Creative Design
Recent papers in Creative Design
A logo is recognized as a form of visual communication to represent individuals, organizations and enterprises in a form of a graphic mark (sign), symbol or emblem. In the field of graphic design, “Logo design”, is an important area as... more
The "architecture without architect" in Cappadocia has always been fairy due to its volcanic stone formations and transforming silhouettes. In 1973, French architect Jack Avizou highlighted the essence of cave houses as vernacular... more
The City Beautiful movement played a major role in the origination of city planning concepts and practices employed today. This paper attempts to outline the history of the movement citing key figures, concepts, projects and dates while... more
Abstrak— Wayang kulit merupakan salah satu animasi tertua, namun hingga kini belum ada penulisan lebih lanjut yang membahas tentang hubungan animasi dengan wayang kulit itu sendiri. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk... more
Abstract Purpose This paper aims to study the impact of innovation climate (IC) on co-creating modular mass-customisation (CMMC) in terms of cost effectiveness, volume effectiveness, responsiveness, product modularity and collaborative... more
Designing requires the simultaneous application of diverse modes of thinking and making; the administration of a set of competences, among them creativity, ranked most important by Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design faculty... more
In recent years, the traditional clothing market has been threatened by many other new shopping channels. However, few researches on fashion marketing have been found to give systematic suggestions for traditional fashion stores in order... more
The importance of creativity in technological design education is now clearly recognized, both in everyday understanding and also in formal curriculum guidelines. Design offers special opportunities for creativity because of the... more
Among the many challenges that the apparel export industry faces in this era of increased global competition, one is the increasing pressure on manufacturers to reduce new product development cost and turnaround time while increasing the... more
In this research paper, we adopt an integrative view of user involvement in software development; where, a user’s psychological state, at various phases of development, is linked to the contribution of user involvement in the success of... more
This paper is on Creative Design.
ÖZ İnsanların yaşam deneyimlerini duygu, düşünce ve hayal gücüyle biçimlendirerek mevcut algıyı değiştirme eğilimleri ve bulunduğu çevreyi sorgularken sorunlara çözüm getirme arayışları geçmişten günümüze devam etmektedir. Tasarlama... more
The "architecture without architect" in Cappadocia has always been fairy due to its volcanic stone formations and transforming silhouettes. In 1973, French architect Jack Avizou highlighted the essence of cave houses as vernacular... more
It is important to ensure and extend that education has modern, rational, scientific and democratic attributes at every level. An education programme has been developed in order to support personal, social and academic development of... more
İnsanların yaşam deneyimlerini duygu, düşünce ve hayal gücüyle biçimlendirerek mevcut algıyı değiştirme eğilimleri ve bulunduğu çevreyi sorgularken sorunlara çözüm getirme arayışları geçmişten günümüze devam etmektedir. Tasarlama olarak... more
Imagination and its relation to creativity are among the most important issues related to the design category in various areas of architectural inquiry such as architectural design, whose function and role have changed in recent decades... more
Sustainability has emerged as the most current and striking concepts of the 2000's. Every field, every subject, and every thought generated its sustainable counter part, and sustainability has come to symbolize the future. In fact, when... more
Reflection-in-and -on-action are key elements of creative design. While reflection-in-action has been often studied, reflection-on-action has received less attention. In this paper, we fill this gap by first reporting results from indepth... more
The creative design process is often characterised by high task uncertainty and tight dependency on other functions both within a firm and with external parties. Coordination thus plays a key role in integrating different functions... more
The Conceptual Design refers to the creative phase of the design process which, according to authoritative approaches in literature [Pahl 1996, Ulrich 2001, Hubka 1992], is placed between the product planning phase and the embodiment... more
It is very frequent that in engineering design education students work in teams organizing themselves in face-to-face work meetings as well as by means of online applications to share documents and communicate when they are in different... more
ATINER's conference paper proceedings series are circulated to promote dialogue among academic scholars. All papers of this series have been blind reviewed and accepted for presentation at one of ATINER's annual conferences according to... more
Presented is a concept that forms the basis of a larger research project which aims to understand the university lecturers design practices to foster creativity. The research findings of author’s PhD dissertation show that the university... more
This ten-week course on Creative Design examines the creative process of using meta words to describe empirical forms in political science. Mid-term unit essay examination graded at 25 percent. End-term bound essay examination graded at... more