
67 papers
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Counter-monuments are artistic and architectural responses that challenge traditional forms of memorialization. They often engage with historical narratives, provoke critical reflection, and invite public interaction, emphasizing the complexities of memory, trauma, and identity rather than glorifying past events.
In the recent decades, monumentality has been significantly reconsidered with its symbolic materiality and agency in public spaces. Counter-, non-, and anti-monumental practices have emerged on the scene of contemporary art as a new,... more
The pivotal role of the Bulgarian Communist Party in the anti-fascist resistance movement and of the Soviet Union in liberating Bulgaria from fascism were the two central pillars of the narrative of the history and memory of Second World... more
A lecture presented at the conference "Preserving Memory: Holocaust Monuments and Memorials in Central Europe", Prague, September 2024
This article situates its attention on the November 2020 protests in Peru, with particular emphasis on the events in Lima, following the controversial appointment of congressman Manuel Merino as interim president. Merino’s ascension to... more
Paper written for the New Taipei City Art Museum journal. Presented at the Universities Art Association of Canada annual conference, October 28, 2024, available on YouTube at
Besides commemorating an important event or person, memorials have powerful communicative capacities. The difference between graffiti and memorials is obvious: graffiti is known for being provocative and not durable – it is ephemeral and... more
This article discusses the practices and conceptualizations of the Clepsydra @ 37.94578, 23.61960 public mnemonic performance/ in-situ light installation (Lipasmata Drapetsonas, Piraeus, Greece, October 2020). Referring to twenty-one... more
The problem of the formation and development of privileges in politics in Bulgaria is not significantly different from what is happening with their evolution in Europe and worldwide. In this case, the only more substantive difference is... more
Ks. T a d e u s z K o ł o s o w s k i SDB TADEUSZ KOŁOSOWSKI Commentarius in Mathaei Evangelium3 lektura Pisma świętego łączy się ściśle ze wspólnotą wiary, jaką stanowi Kościół. Taką myśl ujawnia Hilary choćby w przypadku egzegezy... more
Rebecka Katz Thor’s “Concepts of Monumental Time” discusses the way in which monuments have changed in meaning and impact over the last few decades. Ever since James E. Young coined the term “counter-monument”, the ways in which... more
Saint Paul’s Cathedral is a contradiction. Beautiful and majestic, it combines an almost Catholic shape with a Protestant soul. It is one of the most powerful symbols of England, and a reason for pride for any Londoner. This paper wants... more
Kunst-aktivistische Strategien haben sich zu einem festen Teil erinnerungskulturellen Gedenkens entwickelt. Unter dem Rekurs auf einen westlich-modernen Kunstbegriff versuchen konservative bis rechtsextreme Positionen immer häufiger,... more
; Zaprimljene tekstove i slikovne materijale ne vraćamo. Pretplata: godišnja pretplata (šest brojeva, poštarina uključena) za članove društava arhitekata iznosi 150,00 a za sve ostale fizičke i pravne osobe 200,00 kn. godišnja... more
A decade after 1989, Poland began experiencing a "memory boom." This explosion in cultural productions dealing with the past inspired scholarly research on collective memory in fields as diverse as Anthropology, Archeology, Art... more
Police corruption is a major problem almost everywhere, but it is a poorly understood phenomenon. Leslie Holmes' book addresses the need for a more scientific understanding, utilising an innovative in-depth comparative method. Most... more
Quel est le point commun entre les autodafés, les attentats terroristes et les frontières de guerre ? En terme d’architecture, on peut citer les contre-monuments. Cette pratique apparaît en Allemagne dans les années 1980 suite à la... more
The paper presents research on the correspondence of the theoretical definition and the practical understanding and application by Bulgarian candidates for political posts in the elections hold in 2014 – 2019 of the concept "positive... more
Plovdiv’s Bratska Mogila is a remarkable work of monumental sculpture from the post-Stalinist period in Bulgaria. A symbiotic ensemble of architecture, sculpture, monu mental art, and urban planning, the monument was built in 1974 as a... more
A new cult of monuments, devised a quarter a century ago, was redirected to complex, formerly celebrated and suddenly disputed or rejected inheritance. Its complexity lays in its formal and functional variety, its integration in the... more
This paper discusses the dialectics of urban place and its public image, approached via an examination of the public process of proposing, debating, and selecting new monuments for the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. The analysis shows that... more
Interviews with survivors of the 1940 Coventry Blitz during WWII: Dorothy Day and Mary Lock.
