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The textile industry has been identified as one of the key industries which could spur industrial growth in Kenya. Efforts are being made by the Kenyan government and other institutions to revive the textile industry. One area which could... more
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      CottonCotton Yarn
333-340An innovative approach has been made to impart self-cleaning and antibacterial properties to woven fabrics. Reduced graphene oxide/Ag-N TiO2 nanocomposites are successfully prepared by simple mixing and sonication for finishing of... more
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      CottonAntibacterial activityFunctional Finishing
The study examines land and water reforms as the main components of agricultural sector restructuring during the transition to a market economy. The experience of Central and Eastern European countries and CIS is assessed in the light of... more
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      IrrigationIrrigation water ManagementTransition EconomiesCotton
A field experiment was conducted at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal, India in Kharif season of 2016 and 2017 to evaluate the phytotoxicity of glufosinate ammonium 13.5% SL (15% w/v) on cotton and soil... more
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      CottonPhytotoxicityPersistence of Herbicides and Weed ScienceGlufosinate
A longitudinal anthropological study of cotton farming in Warangal District of Andhra Pradesh, India, compares a group of villages before and after adoption of Bt cotton. It distinguishes "field-level" and "farm-level" impacts. During... more
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      EconomicsDecision MakingBiotechnologyIndigenous Knowledge
Since 2003, the West and Central African (WCA) cotton initiative in the World Trade Organization has stood as an ambitious case of Africa's desire to be integrated into the trading system and yet also receive reparations for past... more
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      West AfricaWTO Trade TopicsAgricultural tradeCotton
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of some swelling agents with reduced water content on final properties of cotton fabrics. A single-step swelling of cotton in the reagent was used. There were selected properties... more
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Despite the higher cost of production, the developed country members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) like the United States (US) enjoy an artificial comparative advantage in the international cotton markets due to huge subsidies and... more
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      African StudiesInternational EconomicsInternational BusinessAgribusiness
This paper attempts to identify sources of resource use inefficiency for cotton production in Pakistan's Punjab. The use of a non-parametric method, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), is developed to study the relative technical and... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsData Envelopment AnalysisApplied EconomicsResource use
Ž . Ž . The arbuscular-mycorrhizal AM colonization patterns of cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. growing under the range of management conditions that are employed for the production of this important crop on the Southern High Plains of Texas... more
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      IrrigationAbiotic StressEnvironmental SciencesCotton
Cotton fabric is usually dyed with anionic dyes such as direct and reactive dyes. Naturally, there is no affinity for basic dyes to cotton fiber. In this study, to improve the dyeability of cotton fiber with cationic dyes, the fabric was... more
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A series of back-coated cotton fabrics comprising varying molar ratios of chlorine, bromine and antimony has been studied using a simulated match ignition test, LOI and thermal analysis (TGA and DTA). Results show that the presence of... more
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      Materials EngineeringErgonomicsHuman FactorsFire
This paper frames the GM cotton approval debate in Turkey in the context of a socio-political process in which conflicts must be resolved between competing interests and among people who hold different value systems and have different... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsTurkeyGenetically Modified CropsCotton
Background: INDETERMINATE DOMAIN (IDD) transcription factors form one of the largest and most conserved gene families in plant kingdom and play important roles in various processes of plant growth and development, such as flower induction... more
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Dye-house water quality is the most important parameter to be confirmed before dyeing; precisely the presence of metal content i.e. Hardness.
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      WaterTextile DyeingCottonScientific Publications
Natural cellulose fibers have been obtained from the bark of cotton stalks and the fibers have been used to develop composites. Cotton stalks are rich in cellulose and account for up to 3 times the quantity of cotton fiber produced per... more
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      Renewable EnergyCompositesBiotechnologyBiomass
This paper reports the development of natural cellulose technical fibers from soybean straw with properties similar to the natural cellulose fibers in current use. About 220 million tons of soybean straw available in the world every year... more
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      BiotechnologyBiomassScanning Electron MicroscopyCrystallization
Electrospun nylon 6 fiber mats were deposited on woven 50/50 nylon/cotton fabric with the motive of making them into protective material against submicron-level aerosol chemical and biological threats. Polymer solution concentration,... more
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Methylobacterium extorquen'~ was isolated and was found as one of the most resistant microorganisms in the original bioburden of ophthalmic cotton dressings to be submitted to ~, radiation sterilization. Radiation survival curves were... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMicrobiologyBiomedical EngineeringRadiation Physics
Paparan debu kapas yang terus-menerus di tempat kerja dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pernapasan seorang pekerja, terutama pekerja tekstil. Hal ini terjadi karena debu kapas merupakan campuran kompleks dari beberapa komponen yang... more
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      Medical SciencesTextile Workers (Labor History)MedicineLung Function
IT-Raman spectra of cotton in the form of a natural plant boll and as an open-weave surgical bandage fabric have been obtained and comprehensive vibrational assignments of natural cellulose have been made. Comparisons are made with the... more
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This paper explains to extract the eco-friendly natural dye obtained from the flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica and apply on silk and cotton fabric using combination of mordants. The fastness properties of the flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica... more
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      CottonNatural DyesSilk IndustryMordants
