credit Rating Co.... more
This paper analyses the Regulation (EC) 1060/2009 and focuses on the aspects related to Credit Rating Agencies' liability. As contemporary history has well shown, ratings may turn into misleading information for market's operators. In... more
The mainstream narrative of the Greek financial crisis blames Greece for being the architect of its own financial crisis. This narrative reduces the complexity and global nature of the Greek financial crisis to an internal and national... more
This study examines the determinants of government bond spreads vis-à-vis Germany for eleven EMU member countries in the period 2000Q1 to 2013Q3 with a special focus on the European Debt Crisis. The aim of the thesis is to test whether... more
Multilateral development banks depend on international capital markets for much of their financing. This, in turn, means that MDBs must obtain strong bond ratings from the major credit rating agencies. However, these agencies - in... more
Banks and other financial institutions which were too-big-to-fail (TBTF) played a central role during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. The present article lays out how misguided policies enabled banks to grow both in size as well... more
The International Non-Profit Credit Rating Agency (INCRA) is an attempt to alter the way in which the economy approaches the rating of debt. By advancing a non-profit ideal, based upon long-term considerations, the agency hopes to... more
The failure of credit rating agencies to properly assess risks of complex financial securities was instrumental in setting off the global financial crisis. This paper studies the incentives of companies and rating agencies and argues that... more
“Moody’s Credit Ratings and The Subprime Mortgage Meltdown” reviews the 2008 financial crisis and the impact to homeowners by investment firms, lenders and other market and nonmarket stakeholders. Moody’s CEO, Raymond McDaniel,... more
We investigate the relationship between a bank's rating and its business model and hypothesize that relationship changed through the crisis. We use bank ratings by Fitch, Moody's and S&P's from 2006 to 2009 and proxy the business model... more
Research Question/Issue: Conventional regulatory reforms of the financial system focus on standard economic assumptions of self-interested, rational actors. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and similar financial failures highlight that... more
Banks and other financial institutions which were „too-bigto- fail“ (TBTF) played a central role in the Global Financial Crisis of 2007– 2009. The article lays out how misguided policies enabled banks to grow both in size as well as in... more
The housing crisis of the 2000s exposed fissures in the U.S. financial system. These shortcomings allowed the system to become encumbered with excessive risk and ultimately triggered the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.... more
Kredi derecelendirme kuruluşlarının ülkeler için yapmış oldukları not açıklamaları küresel sermayenin hareket yönünü ve yatırımcıların yatırım kararları için önem arz etmektedir. Uluslararası yatırımcılar portföy tercihlerini ve yatırım... more
Summary of Credit Rating Agencies in Bangladesh
This paper deals with the proposed use of sovereign credit ratings in the "Basel Accord on Capital Adequacy" (Basel II) and considers its potential effect on emerging markets financing. It investigates in a first attempt the consequences... more
Cassazione sulla giurisdizione per le azioni di responsabilità proposte dagli investitori contro le agenzie di rating. -2. I tratti distintivi dell'attività di rating e la loro rilevanza internazionalprivatistica. -3. L'interpretazione... more
La crisi che ha segnato l'ultimo decennio ha influenzato anche il diritto dei mercati finanziari ed ha evidenziato molti problemi che caratterizzavano i mercati internazionali. Il lavoro si sofferma sul ruolo delle agenzie di rating;... more
This paper deals with the proposed use of sovereign credit ratings in the "Basel Accord on Capital Adequacy" (Basel II) and considers its potential effect on emerging markets financing. It investigates in a first attempt the consequences... more
Today we are witnessing a crisis caused by economic formulae developed without a responsible exercise of judgment and, in many instances, with a shocking disregard for the truth. The virtue of truthfulness is not just some abstract moral... more
The aim of this paper is the price calibration of basket default swap from Japanese market data. The value of this instruments depend on the number of factors including credit rating of the obligors in the basket, recovery rates,... more
The experience in the period during and after the Asian crisis of 1997-98 has provoked an extensive debate about the credit rating agencies' evaluation of sovereign risk in emerging markets lending. This study analyzes the role of credit... more
This paper discusses the role of credit rating agencies during the recent …nancial crises. In particular, it examines whether the agencies can add to the dynamics of emerging market crises. Academics and investors often argue that... more
In this paper, a discussion has been made about the installed generation capacity, power availability and power sold the number of electricity consumers, sector-wise electricity consumed, pending electricity bills, credit rating and... more
Rating suwerena stanowi użyteczną miarę prawdopodobieństwa spłaty zobowiązań wynikających z emisji skarbowych papierów dłużnych. Agencje ratingowe wypracowały zaawansowaną metodykę analizy emitentów tych instrumentów, a ich wpływ na... more
ÖZET: Küreselleşmenin ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesi sayesinde ülkeler arası sermaye hareketleri önemli derecede hızlanmış ve karmaşık bir yapı haline gelmiştir. Sermaye ihtiyacı olan veya sermayesinden kazanç sağlamak isteyen... more
The aim of this paper is the price calibration of basket default swap from Japanese market data. The value of this instruments depend on the number of factors including credit rating of the obligors in the basket, recovery rates,... more
Yüzyılı aşkın bir süredir faaliyetlerine devam eden kredi derecelendirme kuruluşlarının önemi özellikle finansal piyasaların birbirine bağımlı hale gelmesi ve neo-liberal politikaların güçlenmesi ile daha da artmıştır. Bu kuruluşlar... more
ABD merkezli S&P, Moody's ve Fitch kredi derecelendirme kuruluşları dünya tahvil piyasasının yaklaşık yüzde 95'ini kontrol etmektedir. Başka kredi derecelendirme kuruluşları olsa da bu üçü ve özellikle de yüzde 80 pazar payına sahip olan... more
The object of this study is to examine the impact of new ratings, credit rating changes and commercial paper ratings on UK common stock returns. There has been almost no research on this topic outside of the US 1 despite the growing... more
Ottobre 2010 c Luiss Guido Carli. La riproduzione è autorizzata con indicazione della fonte o come altrimenti specicato. Qualora sia richiesta un'autorizzazione preliminare per la riproduzione o l'impiego di informazioni testuali e... more
Credit rating agencies (CRAs) provide investors and regulators, as well as other stakeholders, with certifications of the quality of financial assets. As such, they are pivotal players in financial markets. Their conduct has accordingly... more
The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between fi scal policy and sovereign credit ratings within a comparative framework for the post-2000 period. In this study, indicators affecting credit notes of three rating agencies... more