This article examines the use of the memorialization of Reagan in transatlantic relations -specifically in the commemorations of the Ronald Reagan Centennial Year in 2011 in Central and Eastern Europe. Extrapolating from the case of... more
This article reflects upon the possibility of the visualisation of different forms of collective memory in the city. It focuses on the evolution of the ways of commemorating in public spaces. It ju ...
Attraverso un’analisi interdisciplinare, il testo affronta il caso studio Prototypes, consistente nella proposta dell’artista C. Büchel di considerare i prototipi di muro di confine tra USA e Messico dei monumenti nazionali. Tramite gli... more
Over the course of the last four decades there has been a growing interest in the development and impact of counter memorials and counter monuments. While counter memorial and monument practices have been explored in Europe and the United... more
In March 2021, Genevieve Grieves and Amy Spiers co-convened the online symposium "Counter-monuments: Indigenous settler relations in Australian contemporary art and memorial practices" with hosting partner Australian Centre for... more
The idea of this paper is to examine the process of party identity construction in post-socialist Sofia through urban political graffiti. During the socialist period the political parties in post-socialist countries have experienced... more
To hear an echo is to witness a past event; it is a past event in the here and now. The phenomenon of the echo is not an event cut off from its conception, that first outburst of noise or speech. But rather it is that birthing event,... more
The Majimaji was a war of resistance against German colonial rule in Tanzania which occurred between 1905 and 1907. The war is largely known from historical sources which include the German observers of the war, African historians and... more
This is an article on Yael Bartana's monument to Child Emigration from Frankfurt am Main during the Nazi era (inauguration fall 2021). I discuss her unique approach, which neither uses minimalist abstraction nor figurative representation... more
This paper deals with the Hungarian Holocaust Memorial Year 2014 and the ongoing debate about how to assess Hungary’s involvement in the Holocaust. By introducing the Holocaust Memorial Year 2014, erecting the Monument on the German... more
This paper deals with the Hungarian Holocaust Memorial Year 2014 and the ongoing debate about how to assess Hungary's involvement in the Holocaust. By introducing the Holocaust Memorial Year 2014, erecting the Monument on the German... more
The objective of the article is to map the institutional and practical issues of the illicit trade of cultural heritage in Bulgaria. Due to the lack of sufficient prior academic research in that field, multidisciplinary approach,... more
“A escritura da memória: mostrar palavras e narrar imagens”, in: Remate de Males, Revista do Departamento de Teoria Literária do IEL, UNICAMP, 26.1, janeiro-junho/2006, pp. 31-45. (Dossiê “Literatura como uma arte da memória”) Na era da... more
The implementation of the new ideological and artistic concept of the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór on the site of the former Nazi German death camp selected in the 2013 competition is discussed. The winning design is analysed; apart... more
The argument of this article is that the post-communist transition in Bulgaria is in fact an institutionalization of the practices of disorder. As a result, there develops a distinct differentiation between the political elite and its... more
The following paper analyses the faith of the Soviet Army memorials in Central and Eastern Europe, as they represent one of the most controversial communist patrimonies. The erection of the Soviet Army Memorials across CEE was supposed to... more
The fall of the Berlin Wall not only anticipated the demise of Communism as a political symbol in the former Eastern Bloc and beyond, but it also meant for millions of citizens the loss of the reference points around which their identity... more
The book crystallizes the moment of passage from the artistic practice of exchange with the territory, ephemeral and temporary, to a formal and permanent definition of the project: collecting points of view, images and texts on the... more
In January 2017, settler Australian artist, Amy Spiers, launched a creative campaign to contest habitual associations at the site of Hanging Rock in Central Victoria with a white vanishing myth. Entitled #MirandaMustGo, the campaign’s... more
This research into former Yugoslavia’s spomenik (monuments) explores the critical relationship between a series of material memorials, their mediatized representations, and their most recent appropriation in order to underscore the... more