A highly active alkalothermophilic cellulase free xylanase (3446 U/g of dry substrate) has been produced from newly isolated strain of Bacillus stearothermophilus under solid-state fermentation using wheat bran (2.5%, w/v) pH 7.0 and at... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologySolid State FermentationCottonWeight Loss
A particularly attractive but hitherto unidentified Berber type of costume, a striped haik (a rectangular flat weave garment worn by women) appeared on the Moroccan textile art market a number of years ago. L. Viola during one of his... more
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A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50,... more
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      Civil EngineeringAgricultural Water ManagementIrrigation water use efficiencySeasonality
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      Intellectual PropertyNatural ResourcesProject ManagementPest Management
This article analyses the performance of cotton sectors across East, Southern, and West Africa, paying particular attention to the wide diversity of institutional arrangements that they now exhibit. It finds strong support for earlier... more
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      Human GeographyWest AfricaProductivityEquity
In many African countries, the misuse of chemical insecticides is questioned with the awareness of their negative effects on ecosystems and human health. There is, therefore, constant request from consumers for alternatives to chemical... more
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      CottonInsect PathologyBotanical pesticidesCotton Pest
In order to understand the fundamental forces which have affected the marketing of natural fibres, especially wool, it is necessary to study the fibre market as a whole and in particular to take account of the development of man-made... more
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      MarketingTextilesWoven TextilesFibres and textiles
Silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using crude neem leaf (Azadirachta indica) extract at room temperature. The formation and crystallinity of synthesized silver nanoparticles was confirmed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD)... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringBiochemistryThermodynamics
Picture 1. 1 Table of Contents Abstract p. Foreword p. Introduction & methodology p. Historiography p. Chapter 1: The introduction of Soviet-forced labour p. Chapter 2: The period of continuation p. Chapter 3: The fletching paths of... more
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      Soviet HistorySlaveryCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet Politics
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      Social AnthropologyPostsocialismCentral Asian StudiesAgrarian Change
This paper presents the thermal properties of different knitted fabric structures made from cotton, regenerated bamboo and cotton-bamboo blended yarns. Three blends of fibres (100% cotton, 50:50 cotton: bamboo and 100% bamboo) were used... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsCottonPermeability
Woody biomass, in the form of firewood and charcoal, is the main energy source in the Sudan. Agricultural residues in this country are assessed and their use as energy sources is investigated. Cotton stalks are produced in two large... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomassEnergyCotton
Page 1. Simulation of Drying Behavior of Cotton Bobbins by a Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Model Ugur Akyol 1,a , Kamil Kahveci 2,b , Ahmet Cihan 2,c and Dinçer Akal 3,d 1Namik Kemal University, Faculty of Çorlu Engineering, Çorlu,... more
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Selected phosphorus-containing¯ame retardants, including some intumescents, have been formulated with selected resins and applied as back-coatings to both cotton and cotton±polyester (35:65) blended fabrics. While all formulations raise... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryPolymer Blends
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Fibre blend ratio is an important factor that determines the properties of spun yarn. Modal is a regenerated manmade fibre and free from short fibres, neps and impurities. In this paper, the influence of modal fibre percentage on the... more
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      Blended LearningCottonYarn Quality and ProductionFibre
The experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Farm of Sreepur under Gazipur, Mahigonj under Rangpur, Sadarpur under Dinajpur and Jogodispur under Jessore district of Bangladesh during from July 2015 to June 2016 to evaluate the... more
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      CottonAphidsBiopesticidesSucking Pest
Este libro analiza los conflictos agrarios y las dinámicas territoriales que afectan al Departamento del Huila y el sur del Tolima, en relación al conflicto armado y en medio de la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz. El libro agrupa varios... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesAgrarian StudiesCoffeeAgrarian Change
The dyeing of cotton fabric using Eclipta as natural dye has been studied in both conventional and sonicator methods. The effects of dyeing show higher color strength values obtained by the latter. Dyeing kinetics of cotton fabrics were... more
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsCottonPlant Dyes and Pigments
The insecticides that are used to protect the crop from insects and pests not only pose a financial burden on the farmer but also affect human health and the environment. In this study, a prototype is developed and evaluated in the cotton... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureCottonFarm machinery
Bitkisel bir tekstil hammaddesi olan pamuk birçok sanayi sektörünün ham maddesi olmasından dolayı katma değeri çok yüksek bir bitki olduğu bilinmektedir. Uluslararası Pamuk İstişare Komitesi (ICAC) verilerine göre; 2013/14 üretim dönemi... more
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      ProductionTurkeyCottonTrend Analysis
In 1794 Eli Whitney, a native of Westborough, Massachusetts improved technology on the cotton gin, which he then submitted the paperwork for a patent. However, it is widely perceived that Whitney invented the first cotton gin. I was only... more
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      CottonCotton Ginning
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      TextilesBangladeshHandicraft ProductionGeographical Indications
The present study attempts to document the magnificent resist printed natural dyed textiles of Ajrakh, which has reached the threshold of extinction of its pure form. This is due to increase in fashion, use of synthetic dyes and... more
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      Cultural HeritageTextilesMedicineCotton
The purpose of this work was to develop a textile finish based on radical UV-curing of chitosan on cotton and silk to confer antimicrobial properties. Fabrics were impregnated with a solution of 2% w chitosan in aqueous acetic acid (2%... more
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      Organic ChemistryCottonTextileBiomaterial
A btdk treatment of substrate was developed Jbr the cultivation of Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes) on a 1:1 mixture of cotton and wheat straws (CWS). 7he treatment is based on bulk pasteurkation of CWS and the cultivation of... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCottonWaste TreatmentSubstrate
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      Risk assessmentSeasonalityEnvironmental SciencesPesticide