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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The kimono revival in contemporary Japanese society seems to be pertinent and of high actuality given the multiple articles on the topic in the press and even books; however, it is far from being the first one. Therefore, the study... more
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      Japanese StudiesGlobalizationMaterial Culture StudiesPostcolonial Studies
The aim of this study is to collect evidence for textile recycling from a prehistoric and historic perspective. The basis are original textile finds and not, as might be expected, written or pictorial sources. The material presented here... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNatural ResourcesTextiles
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesHistory of CostumeChinese Art
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesOttoman HistoryDress Studies
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      French LiteratureFashion TheoryLiteratureHistory of Costume
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      Spanish StudiesEighteenth Century HistoryHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity
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      Performing ArtsPerformance StudiesPerformance ArtCostume and Identity
Qualitative comparison of similarities between Mughal architecture and prevailing costumes for designing contemporary wear. Architecture and fashion plays an important role in satisfying basic human need of shelter and clothing. Both... more
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      Fashion designArchitectural HistoryCostume (Art History)Arts and Culture
Even though costume has been dressing the performing body since the ancient world, methods for its analysis are yet to be fully explored. Performance Costume draws on the experience of internationally renowned academic researchers and... more
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      Fashion TheoryHistory of CostumeArchivesTheater and film
Scholarly attention to late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century French art has focused on the importance that Johann Joachim Winckelmann attributed to the male nude figure in his definition of ideal beauty, and the impact of his work... more
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      AestheticsArtFrench artCostume (Art History)
This paper describes the jewellery of Mary Queen of Scots from unpublished inventories and descriptions made by James Mosman made during the siege of Edinburgh Castle in 1571-1573. The additional descriptions clarify some of the... more
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      History of CostumeScottish HistoryMary Queen of ScotsCostume (Art History)
Direitos Reservados para esta edição: Núcleo Editorial-FAV/UFG Modo de acesso: Os textos e imagens publicados neste volume são de responsabilidade dos respectivos autores e autoras. Dados Internacionais de... more
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      History of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsCostume (Art History)Museums
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      Dress StudiesMuseum StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Costume
L’article analyse la relation entre la caricature et la mode à partir de quelques exemples de la satire visuelle et textuelle de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. La période est propice à la caricature de mode car, tout en reflétant les... more
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      French LiteratureCaricature (Visual Studies)History of CostumeCaricature (Art)
This article casts light on the last segment of Knud Rasmussen’s “grand expedition,” his trip to Chukotka, in the Russian Far East, in September 1924. He spent somewhere between 18 and 48 hours in Chukotka before he was deported back to... more
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      MuseologyCostume (Art History)Traditional KnowledgeSiberian Studies
Rainbows, so pervasive in twenty-first century culture, were slow to permeate European fashion and textile design. Why, if they have been drawn and described since the beginning of artistic practice, do they so rarely show up on historic... more
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
Poster presentation: CIHA Florence 2019 – Motion: Transformation (The 35th CIHA World Congress). Florence, Italy, September 1-6, 2019.
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      Art HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of CostumeFashion History
This research paper analyzes the bead-net dress that was worn by ancient Egyptian priestesses. Specifically, the thesis focuses on Princess Nefertiabet and how she wore this lavish dress for spiritual/religious purposes as a priestess.... more
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      EgyptologyHistory of CostumeFashion HistoryCostume and Identity
Clothes represent a significant aspect of Chinese culture, particularly in the depiction of gender. Moreover, sartorial details may also be an index to questions of empire in certain contexts. is paper focuses on female figures and the... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryChinese ArtCostume (Art History)
The dissertation is a fundamental comprehensive research. According to archaeological and iconographic data the costume of the Chernyakhiv – Sîntana de Mureş Culture bearers that had not been systematically studied before was... more
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      Costume (Art History)BeadsArchaeology / Cultural Anthropology / EthnologyClothes
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
Kniha byla vydána v roce 1920 v Praze (Českomoravské podniky tiskařské a vydavatelské) / The book was published in 1920 in Prague (Czech-Moravian businesses printing and publishing).
