Cosmopolitan Sufism & Religiosity
Recent papers in Cosmopolitan Sufism & Religiosity
This is a draft of a short piece for a special issue (on cosmopolitanism) of the Turkish magazine Sabah Ülkesi. I’ll post the Turkish translation in due course. Academic referencing is not used in this piece.
Muhy al-Dīn Ibn Arabī's theoretical mysticism has been the subject of lively discussion among Iranian Sufis since they first encountered it in the seventh century. 'Abdul Razzāq Kāshānī was the pioneer and forerunner of the debate,... more
"Selected proceedings of the “First International Conference on Ethnoastronomy: Indigenous Astronomical and Cosmological Traditions of the World”held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 5-9 September 1983." Available on... more
This paper aims to understand how the Qur’an prescribes relations between humans and animals. I discuss the Qur’anic epistemologies of morality and bring them into conversation with esoteric claims of hypernomian versus baseline morality.... more
Bir Serçe ömrü kadar hayat Kırık Yaralı Serçelere ithaf. Ey Ruhi Serçe gönlü can! Bir serçe ömrü kadar hayat.. İstikbal mazi gibi ruh için.. Mazi de istikbal gibi bir.. Bugün üçü de bir ruh için.. Akıl, kavramaktan aciz… Okyanus gibi... more
Elsewhere I discuss the relations between the Stoic concept of cosmopolis and similar tendencies in Aristotle, in particular, concerning the distinction between cosmopolis and a “dialogopolis”. In 2008, I coined a more appropriate... more
First translation into a European language (French) of a modern commentary on Ibn 'Atâ' Allâh's Hikam, one of the most inspiring sûfî texts over the centuries
This paper investigates premodern conceptions of spaces of otherness, particularly within the context of Persian Sufi poetry. Abbasid-era travel literature describing monasteries, as well as real hostilities between Muslims and... more
La historia de África contemporánea no puede entenderse sin el sufismo. Una espiritualidad vibrante llena de historias increíbles de santos y santas quienes han configurado la identidad de los países del Sahel enlazándola con el resto del... more
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu sepuluh surat daripada Maktubat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Tsani Syaikh Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindi Quddisa Sirruhu beserta Tafshilan syarah bagi setiap surat.
Murad’s Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions is a rare and profound book. It consists of 100 pithy aphorisms - termed "contentions" - on a diverse array of topics ranging through ethics, cosmology, metaphysics, theology, law and... more
Makalah ini menjeleaskan tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar dari tarekat muktabarah. Seperti Mursyid, Murid, Baiat, Sanad, dan Ajaran atau Dzikir.
Tasavvufta Yemek Kültürü, Yemeğin Yetiştirici İşlevi, Tekke Mutfakları, Aziz Mahmud Hüdâî Âsitânesi’nde Pişen Yemekler
Introduction, Provisional Translation, Transcription, MS, Printed Text and Notes to "The Prayer of the Forty Idrīsid Names" (arbaʿūn al-asmāʾ al-idrīsīya).
The Ifrīqiyan cum Cairene Sufi Aḥmad al-Būnī is a key figure in the history of the Islamic occult sciences, particularly with regard to the “science of letters and names” (ʿilm al-ḥurūf wa-l-asmāʾ). This paper examines his lettrist... more
The form of Islam normatively understood and practised in Malaysia, i.e. Malaysian Islam, has undergone myriad changes since the 1970s as a result of gradual Salafization. Powered by Saudi Arabian largesse and buoyed by the advent of the... more
This paper is part of a historical ethnography of sufi orders (turuq) between the Thailand’s Central plains and Malay far-south. In contrast to the modernist, reformist, and revivalist Islamic movements firmly embedded in Thailand’s... more
Sufi Terapi, 250'den fazla Sufi konsept ve terminolojinin eğitimi için seçilmiş 7 ana çatı şemsiye etrafında olumlu zihinsel değişimi kapsar. Nice Sufi alimler, evliyalar asfiyalar, İslam'ın Kur'an'ın özünü Sufi yaşamı anlatan had hesaba... more
The Antiochene occultist, littérateur, and professional court intellectual ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Bisṭāmī (d. 858/1454) is best known as someone whose writings influenced Ottoman thought and ideologies of rule during and beyond his lifetime.... more
Bir yâr-ı bâki isterim Kalp ve ruhta bir âlem-i nur bulursun O âlemin anahtarı, marifetullahı aşk Vahdâniyet sırları Ma'allah Lüb berk.. Kalbi söylettirmek, ruhu işlettirmektir... Güvendiğin hayat yalnız bir dakika an Bir âşiredir,... more
Mevsimlerin kovaladığı, zamansız bir gerçekliğin dile gelmesiydi, bu hafakanların tohumlandigi topraklarda.. Kaybettiğim ruhumun yankı bulacağı, seslenişlerimin zarif ve nazlı hali nerdesin.. Her gözümü kapatişimda başını önüne eğişin... more
