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For some time employers have identified that one of the most sought after graduate attributes is the ability to function as an effective member of a team. In the creative and performing arts disciplines, which are often individually... more
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      Design educationEmployabilityHigher EducationEducational Research
Objective: To explore the impact of an innovative intergenerational art event showcasing retirement village life on attendees’ understandings of older adults and ageing. Methods: A survey of 93 art event attendees was conducted... more
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      Installation ArtGerontologyIntergenerational RelationshipsAgeism
In the decade since the terrorist attacks of September 11 in the US, Australia has become a country where the global political discourse surrounding the “War-on-Terror” has infiltrated our very understanding of ourselves as a nation. Fed... more
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      Australian PoliticsContemporary PoetryCreative ArtsRefugees
The eTropic special issue on the theme Tropical Gothic was first conceived in 2017. From the beginning there was a sense of how the theme had a certain resonance. By 2018, the term had appeared as a hashtag in social media for new music... more
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      LiteratureCreative ArtsRhizomaticsTropical Gothic
Our creative arts help to define our societies and our civilisation. Digital developments are democratising enjoyment of the arts and participation in the arts. The creative arts can address social issues, reach excluded groups, open-up... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDesignCreativityArts Education
Having a strong sense of self can be a protective factor in resisting peer pressure and involvement in negative behaviors and a determining factor in the formation of one's coping skills and resiliency to life's challenges. This... more
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      PhilosophyCounseling PsychologyArt TherapyExistential Psychology
Readers of literature, listeners of music, appreciators of visual art-indeed, all recipients or "audiences" in any form of the creative and performance arts-do sometimes connect with the artistic work on a deeply personal and subjective... more
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      Sigmund FreudArchetypesCatharsisCreative Arts Therapy
As children grow older, they seem to lose their uninhibited enthusiasm for painting and drawing, and leave behind what is perhaps the best art-making of their lives. What can educators learn from the art-making of young children in early... more
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      Early Childhood EducationArts EducationArt EducationArts-Based Research
In this paper, I examine the Caribbean reparations movement using an intersectional framework that is located within the Black radical tradition. In order to engage civil society in the discourse of reparations, I argue for the movement... more
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      Caribbean StudiesFrantz FanonCreative ArtsRastafari
Based on a co-designing principle, this report identifies and matches innovative practices to enhance inclusion and youth empowerment through volunteering in the creative arts sector. This is based on research carried out by the... more
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      MulticulturalismCross-Cultural StudiesSocial InclusionVolunteerism
The best educational book on how to draw caricatures, cartoons, and exaggerated portraits!
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      Business AdministrationCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryPerforming Arts
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the contribution of street art as a new economy driver in Penang based on secondary data collected from literature review. This paper attempts to reveal the state and private initiatives in... more
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      Street ArtExperience EconomyCreative CityCreative Arts
This article explores existential principles through autoethnographic poetry and narrative reflections. The use of poetry and narrative as tools in qualitative research is explored. Poetry and narratives are shown to be valuable tools for... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyHealth PsychologyPhilosophy
Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability Editors: Block, P., Kasnitz, D., Nishida, A., Pollard, N. (Eds.) • Groundbreaking new literature bringing together the fields of anthropology,... more
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      SociologyMedical AnthropologySocial WorkSocial Identity
Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2011, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9704-550-6 Este ensayo analiza el papel que cumple la razón en su relación con la creatividad artística desde el inicio de la modernidad hasta nuestros días. El principal motivo que da... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtCreative Arts
The National Youth Manifesto (NYM) is a blueprint document that highlights key policy priorities/demands by youth to the political parties, candidates. The NYM agenda has existed since 2011 – 2016 and 2016 – 2021 and now 2021-2026... more
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      EducationMental HealthYouth Civic EngagementHealth Policy
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      Social CareCreative ArtsUndergraduate
Starting from a practitioner's standpoint, this study investigates creativity as a system in which individual talent, desire and ambition operate. In the context of sustaining these motivations, personally and Contents Abstract 1 Chapter... more
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesCreativityDesign educationGroup Creativity
This article explores the congruence between poetry therapy and the strengths perspective of social work. It demonstrates the ways in which poetry therapy is consistent with the strengths perspective and discusses methods for its... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyFamily Therapy
The importance of creativity as an attribute of the 21st Century learner is now widely acknowledged and a global trend across all disciplines. To meet both current and future needs of both students and society a university education must... more
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      Design pedagogyLearning SpacesArchitecture and learning spacesArts Education and Pedagogy
The Creative Arts in Ghana have a huge potential for national development. This book looks at what constitutes the Creative Arts, what the key issues are and how to ensure that the sector is well resourced and positioned to make a... more
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    • Creative Arts
Constructed broadly according to the principles of musical fugue, this piece of creative writing is presented as a performance autoethnography, enacted through a multi-voiced ethnodrama between a fictionalized version of the author and... more
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      Creative WritingMusicMusic EducationMusicology
As a ‘new’ research discipline, the creative arts challenges ethics understandings with emergent research practices. In this paper we focus on a current learning and teaching project that attends to ethical know-how in creative practice... more
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      EthicsCreative ArtsSituated ethics
Poetry therapy has become a valuable adjunctive tool in social work practice, as well as an important discipline in its own right. What has not been previously presented in the literature are intervention strategies designed for when... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial WorkPsychotherapy