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEthnographyHistory of Costume
In 1858 the British Museum purchased an album of Ottoman costume paintings that reportedly had at one time belonged to Heinrich Friedrich von Diez, Prussian ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1784 to 1790. "Costumes turcs" contains 264... more
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      Book HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of CostumeCross-Cultural Collaborations
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      IconographyHistory of DressHistory of CostumeHistory of Textiles
The Yuan dynasty was the first great unified empire founded by an ethnic minority in Chinese history. A great number of ancient sources have proven that under the Yuan, the Mongols’ distinctive costumes, expressive of their nomadic... more
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      Yuan DynastyMing DynastyCostume (Art History)Clothing Culture
This analysis of clothing worn by Marvel Comics’ X-Men characters illustrates the use of streetwear as a tool for narrative symbolism and real-world identity politics of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Streetwear is used narratively in... more
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      Fashion TheoryComics StudiesHistory of CostumeFashion History
This essay examines the the influence of existing art on new arts, in the form of the emblems of the Scout and Girl Guide organisations internationally. Further study is given to how this significance compares with other possible... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of CostumeCostume (Anthropology)Costume (Art History)
Costume albums and books depicting the diverse peoples of the Ottoman Empire were produced by Ottomans and Europeans respectively as early as the sixteenth century, defining geography, ethnicity, religion, occupation, and gender in the... more
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      Print CultureOttoman HistoryBook HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
The book contains published papers of the conference 'Textiles & Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean: Paradigms of Contexts and Cross-Cultural Exchanges' of the British School at Athens held at the (Benaki) Museum of... more
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      History of DressTextilesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Costume
Published in: Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 2017, S. 148-153.
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Costume
Hieronymus Bosch was also a celebrated painter in his own time. The patrons and first owners of his paintings were part of the social and cultural elite of the late fifteenth and sixteenth century society. Some of them were portrayed by... more
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      Costume and IdentityCostume (Art History)Early Netherlandish PaintingPatronage and collecting
In this paper, through a bibliographical research and debate, we intent a filmic and artistic analysis of the feature film 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' (Francis Ford Coppola, 1992), specifically its costume design, signed by the Japanese... more
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      Costume (Art History)Costume DesignVampire StudiesVampires
While few archaeological finds remain concerning dress during the Iron Age of the Celtic Tribes in Europe, if we consider historical commentary, Celtic art, oral traditions and archaeological data together we can amass a generic idea what... more
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      ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesHistory of CostumeHistory of Textiles
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      Fashion designHistory of CostumeHistory of TextilesMongolian Studies
Studies in pre-Roman dress are an important part of the DressID project, as well as Roman dress, as the earlier material helps to understand the origins of local dress variants in the Roman provinces. In the Roman provinces of Noricum and... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySelf and IdentityAnthropology of DressHistory of Dress
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      MusicTheatre StudiesDesign (Theatre Studies)Dance Studies
La vestimenta surge como una necesidad de protección y abrigo. Con el tiempo se convierte en un elemento identitario entre los grupos huma¬nos. La trayectoria histórica de la vestimenta en el Perú tiene larga data. En la época... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyCultural Heritage
Presentation of the research and reconstruction work behind the exhibition "La Maison du Roy - 1689-1792"
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryArt History
L'intento in questa occasione è quello di comprendere, attraverso questo documento, quali potevano essere le relazioni tra i confratelli della scuola dei "tagiapiera" di Venezia nel periodo medievale e di capire, inoltre, gli... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCostume (Art History)Historia del Arte
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      History of DressMiddle East StudiesBibliographyHistory of Costume
(222 plates of illustrations will be in special file. The pages' numeration is special for each big chapter. For real book numeration move the cursor to the right border of each pages / 222 таблицы иллюстраций будут в специальном файле.... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of CostumeCentral Asian Studies
The article discusses Byzantine attire by focusing on imperial and courtly dress from early to late Byzantium, with main emphasis on Constantinopolitan styles. The visual evidence - mosaics and illuminations - is seen in relation to the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesFashion TheoryDress Studies
Knightly Dueling is a complete overview of the fighting arts of German chivalric dueling, on horse and on foot, during the late Medieval and early Renaissance. Through the words and pictures of original source texts of the great German... more
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      Human GeographyGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureMedieval History
M. Phil Dissertation, Trinity College Dublin
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      Irish StudiesArt HistoryDance StudiesAnthropology Of Dance
Disponibile in ebook e a stampa, Il volume è composto di 245 pagine con illustrazioni. Quale auspicio beneaugurale per la collana editoriale ‘VELAMEN’ iniziamo con la trattazione di quelle acconciature femminili con copricapi o... more
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      Dress StudiesHistory of DressRenaissance StudiesHistory of Costume
(Colour illustrations for CD-ROM version you can see after black-white variant) Colour combinations in the costume of peoples in the Iranian World reveal their traditional character: red, white and blue, with rarer use of yellow, black... more
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      Colour ScienceColour VisionIranian ArchaeologyIranian Studies
The Ottoman costume album served as a vital agent of contact in the early modern world. Conceived and collected through the movement of people in the greater Mediterranean, bound, rebound, sold, gifted, copied and reworked, Ottoman... more
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      German StudiesOttoman HistoryBook HistoryMaterial Culture Studies