Cosmological Phase Transition
Recent papers in Cosmological Phase Transition
"Elementary Arithmetic in Base 7" presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between... more
not for resale or redistribution M ys t e r ie s of the Jaguar shaMans of the Northwest Amazon Robin M. Wright | Foreword by Michael J. Harner university of nebraska Press | LincoLn and London U N P
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
It is shown how w∞, w1+∞ Gauge Field Theory actions in 2D emerge directly from 4D Gravity. Strings and Membranes actions in 2D and 3D originate as well from 4D Einstein Gravity after recurring to the nonlinear connection formalism of... more
Starting with a review of the Extended Relativity Theory in Clifford-Spaces, and the physical motivation behind this novel theory, we provide the generalization of the nonrelativistic Supersymmetric pointparticle action in Clifford-space... more
The formation of customary international law has long been criticized for its lack of a clear methodology, characterized by an ambivalent relationship with state consent. Although customary international law seems to be entirely a... more
The so called gamma metric corresponds to a two-parameter family of axially symmetric, static solutions of Einstein's equations found by Bach. It contains the Schwarzschild solution for a particular value of one of the parameters, that... more
This book written after watching the mathematical manipulations to improve the Quantum Mechanics QM into Quantum Field Theory QFT. Many mathematics technique introduced by Dirac and others and achieved astonishing results that could get... more
This paper is about demonstration a connections between my theory and Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) theory about find a relationship between galaxy rotation and the existence of the dark matter. For the demonstrations of this paper... more
This book is a completion of the thought that came to my mind recently about the changing the mathematical derivations by using it respect to the mass (M) instead of radius() and time() : I began with these equations which represent a... more
We introduce a model of potential driven DBI Galileon inflation in background N=1,D=4 SUGRA. Starting from D4-$\bar{D4}$ brane-antibrane in the bulk N=2,D=5 SUGRA including quadratic Gauss-Bonnet corrections, we derive an effective... more
Starting with the usual definitions of octonions, an attempt has been made to establish the relations between octonion basis elements and Gell-Mann λ matrices of SU (3) symmetry on comparing the multiplication tables for Gell-Mann λ... more
The effect of Manganese (Mn) addition on the Vickers hardness and relative density of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (HA) dense bodies were studied. The starting Mn doped HA powders was synthesized via sol-gel method with Mn concentration... more
This paper presents the findings of a study on solidification/stabilization (S/S) of lead-contaminated soil using ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and rice husk ash (RHA). The effects of varying lead concentrations (in the form of nitrates)... more
We calculate the present expansion of our Universe endowed with relict colored objects - quarks and gluons - that survived hadronization either as isolated islands of quark-gluon "nuggets", or spread uniformly in the Universe. In the... more
It is shown how Weyl's geometry and Mach's Holographic principle furnishes both the magnitude and sign (towards the sun) of the Pioneer anomalous acceleration aP ∼ -c 2 /R Hubble firstly observed by Anderson et al. Weyl's Geometry can... more
We attempt to reconcile seemingly conflicting experimental results on the Higgs boson mass, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, null results in search for supersymmetry at the LHC within the 8 TeV data and results from B-physics,... more
ii Preface Lately, after ∼ 50 years, there seems to be a convergence in the languages used to describe Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, such that it seems possible to relate objects from these two perspectives. Therefore, a deeper... more
This book as a participation of Ali’s theory for the controversial debates that run recently to figure out if we could get information from the Black Holes (BHs) or not. There are two cohorts in that: the first calls for conservation of... more
Exact instanton solutions to D = 11 spherical supermembranes moving in flat target spacetime backgrounds are construted. Our starting point is Super Yang-Mills theories, based on the infinite dimensional SU (∞) group, dimensionally... more
