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This paper was presented during the first Rubenianum Work-in-Progress Workshop organised the 20 february 20. The purpose of this paper is to present my initial hypotheses for answering the question of the role of exoticism in the... more
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      Art HistorySelf and IdentityCostume and IdentityPortraiture
Cette communication a été présentée dans le cadre du colloque "Portraits et représentations des anciens Pays-Bas (XVIe - XVIIe siècles)" organisé par le CREHS et l'Université d'Artois les 8 et 9 novembre 2018. Les actes du colloque feront... more
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      Costume and IdentityPortraitureHistory of ArtOrientalism
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      ArchaeologyCostume and IdentityViking StudiesViking Age Archaeology
Les taillades, vaste gamme d’incisions opérées sur les étoffes, sont un reflet de l’impact de la réglementation protocolaire et somptuaire sur la créativité des tailleurs pour garantir l’originalité de paraître de leur noble clientèle.... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPortraitsArt History
Carved and painted onto wood, stone, bone, animal skins or metal, woven and knit into cloth, material culture from Northwest Coast Native peoples has historically been a one-of-a-kind iteration and a declaration of of familial rights and... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryCostume and IdentityTextile Design
Étude approfondie de l’iconographie textile et vestimentaire du portrait de François Ier peint par Jean Clouet afin de proposer une relecture d’une herméneutique plus complexe que ne l’ont laissé penser les recherches fondamentales de... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPortraitsArt History
Understanding the cultural diversity of the Nile valley has always been paramount to Nubian studies, but has proved particularly challenging for the Late Antiquity period when, in the span of eight centuries (c. 100-850 CE), the Kushite... more
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      Medieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity
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      FolkloreSocial AnthropologyMuseum StudiesPerformance Studies
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      Theatre StudiesFilm StudiesPerformance StudiesHistory of Costume
Contents: PART I: THE CULTURES OF FASHION: Moda and moderno; The Book of the Courtier and the discourse on fashion: Sprezzatura, gender, ‘national identity’. PART II: THE FABRIC OF CITIES: NATIONS, EMPIRE IN COSTUME BOOKS BY CESARE... more
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      Gender StudiesFashion TheoryItalian StudiesItalian Literature
Carmen Tórtola Valencia (1882-1955) was a famous performer of Oriental dances and freestyle. She was admired by artists and intellectuals and was very popular at the beginning of the 20th century (1908-1930). Tórtola Valencia was a... more
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      Costume and IdentityDanceLaceArt Since 1900
When we meet a character in a performance, the implicit understanding is that they have existed until the point where we join their journey and will continue existing after we leave them. Their clothing tells a hi/story to the audience... more
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      Costume and IdentityCostume (Anthropology)Costume DesignFashion and Costume
L’Associazione Onlus "Il Tratturo”, la Proloco di Campodipietra e i cittadini di Campodipietra, con il patrocinio gratuito del Comune, hanno realizzato un opuscolo divulgativo sul costume tradizionale di Campodipietra, che è stato nel... more
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      Cultural StudiesFolkloreItalian StudiesHistory of Costume
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      Costume and IdentityFeminist Pedagogy (Women s Studies)Undergraduate ResearchWomen and Gender Studies
Con questo libro si apre la serie di cahiers ideata da Alessandro Saggioro e dedicata alla “Simbologia del vestire”. Lo scopo di questa prima monografia è duplice. Da un lato, definire la cornice metodologica all’interno della quale... more
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      Fashion TheoryAnthropology of the BodyIdentity (Culture)Costume and Identity
Comment éviter les pièges de la binarité lorsqu'on est un costumier trans ? Je traverse dans cette recherche les liens entre les textiles et les binarités structurelles (homme/femme, hétérosexuel/homosexuel, sain/malade). Il s'agit en... more
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      Gender StudiesTheatre StudiesTransgender StudiesGender and Sexuality
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      Jewish StudiesHistory of CostumeJewish HistoryCostume and Identity
The relationship between photographer and subject in nineteenth-century photographs of Afghanistan operates as a component of identity construction. To date, this interaction is theorized in terms of power between the photographer and the... more
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      AfghanistanCostume and IdentityEthnic IdentityPhotography (Visual Studies)
Clothing and paintings maintain an inescapable capability of conveying a message. Even the lack of clothing within a certain context can have a profound impact on both the viewer, and subject being viewed. Solidifying a message through... more
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Costume
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      Russian StudiesGraphic DesignHistory of CostumeVernacular Architecture
Culture consists of behavioural patterns, explicit and implicit, constituting the characteristic attainment of human collectives. Acquired and transmitted by symbols, the vital core of culture is composed of traditional ideas and their... more
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      Korean StudiesCostume and IdentityIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Hanbok
Carved and painted onto wood, stone, bone, animal skins, or metal, or woven and knitted into cloth, the material culture from Northwest Coast Native peoples has historically been a one-of-a-kind iteration and a declaration of familial... more
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      Fashion designCostume and IdentityTextile DesignFirst Nations of Canada
This article explores the ways in which identity politics and women’s political activism directly influenced the development of the female Irish dancing costume between 1917 and 1937, focusing particularly on the emergence and brief... more
