Cost and Managerial Accounting
Recent papers in Cost and Managerial Accounting
In the last decade, there has been a substantial degree of research interest in the changing function of management accounting, role of management accountant, and the degree of association between management accounting innovations and the... more
The aim of this study is to investigate empirically the impact of human capital on economic growth in the long run empirically by using the data of the Balkan countries. Panel cointegration technique and Fully Modified Ordinary Least... more
ACC 560 Managerial Accounting Homework Answers
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Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί μια προσπάθεια καταγραφής της διαδικασίας και του τρόπου με τον οποίο οδηγούνται οι επιχειρήσεις στη κατάρτιση προϋπολογισμών και πως σχετίζονται μεταξύ τους οι διάφοροι προϋπολογισμοί. Στο πρώτο μέρος γίνεται μια... more
costing and management accounting
Perhitungan biaya berdasrkan aktivitas adalah suatu sistem perhitungan biaya dimana tempat penampungan biaya overhead yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu dialokasikan menggunakan dasar yang memasukkan satu atau lebih faktor yang tidak... more
Definition: Cost Control is the process of monitoring and regulating the expenditure of funds is known as cost control.
The performance of students at undergraduate levels has been attributable to several factors, particularly to the university's systems including facilities, structures and quality teaching and students' services system. Not much has been... more
الملخص تعد إعادة الهندسة في الوقت الحالي من المفاهيم الشائعة كونها منهجاً يوفر حلاً جذرياً للمشاكل المتراكمة التي تواجه الشركات ، وقد نشئ هذا المنهج نتيجة التحولات في طبيعة المنافسة وحاجات الزبون في العقدين الأخيرين فالأسواق أصبحت... more
Tool for Business Decision Making
Copyright:Tüm haklar› sakl›d›r. Bu kitab›n tamam› ya da bir k›sm› 5846 Say›l› Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasas›'n›n ilgili hükümleri uyar›nca, yazar›n izni olmaks›z›n elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi ya da herhangi bir kay›t sistemiyle... more
Saudi labour market is unique in nature due to a number of aspects. It provides a picture of increasing job opportunity and, at the same time, higher level of youth unemployment. Like other countries , the employability of accounting... more
SafeCard Services Inc. had a credit card loss notification service called Hot-Line. For an annual fee, SafeCard would notify the customer’s credit card issuers if the credit cards were stolen or lost. The Hot-Line service was marketed... more
ABC (Activity Based Costing) system has proved success in both products and services. The researchers propose using a new model through the application of ABC approach that can be implemented in purchasing department as one of the most... more
Günümüz rekabet ortamında, işletmeler büyüyen bireyselleşmiş talebe ve maliyetlerin düşmeye devam etmesi yönündeki artan rekabetçi baskıya karşılık vermek durumundadırlar. Bu nedenle, işletmeler müşteri taleplerini karşılayacak ve maliyet... more
The performance of students at undergraduate levels has been attributable to several factors, particularly to the university's systems including facilities, structures and quality teaching and students' services system. Not much has been... more
Saudi labour market is unique in nature due to a number of aspects. It provides a picture of increasing job opportunity and, at the same time, higher level of youth unemployment. Like other countries, the employability of accounting... more
Is an approach designed for costing identification and calculation on the complex manufacturing processes as it may require a multiple allocation bases, The ABC was established due to some failure of the Traditional
In current 2013 Bulgaria is still recovering from the world crisis of 2007-2009. In the present article is revealed significance of cost allocation for the enterprises. The author attempts to generalize the role, the advantages and the... more
Under the current global and economic conditions, some firms have strategically chosen to be innovative through using its research and development (R&D) activity as a competition instrument. The rising costs of the R&D require using... more
2010- Shinelaz began designing and creating handmade custom footwear for a small community of people living in Liliw, Laguna Philippines (a town that is popularly known as the “Footwear Capital of Laguna”). Since slippers are in demand... more
Course Objective: To introduce prospective managers of new ventures to financial statement analysis including techniques, cash flows, and impact of accounting principles. Coverage of management control systems including: planning,... more
The current research aims to measure the cost of educational service in Iraqi public universities using two important tools of management accounting, namely activity-based cost and value chain, which are used to manage and reduce the... more
Those who do not plan, cannot control and it is difficult for them to control if they do not have an accurate measurement. Those who do not measure cannot report. If not reported, the regulating authorities and governments will not have... more
Methane hydrates are present in substantial quantities in Northeast Asia and have the potential to disrupt global energy markets once economical extraction methods are identified and developed. Any Northeast Asian country that is able to... more
Fatores contextuais e individuais associados à insatisfação com a assistência odontológica no Brasil Contextual and individual factors associated with dissatisfaction with dental care in Brazil Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a... more
ABC (Activity Based Costing) system has proved success in both products and services. The researchers propose using a new model through the application of ABC approach that can be implemented in purchasing department as one of the most... more
ABSTRACT: The current research aims to present a method of productivity analysis on the basis of activity in government service institutions, which is a modern method of cost accounting, aimed at providing accounting information that... more
Эффективность деятельности промышленных компаний во многом зависит от качества организации учетно-аналитического обеспечения управления затратами, правильной оценки их взаимосвязи с выпускаемыми продуктами и получаемым доходом. Для... more
ABC (Activity Based Costing) system has proved success in both products and services. The researchers propose using a new model through the application of ABC approach that can be implemented in purchasing department as one of the most... more
Abstract This paper empirically examines the applicability of the triple bottom-line reporting framework by Oil Gas Companies in stemming the tide of social restiveness in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The objective of this paper is... more
Decision making is comparatively simple process when the criterions are limited and certain however this process might be quite difficult when the criterions are more and fuzzy. Traditionally, subjects of managerial accounting include... more
Activity Based Costing and Budgeting systems, which are compatible with the strategic goals, planning and technological infrastructure of the enterprises, have gained importance and started to be preferred in recent years. Activity Based... more
Methane hydrates are present in substantial quantities in Northeast Asia and have the potential to disrupt global energy markets once economical extraction methods are identified and developed. Any Northeast Asian country that is able to... more
The research aims to present and analyze the PFABC approach and the role that it plays. Which is to reduce costs improve the quality of cost information, monitor available resources and then improve performance in government hospitals by... more
This article discusses leads and referrals and how to analyze the generations of revenue derived from leads and referrals.
The first edition of Brian Maskell's classic work proved that when given the chance, accountants would prefer not to serve out their days as number-crunching automatons. With its energetic tone and common sense approach, the book inspired... more
This research paper is an outcome of a case study of concept of environmental balance towards the available resource of the earth and its optimum use had been reflects in South Asian Economics. The specific purpose of this research is to... more