Quote as: Salvatore, Armando, 2016. The Sociology of Islam: Knowledge, Power and Civility, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. The Sociology of Islam provides an accessible introduction to this emerging field of inquiry, teaching and debate. The... more
There is a problem of persistence of anti-Sufi image of Syed Abū al-A‗lā al-Mawdūdī owing its genesis partly to tangential engagement with key doctrinal issues of Sufism and certain ambivalence regarding it in him and, more significantly,... more
Modernity created a gulf between conative, cognitive and affective dimensions and the result is man no longer integrated and capable of individuation and his degeneration into a divided, fragmented, schizophrenic, one dimensional creature... more
A common concept in Bangladesh is that religious communities live together in peaceful coexistence, and this culture has come from ancient times. Generally, Bangladesh is a Muslim country with a majority in Islam. But, according to the... more
Sufis are known by the generic terms dervish and faqir (mendicants). Generally, scientists derive the abstractum "Sufi" from the Arabic words suf, meaning wool, or from safaa, i.e. virtue or purity, or else from safwa (chosen). Other,... more
Şöyle böyle kendimi anlatırsam lütfen şaşmayın. Ben aşk içinde evreni aydınlatan, süsleyen güneşim; bir çiğ tanesiyim bir güneşin arzusuyla ayaktayım; yokluk iksirinin kaynağıyım, Anka bilgisiyim; hiçim ve hiç olmaktan daha aşağıdayım;... more
This study investigates the Deobandī engagement with classical Sufi thought through the writings of one of modern South Asia’s most influential Sufi thinkers, namely Ashraf ʿAlī Thānavī (d. 1943). The article brings to focus Thānavī’s... more
How is the Sufi being constructed and what are the specific features of its asceticism? In is a study of Sufism -understood as the mystical aspect of Islam- in Buenos Aires, taking into account its inscription in the national religious... more
Eser zerre hiç.. Zamansız yoklukta hiçliğin zerresinde eserin.. Sessizliğin sesinde mekansız yokum. Başı, ayağı, sağı, solu bendesiz hiçim. Nefesi dinliyorum kulaklarım kapalı. A'ma noktasında mutlak zamansızım. Özün özünde hiç bir... more
main-page/conference/dr-christopher-m-joll/ The Legacy of Melaka’s 15th Century Successes in 16th Century Siam This paper seeks to respond to the perceived dearth of studies pursuing an explicitly comparative approach to Southeast Asian... more
This paper examines Mahmud Dede’s Sevakib-i Menakib, a Turkish translation of Abdülvehhab b. Mehmed el-Hemedani’s abridgement of Aflaki’s Manakib al-Arifin, completed in 1590 and dedicated to Murad III. The manuscript contains twenty nine... more
Although historically influenced by Theravada Buddhist for more than a millennium, Thailand’s ethnic, linguistic, and religious homogeneity has been over-asserted by state-makers, and erroneously assumed by some scholars. After... more
A critical text of Suhrawardi's praise to the intelligences, the souls and the elements based on the two earliest MSS (Aya Sophia 2144 and Raqip Pasha 1480).
Although historically Sufi orders (turuq, sg. tariqa) have been an important element of Thailand’s Islamic traditionalist majority, these regrettably have received almost no scholarly attention. The reasons for this neglect are... more
Menjelaskan hubungan antara Murid dan Mursyid dalam perjalanan Thariqat, penjelasan berkenaan Nisbat Uwaisiyyah, Tawajjuh dan Rabithah
Far from being a school or a sect, Sufism is an ideology, a mode of life, a set of principles, and a 'faith in practice.' Sufism has been addressed and presented by scholars countless times. It has been primarily defined as either Islamic... more
Sufism could be traced to asceticism with the sole aim of becoming a saint or a closer servant of Allaah. It is believed that the purification of the soul is the medium of achieving the status of a saint. Everyone (Muslim) wishes to... more
SAHİH NAZAR VE RAHMANİ AŞK NEFESİ Hudâ âşık; Resûl âşık, bütün kevn ü mekân âşık Ve "rahmânî nefes" ise bunlara göre bâtındır Bilinsin ki, her Melek kuvvet ma'nâsına gelir İlâhî görünme yerlerinden bir görünme yeridir Bilinsin... more
Kim bilir… Bu devranın ahını Devran bilir Ayak siyasi ise Kırk Ayak bilir Gülden ağlar gülşeni aşk bilir Cevheri Can bilir Canan bilir Aşk denizini ahi umman bilir Zikr eder anı erbab-ı aşk bilir Gark olmuşun halini Ah bilir... more
Perkotaan Indonesia, sebagaimana di perkotaan lain di dunia, memunculkan gejala keagamaan yang tidak lagi hanya diwakili bentuk-bentuk konvensional. Tetapi juga bahkan bentuk-bentuk baru yang bersifat perennialis, sebagaimana yang tampak... more