Keeping in view the suggestion of Barr and Marciano [7] that the cut of procedure involves a good deal of uncertainity in the prediction of E.D.M. of W - boson, we have re-examined the earlier calculation by Marciano and Queijeiro [2] by... more
The effects of CuO additions on the grain interior and grain boundary resistivity in coated 2.5 mol% Y-TZP ceramics have been studied by using impedance spectroscopy. In addition, the effects of hydrothermal ageing on the conductivities... more
It is shown how actions corresponding to antisymmetric non-Abelian tensorial gauge field theories of (p + 1)-dimensional diffeomorphisms yield p-brane actions associated with their (p + 1)-dimensional worldvolume evolution. We conclude... more
A Bayesian analysis is carried out to identify the consistent regions of the mSUGRA parameter space, where the newly-discovered Higgs boson's mass is used as a constraint, along with other experimental constraints. It is found that m1/2... more
We study the role of the Gauss-Bonnet corrections and two loop higher genus contribution to the gravity action on the Kaluza-Klien modes and their interactions for different bulk fields which enable one to study various phenomenological... more
It is shown how actions corresponding to antisymmetric non-Abelian tensorial gauge field theories of (p+1)-dimensional diffeomorphisms yield p-brane actions associated with their (p+1)-dimensional worldvolume evolution. We conclude with a... more
In this paper we provide an accurate bound on tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) for class of models where inflation always occurs below the Planck scale, and the field displacement during inflation remains sub-Planckian.
Matter engenders a Modified Newtonian Gravitational Potential (MNGP) that has a singularity at a two Normalized Spatial Unit (NSU) distance with a modified gravitational field constant in distance > 2 NSU region, and a saturated potential... more
The hunt for dark matter is certainly one of the most pressing quest of modern physics, its existence is a fundamental need precisely because of its simple and clever way to deal with astrophysical and cosmological problems. AMS-02, on... more
Keeping in view the suggestion of Barr and Marciano [7] that the cut of procedure involves a good deal of uncertainity in the prediction of E.D.M. of W - boson, we have re-examined the earlier calculation by Marciano and Queijeiro [2] by... more
Every system in physics is described in terms of interacting elementary particles characterized by modulated spacetime recurrences. These intrinsic periodicities, implicit in undulatory mechanics, imply that every free particle is a... more
Every system in physics is described in terms of interacting elementary particles characterized by modulated spacetime recurrences. These intrinsic periodicities, implicit in undulatory mechanics, imply that every free particle is a... more
In the extra U(1) superstring inspired model, we examine the electroweak and U(1)-prime symmetry breaking with the singlet and exotic quark D, D+{\c}along with the study of heavy Z-prime boson in accordance with the top quark mass region.... more
We extend the construction of Born's Reciprocal Relativity theory in ordinary phase spaces to an extended phase space based on Quaternions. The invariance symmetry group is the (pseudo) unitary quaternionic group U (N+, N−, H) which is... more
p′-brane solutions to rank p+1 composite antisymmetric tensor field theories of the kind developed by Guendelman, Nissimov and Pacheva are found when the dimensionality of space–time is D=(p+1)+(p′+1). These field theories possess an... more
In the extra U(1) superstring inspired model, we examine the electroweak and U(1)-prime symmetry breaking with the singlet and exotic quark D, D+{\c}along with the study of heavy Z-prime boson in accordance with the top quark mass region.... more
In the extra U(1) superstring inspired model, we examine the electroweak and) 1 (′ U symmetry breaking with the singlet and exotic quark D , c D along with the study of heavy Z ′ boson in accordance with the top quark mass region. For... more
In the Friedmann equations, an infinite initial density is avoided only when the universe is spatially flat. With such equations being then valid when the scale factor a = 0, the universe must also be in the state of vacuum when a is... more
This discussion demonstrates a theorem that, if some hypothetical metric g ␣ for either field-space or spacetime exists which couples to spin-1 2 field/particles, one can define a class of four-indexed spin-1 2 fields ␣ ͑x͒ with which... more
We study the phase transition from a nematic phase to a high-density disordered phase in systems of long rigid rods of length k on the square and triangular lattices. We use an efficient Monte Carlo scheme that partly overcomes the... more