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the operation of Malaysian public universities and infinitely affected the way academics work. It is a devastating challenge where academics in the field of creative arts strived to cope... more
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      Teaching and LearningLearning and TeachingAutoethnographyMalaysia
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the operation of Malaysian public universities and infinitely affected the way academics work. It is a devastating challenge where academics in the field of creative arts strived to cope... more
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      Teaching and LearningHigher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationCreative Arts
This is a chapter in a collaboratively authored book by the MECO Network from University of Wollongong. The full book is available at Open Humanities Press, here: -... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity EcologyAustralia
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
The paper focuses attention on the impact of polytechnic education on youth employment in Kano State. Polytechnic education is one of the systems of tertiary education in Nigeria which offers programmes at National Diploma and Higher... more
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      EngineeringEducationTechnologySocial Sciences
While reports of ‘Nirbhaya’ referring to the brutal gang rape of a young woman on a moving bus in Delhi 2012 have been prolific, less attention has been paid to other media and artistic representations on the subject. In this article, I... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaIndian studiesDigital Culture
A publication of the Creative Arts Practice Research Theme at Trinity College, co-edited with Philip Coleman of the School of English. The booklet focuses on interdisciplinary work involving creative arts practices in the 2013-15 period... more
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      Art Practice as ResearchPractice as ResearchPractice-Based ResearchInterdisciplinary Studies
A literature review exploring the psychological bases of creativity, and proposing social, cultural, and psychological influences on creative output. Here, creativity was evaluated in the domains of visual art (paintings, sculpture),... more
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      Creativity studiesModels of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesCreativityCreative Arts
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      Qualitative methodologyAutoethnographyQualitative Research MethodsCreative Arts
Most tertiary students dream about their futures at some time during their studies, and the creation of a portfolio can play an important role in the formation of future identity. In today’s culture, technology is rapidly expanding and... more
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      Music EducationArtEportfolioProfessional Development
In this article, the author explores the uses of poetic forms in qualitative health research, analyzing thematically a poem written from a patient's perspective of being treated in an emergency room. From the themes identified, he created... more
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      Creative WritingSociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
Artist residencies typically provide artists the required time and space away from their usual obligations and environment of everyday life to research, develop and produce new creative work. They are often an important component of an... more
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      Cultural PolicyCreative ArtsArtist-in-residenceSocially Engaged Art
The requirements for effective contemporary leadership are changing along with leadership perspectives and priorities as more creative, innovative and entrepreneurial responses are required in the face of multiple challenges,... more
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      EntrepreneurshipHuman Resource DevelopmentCreativityDiversity
This article examined available facilities (tangible and intangible) in selected Ghanaian public Senior High Schools to find out if they possess what it takes to impact the needed skills in students to meet the demands of the 21st Century... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtCultureEducation Policy
This chapter presents a case study of a socially engaged artistic research project, Lucas Ihlein’s Bilateral Petersham (2007), a project that proposes blogging as a form of ‘aesthetic auto-ethnography’. The aim of the chapter is to test... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchAction ResearchContemporary ArtPractice-Based Research
The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) establishes a working set of guidelines for the ethical conduct for research within Australian Universities. One of the primary principles relates to questions of “public... more
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      Research EthicsCreative Arts
The elite phenomenon remains an index of social organization and a significant yardstick for allotting power and resources in Africa. In Nigeria, the quest to join the ‘elite club’ has been associated with the incidence of economic crimes... more
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    • Creative Arts
The "Creating Healthy Communities through Cross-sector Collaboration" white paper presents the views of more than 250 thought leaders from the public health, arts and culture, and community development sectors who were convened in working... more
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      Health PromotionMental HealthRace and RacismPublic Art
J.R.R. Tolkien is recognized as one of the great literary creators of fantastic worlds. The English author added to his literary work a reflection on the role of the fantasy writer in his theory of sub-creation. This literary... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienTheology and LiteratureCreative ArtsJohn Paul II/Karol Wojtyla
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      Cultural StudiesPoliticsCreative ArtsMarginality
In recent years, creative inquiry as a methodology for creative learning and personal discovery has been widely adopted as a core feature in creative learning across disciplines. In this paper, to respond to the research scholarly... more
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesCreative Problem SolvingCreative thinkingCreative Arts
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      Indigenous StudiesSound studiesCreative ArtsGoolarabooloo
Art, Agriculture, Land Use, Regional Economies, Soil, Botany, Ethics, Food, Weeds… Contributors to Futurelands2 include: Bruce Pascoe, Tracy Norman from Dungog Festival, Gilbert Grace and Klara Marosszeky, Meg Ulman and Artist as... more
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      GeographyEconomicsIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAustralia
This article reflects on the purposes and functions of examination criteria for Masters’ research degrees with creative practice components. With a particular focus on dance projects that incorporate both a performed and a written... more
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      AssessmentResearch MethodologyCreative ArtsCommunity of Practice
For some time employers have identified that one of the most sought after graduate attributes is the ability to function as an effective member of a team. In the creative and performing arts disciplines, which are often individually... more
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      Performing ArtsCreative IndustriesArts Education and PedagogyCreative Arts
This article seeks to contribute to an unfortunate decline in literature that explores the importance of the arts and humanities to social work practice, education and research though an exploration of the role of poetry in social work.... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics