Courts and Elites (History)
Recent papers in Courts and Elites (History)
The character and reputation of Frederick, prince of Wales, have long divided historians. His apparently piecemeal efforts at opposition have been dismissed as lacking in focus, while his mercurial character and early demise have left him... more
The "bibliotheca electoralis" with its 1500 books, today located in the ThULB Jena, is the remnant of one of the most important early renaissance libraries in Germany. The early history of the ducal/electoral library, originally located... more
Edited by Herbert Karner, Ingrid Ciulisová and Bernardo J. García García
Le pagine che seguono non sono opera di storico, o biografo, ma il rendiconto di un lettore severo di antiche carte. La ricognizione è il frutto di fatica spesa nel tentare di conferire ordine alle notizie sparse che, nel corso di dieci... more
During the reign of James II/VII Stuart (1685-1688), the political, diplomatic and cultural relations between the British court and the Italian states flourished as never before. This was due above all to the Roman-Catholic faith of the... more
Le pagine che seguono non sono opera di storico, o biografo, ma il rendiconto di un lettore severo di antiche carte. La ricognizione è il frutto di fatica spesa nel tentare di conferire ordine alle notizie sparse che, nel corso di dieci... more
Turkic Soundscapes Edited by Razia Sultanova and Megan Rancier The Turkic soundscape is both geographically huge and culturally diverse (twenty-eight countries, republics and districts extending from Eastern Europe through the Caucasus... more
This essay analyzes the cultural activities of Isabella Boschetti, the amante of Federico II, and Agnese Argotta da Carretto and Felicita Guerrieri, two of the many lovers of Vincenzo I. The patronage patterns of these women mirrored or... more
Se nourrir est une nécessité biologique qui se double au Moyen Age de valeurs symboliques particulières dans la culture chrétienne. Le christianisme a, en effet, placé au cœur de ses pratiques rituelles la commémoration d’un repas, la... more
Der Beitrag untersucht am Beispiel des Alabasters und Marmors in Mittel- und Ostmitteleuropa der 2. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts die Rolle des künstlerisch verwendbaren Materials als Mittel der herrschaftlichen Selbstdarstellung wie auch... more
The Habsburgs and their Courts in Europe, 1400–1700: Between Cosmopolitism and Regionalism, ur. Herbert Karner, Ingrid Ciulisová, Bernardo J. García García, Palatium, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, KU Leuven, 2014, 349 str.... more
В статье рассматривается предпринятый бургундским придворным Пьером Мишо своеобразный способ борьбы с ложью и обманом - тактиками, становящимися привычными при дворах на рубеже Средних веков и Нового времени. Он пишет сатирический... more
Paper presented at the symposium "The Performance of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World", 17-18.03.2017 Vienna, Don Juan Archiv
The book introduces the reader to the time, place and participants of the tsar’s feasts, talks about ware, table setting, food and drink, reveals the subtleties of ceremonial and etiquette, indicates the changes that have occurred in this... more
Serving the state. The regional officers of Holland and Zeeland in the Burgundian period (1425-1482). This is a summary of my phd-thesis, a prosopographical study into the officers of the Council and Chambre des Comptes of Holland and... more
«Premier ministre de Louis XIII » et « fondateur de l’Académie française » : tels sont les titres associés à la figure d’Armand Jean du Plessis (1585-1642), cardinal-duc de Richelieu, sur les plaques de rue qui affichent son nom au coeur... more
Este trabajo pretende analizar las distintas posturas adoptadas por la nobleza ante el Manifiesto de Lausana, hecho público por Juan de Borbón en marzo de 1945, y las consecuencias derivadas de éste. ¿En qué medida los miembros del grupo... more
Wybór Stefana Batorego na tron Rzeczypospolitej utorował drogę do kariery także członkom jego rodziny. Po niespodziewanej śmierci króla jego ambitne plany usiłowało zrealizować czterech bratanków, przede wszystkim zaś Andrzej, uważany za... more
Considering ‘Cities Beyond the Plan’ helps us substantiate territory beyond being just a passive setting contingent to meta-forces. To do so, requires us look at logics and conceptual frame drawing from legal pluralism, that of space and... more
La nobleza austriaca (Österreichischer Adel) presenta en su formación similitudes con la nobleza germánica del Sacro Romano Imperio, al que Austria perteneció durante largos siglos (1273/1806). Sin embargo, se diferencia esencialmente de... more
This lengthy book publishes a PhD dissertation defended in 1993, in the University of Porto, for the doctoral degree in History (specialization in Portuguese Culture), centered in the study of queen Leonor (1458-1515), key territorial... more
La Nobleza Española ha ido evolucionando y adaptándose a las circunstancias, desde su creación en tiempos de la Reconquista hasta nuestros dias. Estas fase son: a) Heroica, b) Vasallática, c) Honorífica, y d) Testimonial
The Prince and the Lady. Josef Colloredo-Mannsfeld and Lucy Sophie de Jonquet Colloredo-Mannsfelds are one of the oldest European noble families. Their family dominions are situated mainly in Bohemia and at the beginning of the 20th... more
L'image de la Maison de Savoie, dynastie alpine par excellence, a été longtemps liée strictement à la montagne, comme le témoignent les expressions « roi des Alpes » ou « roi des Marmottes », utilisées pendant plusieurs siècles pour... more
This article aims to analyse how the Burgundian dukes managed to control the political process in Holland and Zeeland and get a grip on the noble elites of the counties in the period 1425-1477. During the fourteenth and fifteenth century,... more
Hoy no concebiríamos una dieta sin legumbres, tan nutritivas como arraigadas en la cultura popular, aunque se introdujeran por las cocinas del rey. En el marco de la Semana de la Ciencia 2016, La Herencia de los Reales Sitios celebrará... more
This article is written on the subject of household ordinances and the question of cultural transfer in the period between 1515 and 1526, using as source looking at one of the topics of discussion on the Habsburg-Jagiellons royal summit... more
In this article I examine a late medieval town book from the Upper Austrian market town of Grein using, among others, palaeographical and art historical methods. The lavishly decorated manuscript assembles the traditional privileges of... more