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      Cultural HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryHistory of Costume
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      French LiteratureFashion TheoryLiteratureHistory of Costume
Despite Elizabeth Goepp’s (1928) statement – which she made almost 90 years ago – the philosophical and scholarly attention that costume deserves, albeit finally emerging as a vibrant area of research, is still in the early stages of... more
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      Theatre StudiesFilm StudiesPerformance StudiesHistory of Costume
A collection of scholarly essays on Arthur Penn's 1967 film, Bonnie and Clyde. Essays on background, social and historical context, genre, costume, sound, music, and other facets from diverse perspectives by a distinguished group of film... more
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      Film StudiesPopular MusicFilm Music And SoundCostume and Identity in FIlm
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      Ancient HistorySinologyHistory of CostumeSilk Road Studies
The New Look, femininity and desire in 1950s Hollywood melodrama, revised version published in Adrienne Munich (ed.) Fashion in Film (Indiana, 2011)
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      Costume and Identity in FIlmCostume and IdentityMelodramaCostume
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      Spanish StudiesEighteenth Century HistoryHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfricaFashion HistoryCostume and Identity
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      Performing ArtsPerformance StudiesPerformance ArtCostume and Identity
In May 2013, the FSB expelled an American diplomat on the grounds that he was spying for the CIA. Listed among the alleged spy’s suspicious possessions were ‘means of altering appearance’. It was later revealed that this disguise kit... more
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      Identity (Culture)Costume and IdentityIntelligence and EspionageIdentity
Even though costume has been dressing the performing body since the ancient world, methods for its analysis are yet to be fully explored. Performance Costume draws on the experience of internationally renowned academic researchers and... more
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      Fashion TheoryHistory of CostumeArchivesTheater and film
Portret -niezwykłe źródło poznania postaci. Odwzorowanie konkretnej rzeczywistości -raz świadomie kształtowanego wizerunku, kiedy indziej obraz widziany subiektywnym okiem artysty. Przedstawienia portretowe w sztuce dawnej miały na celu... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryDress StudiesHistory of Dress
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      Film StudiesCostume and Identity in FIlmCostume and Identity in Historical FilmsCostume and Identity
Course Description: This course looks at jewelry throughout history and from around the world. We will explore aesthetics, design, materials, and production techniques across cultures. We will investigate the role of adornment in... more
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      History of DressCostume and IdentityDecorative ArtsAncient jewellery
A paper on the sartoriar landscape in mid-19th c. Greece, included in the exhibition catalogue: "Paris-Athènes. Naissance de la Grèce moderne, 1675-1919"
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      History of DressHistory of CostumeCostume and IdentityDress and identity
Les réalités, les perceptions et les images rattachées à l’Antiquité grecque sont multiples.
Leur étude peut encourager une réflexion costumière attachée à la manipulation de codes artistiques, antiques et contemporains.
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      Gender StudiesTheatre StudiesCostume and IdentityAncient Greek Religion
Paper looking at Yves Saint Laurent's iconic costumes for his muse and friend Catherine Deneuve. For Bowes Museum, County DURHAM 24 October, 2015 (YSL Symposium).
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      Costume and IdentityCostume DesignFilm StarsFashion
The clothing of the female characters from the north-american comic books communicates the identity of the heroine or the villainess. How does the clothing design help to translate the identity of the charactes into the costumes? This... more
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      SemioticsDesignFashion designIndustrial Design
Haljine sačuvane u kolekciji srpskog građanskog kostima Muzeja primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu, koje su pripadnice srpskog građanskog društva nosile kao venčane haljine, ali i u drugim prilikama vezanim za obred venčanja (npr. veridba),... more
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      History of CostumeFashion HistoryCostume and IdentityCollecting and Collections
The headdresses bequeathed by the desert and its ancestral inhabitants represent an invaluable cultural legacy that must be conserved, studied and exhibited. This is due not only to their aesthetic qualities as objects, to the capacity... more
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      Visual AnthropologyVisual CultureIdentity (Culture)Costume and Identity
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      Costume and IdentityEmbroideryTraditional DressFolk dress
Japanese contemporary culture, including fashion, has increasingly gained popularity outside Japan, making it a timely topic for both scholarly and wider publics. Most current studies of popular culture focuses on manga, anime, and other... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesVictorian StudiesFashion Theory
Funde von Kugelkopfnadeln und Spiralröllchen in Gräbern von Hallstatt sowie bildliche Darstellungen besonders der Situlenkunst waren Ausgangspunkt für experimentalarchäologische Versuche, die eine Rekonstruktion der Haar- und... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyTextilesHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyTourism Studies
The popular American reality television programme RuPaul’s Drag Race (2009–) has become well known for its racially diverse cast of contestants; notably, it has featured numerous contestants of Asian descent throughout its first seven... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesQueer TheoryAsian American Studies
From Hollywood classics such as Now Voyager (1942), My Fair Lady (1964), and Pretty Woman (1990) to TV lifestyle programming such as What Not to Wear (2001–07), 10 Years Younger (2004–08), and Gok’s Fashion Fix (2008–09), the makeover... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSelf and Identity